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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Second part: Resistance 2: Story: 8 Story is a lot better than Resistance 1. Basically, you have a squad following you now which adds some atmosphere while you going around shooting things rather than ramboing it up in Resistance 1. Also, resistance 2 focuses upon your transformation because you got infected in resistance 1. (This happened in the beginning of resistance 1 so no spoiler ) But yeah, game is definitely a lot more enjoyable if you're the kind of guy that cares about a story. Controls: 8 Almost the same control schema as Resistance 1. Basically, just get used to the controls and everything will be fine. I mean, this is an FPS. As long as you can run, shoot fine, and crouch under cover without much problems, theres nothing much to be discussed. Graphics and Sound: Resistance 1 score + 1 Pretty much the same as I gave in my Resistance 1 review. Everything sounded fine to me. Nothing seemed out of place to me. Bonus is Nathan hale (oops I forgot to mention his name in resistance 1), the guy you're playing, talks now. So yay. He just has a standard military voice so no qualms there. Weapons + Gameplay + Multiplayer: 8/9 Weapons are the same control schema. They get primary fire and secondary fire. Are the weapons better than in Resistance 1? Yeah definitely. Most weapons are useful rather than some and they're pretty cool imo. Best example here is the Magnum. You shoot magnum bullets into someone or something (and it does magnum damage), and if they're not dead, you can detonate the bullets with alternate fire. However, Resistance 2 lets you only carry two weapons at a time, so boo to that. Just makes carrying that overpowered weapon you get halfway in the game only to use it at the end better. Gameplay: Resistance 2 took out the vehicle levels that were in resistance 1 and replaced the health system with that whole cover system (You get hit, you hide, back to full hp). Yeah, there's trophies in this game so you can have fun with that. I think getting trophies unlocks some stuff too; I only played through the campaign once, and I'm not a fan of trophy grinding. What else changed? More bosses. Bosses are always gimmicky, but they're visually cool to look at. Plus, there's enough enemies to worry about. And yes, there are enemies that you can't kill and some do instantly kill you. But really, you get killed 1-2 times and you start to get the hang of their patterns/or at least you'll be somewhat ready for it. Multiplayer: No more campaign coop. Boo. What they have instead are multiplayer missions where you go in with up to 8 guys online or 2 offline and you run around killing Chimera while completing different mission objectives. You can also collect grey tech(?) which allows you to buy weapons. What I mean by this is basically in this mode, there's 3 classes: Soldier, medic, and Tactical ops(?). You can level up each one depending what you do and you unlock more skins/weapons/setups when you do. However, expect the leveling to be slow. When I played online, your weapons don't really do anything compared to the level 10 guy and it really takes one or two clips just to take a guy down. So just follow the team and gather as much xp as possible if you're into this game mode. I didn't get a chance to try out the large scale multiplayer (mainly I forgot about it), but if you like that stuff and the resistance stuff, that's good for you. (Its free too!) Wrapup: Pros: - Much better story - Some unique and fun weapons - Bosses (Though gimmicky) Cons: - only 2 weapons compared to every weapon - No Coop-Campaign. Coop missions instead Story: 8 Controls: 8 Graphics and Sound: 8 Gameplay: 8/9 Overall, game is a solid 8/9. Insomniac Games did much better in the sequel and there's some nice touches put in the game. It's definitely more enjoyable to play through the game, and its not as long as the first one, but still a decent play length. I want to say like 6-8 hours of game play. I guess I'll end this mini review like Resistance 1. Resistance 2 seems pretty even (maybe a little less) with the Gears series. They're pretty similar with the exception that this is Insomniac's second game in the FPS line so they did pretty good. However, they're also different play styles with one actually using a cover system and one the standard fare. Anyways, I can say I'm interested to see Resistance 3 if it comes out.
