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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Rammstein - Du hast
  2. Dragonforce - Through the fire and the flames Nah I'm just joking I'll probably want RHCP - Dosed or something. But then again, I don't recall ever hearing music to any funerals I've been to.
  3. Mika Nakashima - Hemurokku
  4. Mesh - Room with a view
  5. I'd say Super Smash Bros since it was one of the only games I played on n64. Perfect dark and Goldeneye were Good too (I never understood that shield system on Goldeneye). I played mario party too, but usually people got bored after like 10 rounds or something and we usually stopped.
  6. Mika Nakashima - Legend
  7. Motorhead - We are the road crew
  8. What do you mean by slow? They seem the same to me. (I assume you use a GUI and loading the roms are slow?)
  9. Mesh - That is what you wanted
  10. Nice flashback to the whole story. I'd never thought I'd be working for that guy
  11. Mika Nakashima - Shadows of You
  12. I think the violence in media affects everyone because it's everywhere in media. We're all going to be continually exposed to it to it might affect us in some way. Like other people mentioned before, most people who are relatively normal can tell the difference between fictional and non-fiction, but there's always those people that'll get heavily influenced by it. .... I'd still find it cool to shoryuken someone though
  13. I used like Mame 0.60. It's still fun to follow the insane progress of Mame, although I miss that WIP page they used to do on mame.net
  14. Matchbox 20 - Disease
  15. All the pop emo mainstream songs Probably would get a weird look from my friends.
  16. Dreamnid(22) Happy Birthday Bro.
  17. I ditched FMA for Kenichi. I'm still watching naruto shinputoten Or however the hell you spell it. Pretty fun.
  18. I entertain myself on the internet by playing games, visiting some sites, reading some random stuff, listening to music, downloading various junk, etc.
  19. Welcome DropDeadEd. This has to be the first time I logged in the forum and see a topic with 70 posts in one day.
  20. Yeah, I believe you should be able to do anything you want with your product. You should be able to take the risk of installing a mod chip into your system if you want. I still believe that we wouldn't really need these things if games weren't so expensive these days and didn't suck.
  21. Kawabe Chieko - Be your girl
  22. I would say my dad since he is a doctor and he brought home new toys for us to play with. In a fictional sense, I would say Spiderman or the Power Rangers
  23. That's pretty interesting to know there's a similar planet to ours. It'll be interesting to see if life evolves there or not depending on the conditions on that planet.
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