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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. You have to use Fireworks to create them right?
  2. Dunno what happened to this forum soooo I'll revive it with a psx link! Link not allowed -Diso
  3. Yay! We reached 200 users and broke it! Party!!!! :cheers: :cheers:
  4. cool But I like to wait for it to come out an emulator so its perfect
  5. Just as the name implies Don't Get Drunk :D What you feel Today: What you feel tomorrow:
  6. Np! Just get something that i can give u it on such as DC, ICQ, or AIM or others
  7. Its possible. Just everyone in A@H forums attack him at once Either he die or get very powerful!
  8. i can get it for u if u want..
  9. I like the robot the kills ppl with the shocky stick U see him if u die
  10. If u wanna be an op. PM me on the forum Because im on psx viking right now and can't connect on 2 things right now And I don't wanna get dc++
  11. Gonna have to start recruiting ops and stuff
  12. www.gamefaqs.com They have a complete list but i dunnno about pictures
  13. if u know how to get bots up Tell me Im still messsing around with their scripts
  14. btw im known as kaff on direct connect So don't get confuse when u see him there
  15. YAY MY HUB IS UP! WHOOOOO! by the way for those that don't know it psxtrading.dynip.com share psx games plz!!!
  16. A lil early but... Poll!
  17. Ur favotire Psx game? Just to get ppl talking Mine: FF7 Fighting games <---too many not gonna mention Metal Gear solid All resident evil Legend of dragoon < --- still playing Chocobo racing <----funny racing game And thats all I can think of right now :D
  18. Be cool if it was lightsabers vs blasters. Imagine the deflection
  19. Whered ur megaman go?
  20. How about some old fashioned Street Fighter
  21. Anyone up for it It would be cool to play with you guys in D&D I rule as elf, warrior, and dark mage I can do thief too
  22. Good luck learning it dude! hope to see some great programs coming out of you I tried to learn C++ but the guy was like arab so I couldn't understand a word!!!!
  23. Imagine a darth vader being chased by 50,000 Lukes! RAAAAAPPPPPEEEE!!!!!
  24. seem to have a firewall problem..i'll notify when i get it cleared.
  25. My Favorite Mario Character! Drawn 30 Secs ago
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