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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Looks good. I don't really know much about cars so I have no idea what those things you added/changed to your car means. But anyways cool. Btw, Is there a reason why your back license plate has a hole in it?
  2. Recently played Company of heroes and more faces of war. Similar RTS theme but different playing styles. CoH reminds me of generals.
  3. I'm too lazy haha. I'll get some more things up eventually. The more indepth games require more screenshots and stuff. Plus, the games I like a lot make me play the game all the way through and I forget to take screenshots
  4. I find it weird how the guy was actually just asking about a game he couldn't remember and we somehow turned it into a forum game. Ah well. and I'll just say Fighters megamix to above.
  5. Jimi Hendrix - Night Bird Flying
  6. DJ tiesto feat Christian Burns - In the dark
  7. RHCP - Around the world
  8. Saw this and boy is that pig massive. I'm surprised they chased after it and the dad let his kid fire at it alone if they knew it was a dangerous animal. Anyways, oh well. Thats a lot of effing sausage
  9. we fix it b/c its mch ezer to read though rather than hving to read thru pargrhphs of typso and stuff Some attempt at grammar makes everyone happy.
  10. Good luck and have fun in your subject. [plug]I'm going to college too. [/plug]
  11. Ew? That's just wrong if that chopped up stuff is true, but... Dunno what to say but it was to be expected :/
  12. The Get Up Kids - Sick in her skin
  13. The Get Up Kids - The One You Want
  14. Guns N' Roses - Nice Boys
  15. Foreigner - Dont let go
  16. I said I rather live on a island than kill myself. I didn't like this question mainly because we're choosing the alternative that is most likely favorable to us. Usually it's like join us or die. Ah well. I rather forget everyone else and remember myself. I'm assuming by doing this, everyone else's memory will be deleted about me. Oh well. I can start over. If I have stuff I need to know about myself, I rather not let that get deleted.
  17. Kimera - Dancing on a sunbeam
  18. Ragnarok Online Faces of war - I really want to like this game, but I can't. A lot of things just annoy me about it but I'll continue on with it. Oh and Pimped slapped Shoma to death. That's fun
  19. Happy 18th Birthday Shoma! Now you can do a few more things you couldn't do before legally
  20. K`Dash Hijacked our channel on Gamesurge.
  21. well Tattoo Is suspended and all his links are cleared. Btw, The voicing thing is a decent idea. The only problem with it is how many people will actually use it. It's like IRC.
  22. Warcraft 3 - Random Custom maps
  23. Happy Birthday Hair-man and Mummy-man
  24. Looks pretty fun. Can't wait for it to come out
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