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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Safri Duo - Crazy Benny
  2. Happy 4th of July to the americans on this board. Enjoy the celebrations and the fireworks.
  3. I have 2 that I personally own. Otherwise, my family has 8 currently (not counting ones that are broken or used for spare parts)
  4. Decided to add .Hack//sign to the list. 3 ongoing and 2 completed to make it somewhat balanced. I'm surprised you can keep track of what goes on with what agozer seeing how you're watching 15 anime series at once (even if some of them are ongoing)
  5. I assume he's talking about a Live action pokemon movie. That would look strange. The animated pokemon movies are enough.
  6. Started up Shining Force CD again.
  7. ^? Im Excited about the news.
  8. nMo might actually win because they have stronger members than we do. We have robert, but he can be taken down if everyone attacks him at once. But I'll just say kGo. Robert will still be the highest level even if he doesn't do anything. He's 500 levels up from elazul who is the second highest attacker. Agozer posts pretty consistently as much as any other active poster so no one will pass him as well. Unless....
  9. Starting Fate Stay X Night Finishing up with Shining Tears x Wind And still watching Naruto Kenichi
  10. Happy birthday Smilee
  11. Led Zeppelin - Houses of the holy
  12. Happy 21st birthday to Gabriel!
  13. Listening to new music (VGM). and just researching about stuff that wouldn't interest you in general.
  14. sir nuts - sonic adventure lightspeed oc remix
  15. 1. DO NOT ask where to download WAREZ, ROMs, ISOs or BIOSes 2. DO NOT provide direct links to WAREZ, ROMs, ISOs or BIOSes. 3. DO NOT provide links to websites that link to WAREZ, ROMs, ISOs or BIOSes. Warned and post suspension for 3 days.
  16. goat - Rush'n Attack Purple Heart OC remix
  17. Scott Peeples - Punch Out! Dream Fighter OC Remix
  18. Cool but I want the fight scenes. Better put them up soon
  19. I'm just going to say sonic. It's basically just a speed vs strength battle. The olympics would be varied. Yeah sonic would win in all the races but Mario would win in other events. (jumping, strength)
  20. Love family and close friends. Don't really care about anyone else.
  21. Fanboys did a comic about this. It's a big meh from me. This would be have been acceptable back in the 16 bit era and answered the eternal question "who would win? Sonic or mario?" But still wtf. Assuming both mario and sonic will go head to head against each other, I think seeing that on Super smash bros Brawl would be more desirable .
  22. Another update. Then things will slow for a while since I don't have any games in mind anymore. Change Air Blade This is an airplane shooter from Sammy. The twist of the game is that instead of progressing through a level; you instead figh another plane that can turn into a boss. So basically, this is a just a big boss fight game. There are 8 ships you can choose from. Each ship has different powerups as well as a different 'boss' form. This is the beginning of the round. There's only one round in single player mode and you always start on the bottom as the 'player'. The plane that's on top is able to turn into a boss when the power meter is full. In addition, it can do other powerful attacks with its power meter. The bottom player still has a better chance though. It's a bit more agile and its front weapon is more effective than the player on top. Plus, hitting the top player gives out powerups (bombs, helpers, upgrades, and you can even switch position to be the boss). Each player has 3 lifebars also. When they're used up, the player loses and the round is over. Example of a boss form. The boss forms aren't that hard to destroy. But their attacks are usually stronger and can destroy your ship with one projectiles rather than a ton of projectiles. The boss form counts as a lifebar so its easy picking from there. Boom! No I did not die. Stage is over and you continue on to the next stage. Next round. I'm demonstrating one of the helpers powerups you can use. In this round, I was able to nab one of those switchers powerups. Now I"m turning into my boss form. Mwuahahah. Note that the boss form is over when that power up bar in the lower left is depleted. But the opponent is dead so it doesn't matter anyways. ---------------- I was very interested in this game when I was getting new mame junk (for here and for me). It's a very different shooter than all those other shooters I tried out and it's entertaining. Rounds are short. Give it a try.
  23. New Update! Rohga Armored Force Another Mech game but this time its a platform shooter! When you start out in the game, it asked you to select or construct a mech. If you choose select, you can choose between 4 types. Construct mode allows you to pick different parts from different mechs. All mechs have the same gun; you're just changing its special ability, melee weapon, and movement. Each part is split between offense and mobility. And yes, I resisted in choosing Type B parts because I think they're vastly superior. The Game has same elements as other platform shooters. Run jump shoot dash etc. Shown here is a special weapon going off. Your special weapon strength depends on what level the charge meter is on (it charges automatically) I forget the story here. First part is on a airplane though. Fun. There are many powerups in this game. There's the basic powerup that strengthens your main weapon. Theres the powerup that allows you to change your main weapon when you shoot it (4 different weapons). And there's also little guys you can "rescue" that shoot bullets at the enemy. Life ups and such also. Interacting with the environment a bit by gliding(?) on a edge. So I guess that's somewhat unique. I think the most unique part of this game is this shot. When your mech is destroyed, the pilot ejects and keeps a weaker version of the main weapon you currently have. You can still collect the guys, but you have to collect the powerups to build your mech again. And yeah, one shot and you're dead. Btw, when you're continuing, if you're in select mode, you choose between the 4 types. In construct mode, I think you only change the leg setup of your custom mech. I like this game because it reminds me of target earth (genesis) and assault suit valken (snes). Basically robot games appeal to me in general. The only problem with this game is that it crashes in mission 5 I think on my playthrough. I can't confirm this cause this level select code doesn't work, but I'll see what happens.
  24. Killed Mooney with dual lightsabers vs his dual lightsabers in Jedi academy. Dark side ftw. (I would post screenshots but they're ugly)
  25. The Futureheads - Decent days and nights
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