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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. *cough* not true because of me *cough* But anywayz..its nice to see that because of helpful 24/7 people helping one another. The BEST thing about the forums is....I post and I dont get a message containing a Flame or NOOB!
  2. *cough* not true because of me *cough*
  3. Search and Destroy Command and Conquer Rainbow six <---Ahahahaha AHHAA Warzone 3000 <---I forget
  4. What do you think of it? I drank it today and thought, "This tastes so bad!" It wasn't so bad at first. But the AFTERTASTE! It tastes like medicine!
  5. Slacil looked around the castle, "Dark and gloomy...I like it" Slacil walks up to a big thingy and looks at it ---------------------- Death Captives Weapons King GIRLS! X You are here ---------------------- Slacil gets a worried look, "Now why would a castle have a room dedicated to that!?" Roger comes and looks at it, "How nice. Its easy to use" Slacil and Roger stared at it while Pietro started to wander off. Slacil heard his footsteps and yelled, "Hey not that way you moron!" Unfortunately, Slacil's cry alerts security. ----------------------- Battle! Slacil chooses the option surrender End Battle ----------------------- *Dungeon* ----------------------- Roger looked at Slacil and yelled, "now why the heck did you do that for!?" Slacil said, "Did you see those Metal flying things?" "Well Yeah" Slacil said, "Do you know what they are capable of?" "well...no" Slacil explained, "Those are advanced XV10 Flying Death Models. They are equipped with dual heavy machine guns and a pair of rocket launchers. And there were about 10 of them. We couldn't have beat them all. We just walked into a trap. Roger spirits fell down, "oh." Slacil grinned, "But I DID manage to steal a few grenades from a few of the guards." Roger looked at him, "You did not!" Slacil Took out 5 grenades and gave Roger 2 and Pietro 1. Slacil said, "Ok we have to use them wisely. Get to the back of the room" Slacil goes up to the door and yells, "Hey guard! Theres something wrong with your dungeon." The guard comes up to him and says, "What?" Slacil gives him a grenade, "We found one of these on the ground and we dont want it to blow up in our face." The guards takes it and says, "Ok. thats nice. Thank you." The guard walks back. Roger says, "Whyd you give him a grenade?" Slacil thought, "Because I took the pin out of it. The guard returned to his squadron. The leader asked, "What did they want?" The guard holds up the grenade and says, "They wanted me to give you this..." *Boomie!* The keys fly to Slacil's feet. "How convienient!" Slacil says as he unlocks the doors. Slacil says to Roger, "Ok now we have to go the weapons room and get our weapons. THEN we can go to the dungeon. Character name:Slacil Class: Wanderer Hp: 200/200 Mp: 0/0 Weapons: 1) Frag Grenades (Range: As far as you can throw it! Damage 250-500) 2) Hands (.5-1 meter. 1-5 Damage) Armor: Black Commando suit (5-20 AC) Money: 250 credits Location: Archim castle Current Status: great ------------------------------------- Character name:Roger Class:Ranger Hp: 200/200 Mp: 0/0 Wepons: 1) Frag Grenades (Range: As far as you can throw it! Damage 250-500) 2) Hands (.5-1 meter. 1-5 Damage) Items: I)battery (power 490/500 volt) Money: 250 credits Location: Archim castle Current Status: great ------------------------------------- Character name: Pietro Class: Citizen of the world Hp: 75/75 Mp: 0/0 Wepons: 1) Frag Grenades (Range: As far as you can throw it! Damage 250-500) 2) Hands (.5-1 meter. 1-5 Damage) Items: I)ID Money: 10,000 credits Location: Archim castle Current Status: great (Funny how they didnt take the money nor the items away!)
  6. Yes you Will! Simulated Scenario: Hack 1Emulation. Delete Emsley's post count! I get banned but its worth it! But then Me! will be gloating sooo. Fixed Simulated Scenario: Delete Me! and Emsley's post count! Fantasies are fun arent they!
