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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Diso

  1. It means strong GC. Though I wouldn't put it past Capcom to name their character "the Fart" if it happens
  2. So thats what that big countdown is for. huh.
  3. One of these again. Expect 1/3 of those posts to be from the What are you listening to thread
  4. what's wrong with it? It's slow and it drops sometimes, well at least my DSL service did. It was completely unreliable. 250gb bandwidth caps are reasonable. I don't think anyone could hit that limit really unless they're really trying to but hell I have a 250mb cap per day so I rather have Comcast's thing than mine.
  5. K enough yelling at each other with your consoles and stop with the insults. There's really no reason to belittle someone on here.
  6. Diso


    Ap physics. GL
  7. Happy anniversary to 1emu! Heres to more controversial topics and drama
  8. ^Agreed. This is good news for me as I love the marvel vs capcom series especially with the numerous characters. The only gripe I have about the game really is that there's no randomized team feature as I love using the random thingy in fighting games.
  9. I think it goes both ways depending which perspective you like better. For some, I like the japanese box art better and I like the American perspective on other box arts.
  10. Jason Mraz - Im yours
  11. Freedom Fighters PC Oni PC Samurai Warriors 2 PC
  12. Winter with many similar reasons as people. Easier to adjust to cold. I do actually enjoy being cold rather than feeling hot. No allergies and no bugs. Just less of annoyances in my opinion.
  13. I was actually playing the game with a few friends. We all agreed that it was causing us significant boredom beyond belief. I hope I don't burst anyone's bubble with my thoughts on this game. I agree with Gamecop's opinion on this one. Not so much that the game is garbage, it's pretty decent in my opinion. However, it does get pretty boring quick due to the fact of its repetition and monotony. For me, it seems like every character share some skills with their buffs and their last skills being anything notably different. The stages seemed to drag on and it does get boring to fight the enemies. I think the half of the game was just me being dr strange and sending people to their deaths with telekinesis and my friend throwing enemies off the edge because it was faster. Hope the 2nd one improves on this.
  14. Howie Day - Secret
  15. Creed - One last Breath
  16. Blur - London Loves
  17. Happy birthday to cinder
  18. Athlete - El Salvador
  19. Happy birthday to you both. and ghosty!
  20. I got it to work over here. I had to connect via open battle.net mode to be able to connect to your server. Well, I'll take a look around some other time. Hope some other 1emu people join up on this.
  21. That probably can't be good for the contestants. I stay away from G4 usually though. Never seemed to be a good TV network and usually nothing that peaks my curiosity to watch it.
  22. Mest - Kiss me kill me
  23. Beat GRAW1, died plenty of times but still was a good play Now venturing into the land of Fallout 2
  24. Happy birthday Fatal. Hope your day went well.
  25. Happy Birthday to Iq_132!
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