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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. Being Swamped with midterm and project this week plus midterms in the rest of my classes next week as well as other homework due.
  2. Linkin Park - Shadow of the day
  3. Evicted all the people on the 1emu hamachi network. Weird how people joined it
  4. Started up dmc3 again and going through it slowly
  5. Saw the prestige last night. Liked it though you could probably figure it out halfway through the movie but I liked how the little nuances made sense after it was explained.
  6. Happy birthday weirdy
  7. After much messing around with joypad programs, I finally got DMC3 (terrible port) working with the gamepad but have little time to play it. Played the intro level and its fun though.
  8. Rainbow 6 Vegas 2. Much more polished than Vegas 1 and I like the rank system (similar to COD's style)
  9. If you're going to custom build one yourself by ordering all the parts separately and then putting it all together, I would recommend being patient and check out newegg and/or deal sites. Computer component prices fluctuate in price and you'll be able to save some money if you wait a while. The responses are right though that you dont need to go overboard with the most recent parts. I upgrade my computer once every 2 years or so and I usually spend a maximum 300 on it. Then again, I'm not much of a graphics person so I don't bother with the higher end parts.
  10. The Offspring - Hammerhead
  11. Played some FEDA: Emblem of Justice for the SNES. Enjoyed it and love tactical RPGS like that and Shining force. Grabbed a botched version of it though and can't continue because an event won't happen, and talking to the person that lets that event happens is broken or something so oh well.
  12. 30 bookmarks I actually regularly use. and about 25 unused ones
  13. For STALKER Clear Sky Minimum: * Microsoft Windows 2000 (SP4) / XP /Vista * Intel Pentium 4 mit 2 GHz / AMD XP 2200 + * 512 MB Ram * 10 GB free hard disc space * 128 MB Direct X 9c compatible card * Keyboard, Mouse * Lan/Internet for Multiplayer Recommended * Microsoft Windows XP /Vista * Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 / AMD 64 X2 4200 + * 1,5 GBRam * 10 GB free hard disc space * 256 MB Direct X 9c compatible card * Keyboard, Mouse * Lan/Internet for Multiplayer No you don't have to play the first STALKER First. STALKER Clear sky is meant to be a prequel to the original game so I don't really think it matters which one you play first. However, Clear sky probably has features not in the original game so if you play in prequel original order, you might find some features that you liked in STALKER Clear sky missing from STALKER. I'll hop on this game later. I loved the STALKER Game but it was known to be buggy upon release on well so I'll give it time to patch up on some bugs.
  14. I actually didn't really like ET when I played it; that's the one you keep practicing like shooting and your aim gets better right? That was a long time ago so I'm pretty sure it changed by now.
  15. Like original crust/pan pizza over here. Thin crust is ok but doesn't seem as filling and I eat it pretty fast. I'm actually not a fan of deep dish pizza as I don't like the taste or whatever of it, and I'm from the Chicago area so oops.
  16. Can't really find a concrete list of the Fall 2008 anime season as everyone seems to be linking to the JPEG thats circulating around the anime sites and posting which ones they're going to watch. So I'll do the same Can't really say the site I took it from so I'll credit it to another cite Credit: CEN.TAKU.ME
  17. September - Satellites
  18. Rainbow 6 Vegas. Can't tell which tactical series I like better: GRAW or R6:V. R6:V is more close quarters and has the cover system while GRAW is more open. Ah I like them both
  19. I usually get about 8-9 hours of sleep per day with no naps.
  20. I'm the same as Robert; I usually just come here and attack zero via a bookmark and then make my way to the forums and check out the new posts.
  21. I played with a lot of people on 1emu. Mostly MAME with GC, solidius23, Mag, K`dash, madi, Mooney, Drake, Don. As far as real games go, Played a little d2 with cinder, played Star wars with mooney as well as UT2004. Played ut2004 with drake. I think I played gunbound with Weirdy. Also played cod4 a little with rawrthness. In playing real life, Mostly with gymnist and Rag since they live close and it's easy to meet up with them and play games. Thats all I could remember atm
  22. Eels - Fresh feeling
  23. They were actually selling that 360 elite deal for 300$ beforehand. If you're going to visit CAG I would recommend making an account and checking out the forums rather than just looking at the main page, especially at those clearance threads or any other topic that appeals to you. It's probably the most effective way to use CAG as a resource and games for cheap. Yeah and I'm assuming this applies mostly to USA unless it's amazon or something like that.
  24. Happy Birthday LSD! Have a good day
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