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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. mind reader? I dont get it...I tried it at least 10 times and it never got my symbol. i think im doing it wrong
  2. I see these avatars that are pretty good.... but the word "graal" keeps popping out in my mind!
  3. changed sig to shining force! DC HUB: I don't like it because no one talks [marq=up:8eadd1765c]W [marq=right:8eadd1765c]W [marq=left:8eadd1765c]W [marq=down:8eadd1765c]W
  4. Got bored so I decided to look for animated sprites to use and I found some [marq=right:d34c70b032]K [marq=right:d34c70b032]A
  5. Awesome more things to do now Whooooo! [marq=right:4433febae4] [/marq:4433febae4] [marq=left:4433febae4] [/marq:4433febae4] [marq=right:4433febae4] [/marq:4433febae4] [marq=left:4433febae4] [/marq:4433febae4] [marq=right:4433febae4] [/marq:4433febae4] Love these marquing text hehe!
  6. U don't really need to. The "movie!" link works because its on my brothers site now
  7. i got the guy to land. apparently u have to go a certain speed. i just kept tapping it So annoying how he flips in the air
  8. the coveted list was a list of emulation sites that was only available to those who registered for it.
  9. Crap I didn't mean to double post but oh well. My website is now on my brothers server. Bye
  10. Remember the "Coveted List"? lol its still there
  11. Hold on im putting up a website
  12. Enjoy! Just register and ur done This post has been PWNed by GryphonKlaw.
  13. I think the Appropiate Term for this is ...
  14. Hi After 2 weeks of flash and learning, I got Really bored and made one Movie! Its only 10 seconds long so critisize it all u want and don't tell me its too fast LINKED FIXED. Now its on my brothers website! P.S. Those who hate stick movies. don't clik lol
  15. Just for fun Create a Kailera Server (A program that allows Kawaks, mame32, final burn alpha, etc. to play online) and we go on it. Then, we can have mini contests to see how good (or Crappy in my case ) we are . Otherwise, Put ur kailera name here!!!!!! Mine: Honorless
  16. Ok the last one. (1.) Marvel vs capcom 2 (forgot if it is a cps2 game ) 1. Marvel vs Capcom 2. D&D: SOM 3. Alien Vs Predator 4. D&D: TOD 5. Armored Warriors
  17. Ok the third one Here i go 1. Kof2000 2. Sengoku 3 3. Last Blade 2 4. Rotd 5. Samurai Showdown 4 (gotta love that ninja)
  18. 1. Shenmue 2. Soul Calibur 3. Code Veronica 4. Sonic Adventure 5. Marvel vs Capcom 2
  19. er hmmmmmmm 1. Perfect Dark 2. Mario Party 3 3. Star Fox My friends/Brothers hate me when i play perfect dark. They Cheer when they kill me after I kill them 50 times when they all team 3 vs 1 (except my 15 year old brother who is just as good as i am)
  20. How bout a Tuturial/Guide/Faq on just on any basic thing? Such as Ryu just pacing up and down
  21. (Yawn) Maybe we should take it down a bit. But who knows, Emulforums might be the next Emuchina or A@H
  22. Making it move
  23. I peek in and out of ur hub just to see whos there. No one talks though
  24. cause we people have something called JOBS, and GIRLFRIENDS... j/k
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