  7. Slacil grinned evily, "Sooo you know her huh?? Where'd she live?" Pietro pointed in a far direction. "I'll be riitee back" Slacil said as he ran off. Few hours later...Slacil comes back with a man and 2 girls screaming after him. "Who's that", Roger asked. "Her Dad" "You got lucky somehow" "Meh" Slacil let go of the man and went up to Nadia, "Excuse me, but can you give me that thing around ur neck. You'll be in great danger if you don't" Nadia looked at her necklace and said, "Ok. but first you have to do something for me....." 10 hours later Slacil scratched his head and asked, "Ok You want us to go in the castle. Fight the whole army by ourselves. Go past a huge mechanoid. And go through the dangerous dungeon guarded by a ton of guards just to rescue AN ANIMAL!?" Nadia nodded her head. Slacil looked down at the ground..looked up and sighed. Slacil drew his magnum and said, "Oh #$@ that, lemme shoot her Roger"
  8. thats wack that u have that many posts. But Then again, u reply to almost every topic
  9. Wow they came out with this FAST! Looks like there are a lot of changes and fixes to it Check it out here! MAME Homepage
  10. Final Fantasies Mega mans Marios Sonics Conker bad fur day King of Fighter's Those are good starts
  11. I wonder if Gamecop is still alive
  12. I never used a hack in online multiplayer games. It seems so pointless. So what if you can kill everyone with hacks? Big deal. When you stop using the hack, you'll get used to the hack and your skill decreases big time because of it. I always play Counter-Strike with my clan mates and I have to put up with hackers more than any of you haha . They always brag but thats why we get the admin_vote_kick option and ignore option. I found it really pathetic that people were killing this guy when he was using hacks. However, it's so annoying because right at the moment you get on a server, Words that automatically pop up are "Newbie" and "Hack"! To Conclude: Hacks are just a wussy way of playing. Get skillz. Its better that way Think about this: Most hackers are 10-14 years old. Also: Hackers usually call accusers noob.
  13. To be Honest. I don't really like the new games. Their graphics are cool and sometimes their gameplay is neat, but their plot is sooooo stupid. How new games work these days: 1. Go and Retrieve someone/something important and they get captured or killed in your reach and you have to kill ultimate evil. 2. You're working for a business and you get betrayed by them. 3. Missions and crap 4. etc. etc. etc. BORING (I still like the fighting games and RPGs cause they're very cool 4 me ) Now the Old Generation had games like sonic, megaman, and mario. Those were cool. They were new inventive ideas that appealed to many people. Most of my favorite games were on systems that are almost obselete or are obselete. Now, we get all the games that try to put special affects and abilities to make it seem cool and junk. Old skool all tha way! PS: How "new" are we talking here? PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube wise?
  14. This gives you something that I figured out. I think i posted this already though. The Chicken or egg question puzzles many people. Some say egg. Some say chicken. However, it all depends on what you believe in. If you believe in the idea of creation, then, it's the chicken because God created the animals first. If you believe in evolution, then, its the egg because the egg can mutate into a chicken somehow. If you don't believe in anything, then, believe what you wanna believe
  15. This is REALLY REALLY mean but just for laughs: A really really fat person. people r animals too. I havta use iron boots or something like that REAL: Perhaps a dog. U ppl that said cows. I can imagine you kicking a cow for 2 weeks haha