  2. Quickie review to save this topic and procastinating on hw: Resistance 1: Story - : 6 Standard FPS where you're a soldier fighting against an unknown alien thread to mankind. Game progresses as you travel between locations to find a way to stop the Chimera (alien threat). As far as I remember (played this back in December 2009), the protagonist doesn't talk at all so the player has to depend on the narrator for any story at all. However, it's just pretty much a Rambo game from start to finish. Controls - : 8 I don't remember the controls very well, but I think they're alright once you get used to the weird setup. By this, I mean you find out you'll be throwing grenades a lot thinking you press the standard melee button. Fingers might slip because of the way the PS3 controller is designed (Crouching holding the l2 button and then trying to move the left stick is pretty annoying). Otherwise, I don't think I had much of a problem running, jumping, shooting, etc. Graphics and Sound: ? Anyone that knows me knows I don't give a crap about graphics as long as it doesn't have an effect on me playing the game. Plus, I don't think I have a valid opinion on this since I played through it with non-HDMI. Otherwise, graphics are fine albeit some stiff animations (P2 Coop LOL). Also, I'm not sure what makes people think graphics of a game are good. They say Uncharted 2 and such has good graphics. Well, they do, but in actuality, you spend about 2 minutes looking at that beautiful scenery before you snap back trying not to get killed. That being said, enemies look fine enough. I think the music and sound were standard, nothing special to me but everyone has difference tastes. Weapons + Gameplay + Multiplayer: 7/8 Redeeming factor about this game to me is how many weapons you can carry. You find weapons as you progress, but you can carry all of them which is a bit unrealistic. However, its pretty fun to have all of them. Each weapon has a primary fire (that fires bullets) and an alternative fire depending on what the weapon does. The Bullseye and the Auger are probably the best two examples. Bullseye alt fire lets you tag people so your bullets can home in on them or you can tag the environment so it creates a trap that explodes sending bullets everywhere. Auger creates a shield allowing you to shoot through it, or you can just shoot through walls with the gun (Enemies that have the auger are a POS meaning you should watch out at all times for auger bullets coming at you). Grenades are a godsend in this game. They're probably overpowered, but they kill most grunts in one hit (Well they should on the second hardest difficulty.) Gameplay is standard FPS. You find weapons, you shoot things, you blow some stuff up. There's some vehicles levels that are pretty easy and straightfoward. They won't make you do anything crazy for one thing. Life system is health based. You have four bars, if you get hit a bar starts going down. Catch is if you go under cover, it'll fill back up. However, if a bar is gone, it wont come back until you get a med kit. To be honest, I did like this health system because it was a medium between the health system and cover system. Two player coop = Good. Will it make the game better? Probably not. But a game becomes more bearable if your friend is there screwing around with you. Coop games are always a +1 to score to me. Last but least, there's in game achivements that give you skill points ( don't think they do anything). Collect skill points and intel documents and you start unlocking stuff. (skins, Weapons?). Downfall is there's no trophy support if you're into that kind of stuff. What sends this game down is that it is long. 30 Levels. Some levels start to look the same and you start begging for the area to end. Multiplayer. Briefly played multiplayer. Seemed like any other multiplayer game to me. Spawning seems rampant and it seems very very easy to kill someone. But hey, PSN is free (I don't really notice the lag people complain about) so go at it. And yes, the online is the same as any online FPS game meaning you will find kids talking on the mic and campers and whatnot. Word of caution though. You join servers but each server has a different setting. I played only like 3-4 times, but every server I joined was either shotgun only or assault rifle only. I'm stealing and abbv. this from GameFAQs - Credit to MisFit119 Game Modes - Meltdown - Control nodes. More nodes you control the more damage the enemy reactor takes. Game ends when reactor is destroyed Breach - Go for rods to take down enemy reactor CTF - Self-explainatory. Take flag and go back to base TDM - Kill everyone not on your team Conversion - Everyone starts out as human. TDM. If you die, you become a chimera. Then after that, you spec. LMS wins Wrapup: Pros: - Lots of weapons. Can carry them all. - CO-OP CAMPAIGN Cons: - Some animations might feel stiff or awkward - Not so special story - LONG CAMPAIGN Story: 6 Controls: 8 Graphics/Sound: ? Prolly a 7 since nothing special Weapons/Graphic/Multi : 8 Overall: I give it a 7/8. Some people really enjoyed it and some didn't. I felt it was long and the same thing over and over, but in the end, it was alright. Oh, I guess the last question is does it compare to GoW1? No, Not really. Gears definitely did it better in this case.
