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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Sheesh That's one ancient computer. Surprised people are making offers to obtain this machine.
  2. The Coral - Bill Mccai
  3. I am Christian. I don't really think much of it though.
  4. I agree completely. Still have all my old systems intact and such plus all the games for them. Feel like I'll regret it someday later when I actually feel like playing them again. Plus, the price you sell/trade them for is usually not worth it.
  5. Yay! GC revealed Edit: Lol Game Cop Is Censored
  6. Own: Nintendo Gameboy Nintendo Gameboy SP Sega Genesis Atari 800 Sega Dreamcast Sega Nomad Sony Playstation Get: PS3/PS2
  7. Suede - Heroine Just a note: Try not to double post unless you have some irresistable urge to post your favorite song that's playing and you really want us to know about it, Unless no one else has been posting for a while also.
  8. Unwritten Law - Save me
  9. Fighter - Marvel vs capcom 2, 3s, Soul Calibur, Garou Mark of the wolves Pretty much it so far since I recently got the dreamcast Will play Shenmue, Sonic adventure, Skies and grandia 2 and such later.
  10. Looks good. Glad to have this dark skin back
  11. Static X - Push it
  12. Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Black dragons ftw. Always Edit: Add Scurge Hive in there also.
  13. Yay the sexy blue skin is back
  14. Awesome updates Shoma. You're updating a lot quicker than usual. Story is pretty good. Liking the new characters and seeing members being integrated in there. Hope KGo makes an appearance soon
  15. Edward from FMA. Understand his attitude, just don't like watching it.
  16. There will be cases where trying to help someone blows up in your face. I try to be helpful when I can. I don't mind it when people don't appreciate the help I try to give. I mean, it's really either I don't know about it and I just don't help, or I know something about it and I give input on it so that person can go on with their day. Yeah it's annoying when the same person asks you the same thing, but sometimes the easiest solution or w/e (rtfm case) doesn't always work so that's probably why they're asking you the same question again. Unless they're just being forgetful or ignorant I dunno.
  17. I haven't tried enough cheeses to have a favorite. I'll just say mozarella and parmesian for now.
  18. "Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're going to get" "Liutenant Daan. Ice cream" Yeah I love Forrest Gump Quotes
  19. Just played the original Golden Axe on genesis. Man that last boss is a piece of cheap garbage. He knocks you down and then casts high level spells infinitely which usually drains your health. Plus, those two "Invincible" skeletons don't help either.
  20. Since this forum became a sub-music forum, we might as well post a music topic in here. So what band/song got you interested into the music scene? For me, I didn't really listen to music that much. I just heard songs over the radio and knew of some bands, and watched MTV a little when they did actually play music videos. So I have to say that Weezer is probably the band that got me involved into listening to music more. I liked their style and it drove me to find similar artists, which eventually led to experimenting to listening to other different genres. So Weezer pretty much did it for me.
  21. Robert Miles - Fable
  22. That's like the inflatable where kids go inside the worms mouth and comes out its "butt." Ah well. They're little kids. We just laugh at it.
  23. omgs its a silhouette of Gamecop.
  24. Happy 19th to Neuronmaster
  25. Levels of 50s degrees Fahrenheit (10-15 Celcius?) I love the cold anyways so woot.
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