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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. I dont Cheat Very Often. The only games I Cheat on Are those Scare Suspensful Games. The Cheats puts off a lot of scariness but it's still pretty frightening with cheats. For Instance, Unreal 2 has a lot of walking along and a monster or bad guy just pops out of nowhere screaming. Otherwise its still pretty fun with and without cheats. Unreal 2 Is Funny and fun because I seriously jump 2 feet in the air when someone talks to me whenever in the game, or out of the game when im playing it.
  2. EDIT: Nevermind Figured it out haha, I just need to know who is in charge of RomSector No Uploading Capabilities!? nooo!
  3. Not those type of crashes. Like crashes with restarts and other things. Wheeeee
  4. I could but there might be server crashes once in a while :/
  5. Right Now Im Strolling around Ebay And EB. EB is more "safe", but Ebay has better deals....Lets wait for some prices to go down hehehe.
  6. which one do u choose? FF7 for me b/c it got me into RPGs and into gaming. ff8 gots the card game but i didn't like the storyline. Chocobos all tha way!!! KWEH!
  7. they prob. got shut down by tattletells, or ppl that dont think of security
  8. Yeah Lemme know
  9. Hmm...I wonder.... Ok heres a deal, I want to see more posts made by everyone! (except for you freeloaders). If you're on hub, oh well. In return, PSX Isos will be uploaded, but this time, i'll tell the forum not to touch until I pm the person in charge of the Rom Sector Thingy hehe . Blah its not working. I'll figure something out.
  10. This IS a emulation forum here so it should mean we're all gaming freaks and such. Instead, we're like brain dead zombies from Resident Evil and Gamecop is just one lazy Nemesis (haha). Seriously, is all the action going on in the emulation hub? If so, LETS TRY TO REVIVE THE FORUMS YAAAH! See? Even Tetris Wants You to Post More!
  11. I have it. But seeing as i am busy a lot and forget to get it, Try to find it somewhere else. Otherwise, PM me and tell me if you want it uploaded or something like that...yeaaah
  12. Didn't care really. You already knew that the Americans are gonna win the war, and the protestors wont amount to anything except riots
  13. Rpg side quests givers Person: I'll give you this excalibur if you....Obatin the magic gem in the mountains. You havta get through all these powerful monsters. 500000 dragons guard the gem so watch out! There are fake gems that if u touch them...you will die! You:..... *stabs man and steals excalibur* I mean they dont even care that their world is gonna be destroyed and you are the only hope left.
  14. No consoles at all :0 Just bout 20 sega contrololers and 2 ddr pads :0
  15. If You could Choose One SuperPower, What would it be??? For me its.... 1. Controlling Time (Would be sooooo awesome ) 2. Saiyan powers 3. Regeneration 4. Being able to take things out of pictures <---Would be so cool 5. Flying!
  16. Yes its that time again when we announced that..... WE HAVE 400 MEMBERS WHee [ram:43d906c19b]http://www.dreamnid.com/disoblige/ctfrog.mid[/ram:43d906c19b]
  17. Believe it or not, I actually prefer Cds. Cds are easier to obtain and they have their own separate cases. CDs tend to have better and funner gameplay then cartridges b/c cartidges have limited space, but CDs dont. The only problems with CDs is that they can get scratched, broken, data loss, etc, But thats why they made the CD burner right ?
  18. Usually from best buy but if they're obsolete or rare, its the internet!
  19. sure he did. it was glenn
  20. shining force and sonic series
  21. I'll reveal myself Edit: Edited due to protection Im azn Right now, im just fooling around with flash, hanging around forums, and playing videogames (especially cs and psx) My friends and I just go and fool around in our park or at a house There ya go. Yah im not posting a picture lol
  22. all my games that i make challenged are gonna be off mame.dk BTW i can't see ur pic
  23. EDIT: Get information on how to compete in this Here First game is hmm....just to make emsley happy, Metal Slug X! Good Luck And have fun! Rankings: #1. Disoblige (706,830) #2. STJames (205,830) #3. Disoblige (199,530) Runner up. Heres my high score b/c i have a crappy computer lol My Initials are DIS only to make it ezier on u guys Otherwise its GGO. New highscore Old highscore
  24. try isobuster. just right hand clik the cd and extract image into a bin or iso file
  25. 400 posts!? geez thats a lot. Im not gonna do it though. No need for me to get a forum when i can hang out in the best one
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