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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Clearance candy is the best.
  2. Wow Biggest spam topic ever haha We'll probably hit it in 2 months.
  3. Looking forward to COD3 and UT3 myself. I haven't really been following the hype on Crysis and Assassin's creed. Still iffy on Hellgate because of that premium user junk or something like that.
  4. Posted most of them in the mame thread but Armored Warriors Gain ground Dungeons and Dragons Yeah I know they're popular, but hard to find in US. Found a D&D cab but the controls were broken. Then again, the arcade was a POS also. I always thought that gratia was pretty boring. I guess I quit after the second stage because it wasn't like all those other japanese shooters where a boss shoots 12039812830129 bullets at you.
  5. Chinese? Yes, chinese.
  6. Our Lady Peace - Do you like it
  7. Mechwarrior for PC Streets of rage/Golden axe sequel would be cool I second Marvel vs capcom 3 also, with the excellent jazz music also. I would like to see another shining force sequel as in a tactical RPG rather than a free roam hack and slash one.
  8. Similarly, Cold can of soda/pop - yay Being stuck behind slow walkers - dammit Others Video games and no hw -yay Hw that makes no sense and references suck also - dammit
  9. Messing around with the camera phone back when I needed a profile pic about a month ago and felt too lazy to take another one.
  10. Yes, dubbing. Typo.
  11. My parents bought my brothers and me games. Just kept the violence from the games they bought for us in moderation. They don't mind us playing video games as long as it's not too much, and we study hard and get good grades.
  12. Another mech game you can try out is Earthsiege 2. Graphics are pretty outdated, but it was fun at the time
  13. Yay. Wonder if they're still going to make this in 2d and how many characters will retain from 3s or possibly make a comeback from 2. But exciting news nonetheless
  14. Happy 20th birthday Weirdy!
  15. On a brighter note, Welcome to all the new members that have posting recently. Enjoy Your stay. Do not feed the admins/trolls. They bite.
  16. Only ones I played were Smash, Golden eye, Perfect dark, and Star fox. Gotta say I liked Perfect Dark the best.
  17. Just Halo for me as a major hype. Otherwise, no problems with other games
  18. Might as well throw Wing Commander in the mix
  19. Gryph pretty much nailed all the older games I liked (Shogo, Fallout). The only ones I can think of right now is Age of Empire 1 2 or mythology Heroes of might and magic 3/4 (Don't remember is the one people liked the best)
  20. Diso

    Entry 22:Rawr

    Like Godzilla coming out to raid Japan, my GBA SP is finally going to be used. Fear?
  21. 451 times they failed to catch pikachu huh? That also means 451 times they said their 2-3 minute motto.
  22. Congrats to you.
  23. Dammit It's not my birthday until November 29. Geez
  24. Really? Man, I wonder how much good stuff I miss at this place. There is So much underground activities going on.
  25. Shoulda came around that one time and stole my bbq during the party.
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