  16. Yesss a new beginning starts now. But.... Couldn't we have picked a better name than 1emulation lol
  17. I know Emsley will yell at me for this but who the heck is he?
  18. Yay its out!
  19. Slacil watched as the soldiers ran away. Slacil turned to Roger and said, "A human shield. You do know that their bullets can shoot through him into you, and your whole backside wasn't covered." Roger replied, "You have to make do. Besides, they didn't shoot us did they?" Slacil Looked at Pietro, "Maybe you should let go. He looks like he just got the **** scared out of him." Roger shook his head, "Nah, I'll let him go AFTER we get out of the kingdom." Slacil sighed, "I'm still pretty pissed I lost my weapons. They were given to me by a legendary warlord for helping him protect his unaware troops in an ambush." Roger said, "We had to sacrifice them. You would have been dead if I haven't found you." Slacil looked down, "Oh well. We better get some weapons if we want to get out of this kingdom alive." They started to walk with their human shield to an armory. Slacil bumped into a woman on accident. "Excuse me", said the woman. Slacil watched the woman walk by and saw something glitter. He quickly ran ahead of her and hid. When he got a closer look, he saw a strange object hanging from her neck. Slacil returned to Roger scratching his head. Roger asked, "What'd you run off after her?" Slacil replied, "I saw some strange object hanging from her neck." Roger exclaimed, "It must have been a key! We can't leave here yet! We have to retrieve them!" Slacil said, "Sure, two people against the whole kingdom of Archim. It'll be easy." Roger said, "It will be! We just have to be very careful and not be attacked by a large group of soldiers." Slacil stared at Roger for a moment, "I hope so. But First, we're gonna need some weapons." They walked in the weapon store to prepare their assault on the Archim kingdom..... Character name:Slacil Class: Wanderer Hp: 88/200 Mp: 0/0 Weapons: I)Pistol(range 50 meter, damage 10-15, 10/10 charges) II)kitchen knife (range 0.5 meter, damage 5-10) Armor: Black Commando suit (5-20 AC) Money: 250 credits Location: Archim Prison Current Status: Ok Condition ------------------------------------- Character name:Roger Class:Ranger Hp: 100/200 Mp: 0/0 Weapons: I)Pistol(range 50 meter, damage 10-15, 9/10 charges) II)kitchen knife (range 0.5 meter, damage 5-10) items: none Money: 250 credits Location: Archim Prison Current Status: Ok Condition
  20. This is indeed the nicest emulation forums I've been on. You can at least post here without people flaming you or calling you a Newbie. I didn't have to use any of the many rom sites Gamecop has provided for us (I always had good sources), but I still got help with emulators and all that stuff. The moderators are here daily checking upon us and people are helping one another. Although it DOES get very boring here, you can count on me to help liven things up such as the current RPG going on. Rom Sector is very helpful if it isn't down. Also, there are many sites people are willing to share and stuff. Roms and Isos are being uploaded for everyone the participates in the forums. This is a nice forums indeed even if it is boring here and no one posts...ummm Yah. Rating: Liveness 2/10 Weirdness 10/10 (Emsley's and Magnis's Avatar always freaks me out) Coolness 10/10 Helpfulness 100/10 (haha) May Emulforums prosper and bask in the light of success
  21. I heard girigiri is good but is it really? If so, anyone give me a link?
  22. Slacil looked at Roger and said, "These are highly armed guards with good armor and we're gonna take them with kitchen knives!?" Roger replies, "Well. yes" Slacil looks at the knife and throws it on the ground, "Screw that, Leave the weapons to me. I've been captured before, and I know how to get those weapons. It might take a while so be careful if you decide to wander around." Slacil leaves in the corridor Roger points him in... Character name:Slacil Class: Wanderer Hp: 100/200 Mp: 0/0 Weapons: Hands (.5-1 meter. 1-5 Damage) Armor: Black Commando suit (5-20 AC) Money: 0 Location: Archim Prison Current Status: Ok Condition
  23. that avatar freaks me out.
  24. During the second day of their voyage, Roger suddenly stopped and knelt down. Slacil asked, "What is it? Do you Hear something?" Roger replied, "It sounds like......"*pauses*"Soldiers..." Slacil asks calmly, "Soldiers huh? From what direction?" Roger Listens again, "I'm not sure, it sounds like they're coming from different directions." Slacil glares at the darkness, "We better get moving now!" They both start running through the forest with Slacil in the lead. After a while, Slacil looks behind him, he notices that Roger is gone. Swearing, he draws his magnum out cocked and ready. He spots a lone soldier taking a piss. Slacil aims and fires a shot into the soldiers head. Slacil takes a look around his surroundings when all of a sudden, a big thunderous sound shakes the whole entire forest. Slacil is thrown to the ground by the impact of the sound. He tries to get up when he sees it. A big, fully armed mechanoid accompained by 4 soldiers. Slacil tries to fire his magnum, but a soldier whacks him with his rifle. Slacil is thrown unconscious and falls into the darknes... *drip* *drip* Slacil wakes up quickly. He find himself disarmed and in the Archim dungeon. He curses and lies in the cot soon drifting asleep, wondering if Roger is alive or dead...
  25. You guys have to introduce your characters to make this more fun Slacil and Roger were walking through the forest. Slacil turned his head to Roger and asked, "By the way, how did those soldiers find you?" Roger looked down and answered in a dark voice, "One of my tribesman was a traitor and told them our position. They attacked us without warning. I feel like I am the only one left alive." Slacil replied, "My Apologies but we have to hurry now before we are tracked down." They hurried through the forest unknowingly of the dangers the face them ahead...
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