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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Im not sure. Sometimes when I say ignore, the game doesn't work. Try the rcorrect button
  2. no its not out yet but i've been checking the status pages lately and it really looks like there are going to be a lot of games instead of the few but good from previous mame versions
  3. Thats mario...well kind of lol
  4. Thats mario...well kind of lol
  5. No mario and zelda huh well... 1. FF3/FF6 2. Chrono Trigger 3. FF2/FF4 4. FF5 5. Secret of mana 2 6. Kirby something uhh yeah 7. Killer instinct 8. Megaman games <---too many and im not even gonna bother yaaah 9. Super metroid 10. DBZ: Super butoden 3 <---Only dbz game where its fair and i dont get beat up and junk. There ya go!
  6. Raiders of the Lost Ark Last Crusade LOTR Spiderman South park movie <--hahahah All Jackie Chan movies
  7. I have heard of this. There IS a psx adaptor controller for ur pc u know DDR Has been emulator into iso form because i have 4-6 of em. As for playing them on the computer: I think ur best bets are to use them on ESPXE or Stepmania
  8. D&D games Marvel vs capcom
  9. Scrolling? Then it must be a game from an other country check to see if i ts ntsc or PAL ntsc is NA PAL is Europe u can get a converter or a patch to fix this However a converter requires a mod chip
  10. Just to liven things up. We should make lil contests so we have something fun to do. Something like a banner contest, Picture contest, Game competitions, etc.
  11. Maybe its the joy of Spring Break or im too tired to care but I think i'll try out dreamcast 'cause u guys love it so much. PSX still rules
  12. Hmm Zsnes for regular X if it goes up that high Otherwise: Epsxe = only good one that i know of
  14. Ryu and Gouki. Both can own anyone else except for marvel characters (stupid stupid stupid cable )
  15. Yes it is true. Just grab an arcade emulator and download one of the many kof roms and play it on kaillera. hahahaha Thats one way u can play KOF online
  16. This has been posted sooooo long ago. I have already fixed the problem
  17. Since I can't upload anything for some time, I'll just be in and out. I play games a lot especially mame32k and cs. Jokes: Heres one I heard Recently: 4 people are sailing in the ocean. One is the captain. 1 is American. 1 is Mexican. and 1 is African-american. The captain says to throw out something that they have too much of in their country. The african american takes off his pants and throws it out to the ocean and says, "My country have too much of these." The Mexcian takes off his sombrero and throws it into the ocean and says, "My country has too much of these." The American picks up the Mexican and throws him into the ocean and says, "My country has too many of these." ------------------- A couple were at a wishing well. First, the man wishes for something and throws a coin in. The women then wishes for something, but leans in too far to throw it, and falls in the well and dies. The man exclaimed, "Holy Crap! It worked! ------------------- A man was fishing in a hole he dug into the ice. Out of nowhere, a voice says to him, "you won't find any fish there" So the man moves and digs another hole. The voice says again, "you wont find any fish there" The man moves for the third time and digs a hole. The voice says, "you won't find any fish there" The man asks, "How do you know? Are you God????" The voice answered, "No, but I am the manager of the ice skating rink!"
  18. Try doing this on a labtop with run of those little button mouse thingies... sheeshies
  19. pong it started it all. j/k I would probably say ff7
  20. something wrong with your pictures? they're not loading for me!
  21. Its things like those that make me glad i quit playing soccer
  22. I like it, but everyone who is downloadin from me would take about 1-2 days. (I only have psx isos.) Plus, I pretty happy with the roms i have right now
  23. I think that the specials really messed up his life...espcially about the interview.
  24. Not much ppl are talking nowadays! Is everyone so busy in the Direct COnnect hub? When I visited there, no one talks much except probably in trivia bot. Oh well. Watch this funny flash movie!!! (I didn't make it) [flash width=200 height=200:c288a9ee9d]http://www.classicnintendo.com/cards/card12.swf[/flash:c288a9ee9d]
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