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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. If you saw it on youtube, Could you show us the youtube video?
  2. Looks pretty interesting. A lot of them have some pretty..unique weapons to be using.
  3. The only game I know of that has dinosaurs and skateboards is Radical Rex. Is that game it?
  4. Sir nuts - introduction to heaven
  5. Happy birthday iq_132. Fatal's is tomorrow but happy birthday anyways.
  6. Happy birthday ghosty and rawr
  7. Boo! No Garou mark of the wolves!!? I'd say Street fighter Alpha 3 and Samurai Spirits 5 (Need to prove something to a certain someone). But I'm willing to play any of them. I guess we don't like marvel vs capcom huh.
  8. I'd say batman returns. I've only seen three of the batman movies excluding the first one and Batman begins. So I'm going to say batman returns was probably the best one I've seen. The penguin was a pretty cool villain.
  9. Played and beat Shogo lately. Fun game.
  10. Congrats iq on your new position
  11. played some war worlds tactical combat. Too easy though.
  12. Happy Birthday to Permithium! One of the GS IRC people.
  13. http://www.coinopexpress.com/products/pcbs...ridge_3588.html Go extract the rom. jk. Don't request roms here. Read the rules. Post suspension for 3 days
  14. Its randomselect.i-xcell.com Its a mugen game that uses sprites from Sonic Battle, which was a fighting game on the gba. Wasn't that good though imo. The other fighting game I remember was Sonic Championship, which was 3d. I saw a machine of it somewhere in Wisconsin and played it a little. I think rings flew out if the opponent was knocked down or something. I don't remember.
  15. I actually liked sonic 3d blast. but that's just me. I never played any of the other 3d games.
  16. Sega Genesis Sega Nomad Sony Playstation 1 Nintendo Game boy Nintendo Game boy Pocket Nintendo Game boy Advanced sp Atari 800
  17. Counterstrike Sonic How can there be a best boring game? In a sense, all rpgs are boring when you get to that point where you have to grind a bit. If I had to choose, I would choose shining force because although its one of my favorite game series of all time, it takes a while to get my guys over to the enemies and I have to redo the level if I want to grind. Bad poll imo. I'm not really sure why you used the same games over and over again. if You had to, you should have made different polls and use different games. The first poll is ok. Second poll is bad only because sims and pokemon don't even belong there. I really don't like the third poll because sonic and mario as far as I know don't have boring moments (I'm thinking of original ones). Well that's just my opinion.
  18. Jan Wayne - Because of the night
  19. I check about 4 sites everyday for news and stuff. Those 4 sites being 1emulation, Slashdot, Ign, and Nuklearpower (comic). I don't know if I should count google or not but..nah Edit: I visit 1emulation about 6-9 times to check up if any new topics/posts are there. Note that this doesn't count when I would just attack zero because I usually don't check 1emulation by doing that.
  20. There's aren't many xbox emulators out there and they aren't really developed yet to play commercial games. You can try your luck with cxbx. As for getting shadow the hedgehog, you have to find it yourself or just buy the game.
  21. So I assume you have Action, Adventure, RPG, Sports, Strategy, Puzzle, And Simulation Gods. But screw that. I rather just play games on my own.
  22. I'm pretty sure my first anime show was pokemon. Saw it watching morning cartoons one day and liked it. Man, that was a pretty big craze back then. Also, the first anime I watched that I got from the internet was Getbackers. I don't know what prompted me to get it when there were other anime that was supposed to be better (evangelion, gundam wing), but yeah I'm glad I made that choice.
  23. Toonami (Is it still being called that?) still shows dbz to my knowledge. Adult swim shows bleach, inuyasha, trinity blood, etc.
  24. I don't think there's much PSP emulators out there. PSPE doesn't run commercial games. You could try that new potemkin emulator though. I'm not sure if it'll run sonic rivals though. http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/psp/
  25. As long as the ads are not annoying and blocking what I want to see, I don't really care for them. I click on the main ones once in a while but that's pretty much it. It's really not a big deal.
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