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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. I like CS 1.6 Better and I have played both (Though source not so much). There are some things I like about source (Flashbangs). But it seems easier when you switch from 1.6 to source. Granted 1.6 is much buggier than source (I don't think you can shoot through walls in source), you get used to it. Plus that Dynamic Weapon pricing was pretty funny (good idea though). Colts/M4A1 for $6,000! Yay!
  2. Congratulations Solidius. What did you name him?
  3. I play the piano and violin. Still playing the violin and play the piano occasionally.
  4. I got 85% right as well. Screwed up when the Constitution was written. How many amendments there were to the Constitution. and the correct form for immigrants. Now, if those were short answer questions, it might be a different story. (although not really)
  5. I don't think they should get citizenship status if they illegally got here. Other people worked hard for their US citizenship so why shouldn't they? They get what they deserve.
  6. 2007: Hellgate London Left 4 Dead UT2k7 Future: Diablo 3 Starcraft 2 Hopefully another mechwarrior
  7. Barenaked Ladies - Sound of your voice
  8. I would have someone make me a a arge cheese pizza every day/week. Yeah I'm boring.
  9. Lunar 2: Leo - Feel my refreshment
  10. Shining Force CD
  11. Wow, I hope I never have to go there haha.
  12. Another candidate for the most illogical things I've ever heard. Ok Let me retract that statement and be more specific I wouldn't say that I'm evil. I really don't care if something bad happens to someone I don't know. Otherwise, I just keep my mouth shut, or I would help others with a simple problem. And by saying I'm being an ass to my friend or people I know, I usually joking around, although they don't think so cause I usually hear how much I'm an asshole to them. Anyways, I don't really recall a time when I was "acting evil" to someone. Probably because I'm still young and naive.
  13. I"m only an ass to my friends. I'm usually helpful or neutral to everyone else.
  14. That's pretty cool. Cats sure are mysterous creatures
  15. Barenaked Ladies - Adrift
  16. They provide links hosted by rapidshare, megaupload, badongo, etc. Slower than DC++ and torrent but more effiecient I think for me since I'm only getting 100 mbs per hour or so. Plus, you get some variety.
  17. I use websites mainly for stuff. A few torrents just for games. DC once in a while.
  18. I usually listen to music, daydream or goto sleep while listening to music.
  19. My most embarassing gaming moment is probably when I lost to Rag about 6 times in a row In Street fighter alpha 3 (I usually win). I got pissed and pressed escape.
  20. Probably when I locked the door when it was open, closed it, realized the window was still open, stuck my arm in the open window (while my mom was closing it), and pulled it out at the last second. Yeah Pretty stupid of me.
  21. Pet Shop Boys - The End of the world
  22. Nickelback - Savin' Me
  23. Probably Garou: Mark of the wolves. I love that game.
  24. er closed. Links deleted
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