  3. Played: RE5 Playing: Legend of Dragoon
  4. Sorry, mandate of heaven dictates mag > gryph
  5. Folklore Ninja Gaiden Sigma Resistance Rock Band 2 Soul Calibur 4 Valkyria Chronicles
  6. wrong saboteur is on pc
  7. Should remake this topic to clean it up and list games below to figure out what games each user has i dunno. PSN Id: namelessdrifter
  8. From the last time I posted here Basilisk, Cowboy bebop, Sengoku Basara, 009-1, Vandread, Casshern SINS, Hellsing..probably more can't remember. Watching Blood and elfen lied. Both bleh.
  9. Ninja gaiden sigma Torchlight Mike Tyson Punch out Rock Band 2 Soul Calibur 4 In no particular order
  10. This is late and anyone who has interest in anime probably already know about this already but anyways I blame Agozer for not posting this before. EDIT: Well, that's enough posts for my rounds. I'll be back when the winter season gets posted whenever.
  11. Been playing resistance, resistance 2, Brother in Arms Road to Hill 40, and Soul Calibur 4. Probably not all in order. Starting folklore sometime soon
  12. So I'm going to do my obligatory admin action per year and close this thread seeing how there would be no point in discussing whatever
  13. Funny how we always make these threads and the same people always come back. (I'm guilty of it also)
  14. testing the waters of ggpo and 2df with 3s. Just got a comp upgrade done so tested out cod4 with better graphics.
  15. 13 and 14 are the only ones I haven't seen before. Other ones I can recognize or give a pretty good guess at.
  16. Beat Assassins Creed about 5 days ago. Repetitive but still fun to throw people from the rooftops and create body piles of guards. Beat Puzzle Quest about a day ago. Honestly, I just turned on cheats and maxed out my character. Still annoying as hell mid to end game when you have to fight idiotic monsters because they're just blocking your path.
  17. Happy birthday to Freshy K! and preemptive Happy Birthday to Agozer also
  18. Nah, you all fail. There's no classics in your lists except for DD in Gavin's. (And maybe Ghosts and Goblins.......sort of) You're in Florida right? I'm pretty sure there's a "museum" of sorts there (Or maybe it's in CA) Do what?... I ALSO put D&D , as did Raq. but I didnt format it into a list, but a paragraph, so perhaps thats my fault. Have you not seen an ultracade? Sure its not the same as having the specific cabinet... but it has some good old school classics, but without taking up a ton of space. Id put plenty of classics, but comming up with an adequate list is hard. There was alot of rubbish out there. Also, Im not a big fan of beat 'um ups. Other than a few specific ones... such as D&D 2. Im all for classics and all, but you cant have everything. And I just put alittle of everything, for everyone. Id like to cater to a more broad group... but without DDR... that if fail. Disney had a huge arcade here, but screw that. I dont recall a museum, but that doesnt mean that it isnt here either. To clarify if you didn't understand cinder's post after yours. He meant DD as in Double Dragon.
  19. When you're in the air, basic hunter combo is lp, lk, mp, mk then end with a move or fierce. Fierce hits, moves, and specials usually knock your opponent back down on the ground
  20. Got back into games again around last week or so and been sneaking in gaming when I can. First off, Finished tomb raider anniversary. Fun game, never played the original though. Seems like they give you too many med pacs though. And they really shouldn't give you full hp when you continue from a check point. Climbing that pyramid in the end was a biatch though. Second, played Tom Clancy's Hawx. Completely ridiculous game in terms of presentation. Otherwise, the game is still enjoyable to play even with a friend. Makes it a hell of a lot easier. Only complaint was that the game is pretty short and many missions feel like the same with more enemies and you just have a better plane. Probably the best mission on there was the stealth bomber one. Definately the most fun and frustrating. Other stuff, playing some MAME. Just finished Darkstalkers a few days ago with some characters and moved on. Played with PSX a bit. And just played zombie revenge on DC. Kinda sad that I still can't beat it even with a friend. POS game.
  21. Depends. When I'm buying something big like over 60 or so, I rather use plastic. I prefer carrying cash around though. Like 2eyez said, I tend to spend somewhat more carefully since you actually see the cash rather than just swiping your card. Plus, I'm usually in spending situations where I have to use cash more than card so hence why I carry cash around.
  22. Kinda jealous that the PSP Soul calibur is grabbing some new characters. Oh well
  23. flock yes Yui - Umbrella
  24. System of a down - Sugar
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