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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Slacil Looked at Roger strangely and replied, "How did your tribe get their hands on one of the keys for Tveria?" Roger explained, "We were presented by it by the M'Arcim, an ancient tribe that guarded the land for generations. They wanted to keep the land in safety so evil kingdoms cannot harness its power. So, they distributed 25 keys to many tribes and casted a magic gate to seal it off. No one can..." *Bang! Plop!* Slacil with magnum smoking, "Sorry, go ahead." Roger continued, "As I was saying, No on can ever go in there without the assisstance of the 25 keys, that have said to merge into one final key. The trouble is, the kingdom of Zmic have 5 keys, Archim has 4 keys, and Zamik, who is allied with the Zmic kingdom, have 7 keys. That means that there are only 9 keys that are still protected." Slacil said, "!@#! We don't have much time if we want to keep this land free, but wait...How do I know I can Trust you, and you won't backstab me?" *points Magnum at Roger's head at some distance*
  2. Direct Connect!!!! You have to look in certain hubs though
  3. Its getting very boring here so I'm gonna create a RPG word. In ur sig, post ur little RPG character No cheating or gheyness like. I shoot you. You are dead lol The point of this is to have fun and play along! Try not to make other characters to do stupid things unless u somehow cast mind control (which is not allowed) or if you have to make them speak for an action to go on. RPG WORLD: Falak (Futuristic) Slacil wanders over Falak. He is a freelancer, ruled and followed by no one. He carries around a sniper rifle and a Special mp21 Magnum. It is a dark day as a war between two major cities (Archim and Zamik) are going on. They are fighting over an ancient piece of land which is said to contain a special weapon that is considered unbeatable. Slacil decides to rest in a nearby village named Dalk. He replenishes his health and his ammunition. He rests at the nearby inn at night. *Boom* (dramatic aint it) Slacil wakes up suddenly. He dresses and runs outside armed and ready with his magnum out. He notices a patrol from Archim coming. He decides to hide behind a building. He waits there patiently..... (Introduce ur characters!)
  4. I still dont get how those words got to be "swear" words. Some people didn't like the way they sound and made it forbidden
  5. One more Before I go Hang Out with Friends. 1. AOl instant messager 2. ICQ 3. Mirc
  6. At some point of our lives, we tried to draw comics but failed. I drew a couple funny ones but got bored of the concept. Here's one of em It was way better when i drew it (WARNING: Comic is 403 kbs!)
  7. Food: Pizza! Followed by Candy! Followed by Ice Cream! Pop: 1. Squirt! 2. Crush orange! 3. Cherry Coke 4. Pepsi! 5. Sprite!
  8. For me it would be. Matrix Reloaded Terminator 3 Charlies angels 2 <---seriously im just gonna sit there and stare googly eyed j/k
  9. Matrix Reloaded is also coming out that day making it the best day ever
  10. Funny yet all that blood lol
  11. We need something to get into gaming My first game was King of the mountain for Atari. I liked it a lot because u run around like an idiot collecting stuff and the spider was always fun.
  12. Wheeeeee
  13. In real Life In here, I get bored so i talk a lot
  14. Surprised this didn't come out yet b/c it's another "required" post in the emulation forums I'm most like.... Strider K' Shadow I dont talk as much and I usually dont show much emotion haha.
  15. Dude. This post was already made Wheee
  16. KOF. Im spending various hours playing it with my friend. Mame Fest 2003 Coming this summer
  17. Emutalk Emudrugs <---Ok its too early in the morning Emumaddness emulatorsfun emulfun emulcrazy I dunno
  18. Real Games. It goes faster and u dont havta a buy a mod chip for em. Plus, they're easier to trade and distribute without worrying about doing illegal material
  19. it may be but its one of the required posts to have on gaming forums lol
  20. Mame! Mame! Mame!!! It was the first arcade emulator that I have tried and I liked it still today. However, I use Mame32 because its more organized and I dont havta memorize all thoe rom names
  21. I have Tenchu 2, but you have to wait till Gamecop Enables Rom Sector. Wheeeeeeeeee!
  22. Alien vs Predator and Marvel vs Capcom
  23. Ok the last and final Post for today I couldn't think of right post for this so I'll just explain it here. The post is meant for games such as warhammer, MTG, Pokemon, etc. Ok you got the point. Magic the Gathering! MTG! I still love the game even I don't buy much cards for it. My Record Is probably 40-60 because my brother's deck is ultimate and he has all the awesome cards.
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