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Everything posted by shin_nihon_kikaku

  1. Sorry - triple post. I tried Fruity Loops and it's cr@p. It only makes MIDIs. I want something that can create proper music like Ejay or something better. Any suggestions?
  2. I have been trying to get a TV to display what's on my PC's monitor for big screen emulation. I've tried using the Mirror and multi-screen modes and both show up in black and white. I've tried this same cable on 3 different TVs and it has only been in colour once and has never had sound coming through the TV. I know the simple answer would be that the TVs that don't work don't support 60hz, but the main TV I am trying to get it to work on supports 60hz on all consoles. My TV can display 60hz PAL games for all consoles, including 60hz hardware options in Gamecube and Xbox. I don't understand why it isn't working properly even though my TV does support 60hz equipment. Is there something I can do with either my Laptop or TV to get it working correctly? Or is it just a case of either buying a new TV or getting a different typ of cable (S-video, scart, composite etc)? The cable I have now has a full set of pins (21) on the scart plug, it's RGB instead of composite, it has white and red audio plugs attached and a connector that fits into my Laptop (it doesn't fit in my desktop PC though as the TV out socket is nothing like the one on my laptop). By the way - my graphics card in the laptop is made by SiS and is bulit into the motherboard (it's not a great card, but it runs modern games such as UT2004 and Doom3). Any thoughts? Thanks.
  3. Fruity Loops seems to be a small install (around 50mb) so I don't think it will have many samples (riffs) included. Is Fruity Loops only for importing riffs from your own collection or is there a lot of riffs as in ejay (50mbs doesn't sound much)? Please get back to me. Thanks
  4. Excellent. Glad to have been of service. Carry on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank You, I will. As you were...
  5. You should still have gotten an xp cd, unless you got ripped off <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't always get the CD if its pre-loaded. The equivalent of the XP cd is stored on a seperate partition on the hard drive. When you reformat a preloaded system it scrubs everything else, just as a reformat normally would but then when you start the machine back up it there's an option to automatically reinstall windows. It copies all the files it needs from this partition and you then have a freshly installed copy of Windows XP on a clean computer.
  6. Is there any way to disable a particular key on a generic keyboard? The key that is aggravating me is the caps lock key. Does anyone else find ThEY END UP typing WHOLE sentenCES in Caps by MISTAKe and THEN LOOk up at the screen to find they have to do it all again in lower case....? (by the way, even though I type fast it's a problem because I can't touch-type too well) (I only touch type certain keys such as shift (or caps lock by mistake). Just wondering if there's any way to do this, thanks.
  7. I installed the newest version and haven't had any problems so far....
  8. Of course there were worse games around at that time - Worthless pieces of excrement that don't even deserve a second glance let alone a mention. This isn't about comparing MGS to bad games in general, it's about it being a well made, hyped game by a good company and falling well, WELL, below the mark. that's the point.. just because YOU can't see what I'm complaining about doesn't mean it isn't true....even the gaming press are only slightly more challenging in their analysis than the general public.
  9. Firefox has started closing itself. Microsoft error reporting says it's to do with Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java. The only solution Microsoft come up with is uninstalling it. This is the only java program I have installed - Java 2 Runtime Environment Standard Edition v1.3.1_01. (by Sun Microsystems). Is it safe to uninstall if I don't have another java program, what would i be unable to do if i didn't have a java program, if anything? Thanks.
  10. Thanks for the replies guys. And Dreamnid, by music creator I meant something similar to Ejay or Music for the PlayStation. I'm sure I already mentioned this in my first post. Has anyone used Magix Music Creator, and if so, is it any good.
  11. Errr.. wrestlers because they are paid to. You do realise that it would be nigh on impossible to even suplex someone who wasn't contributing to the move? Doing a scissor kick to someone on the street would be no harder than picking someone up for a powerbomb.
  12. You're kidding right? What makes you think Red Faction is any good? I hate Halo, but even I've got to say that it is far better than Red Faction.
  13. Booker T is starting to become a fan favourite again, just like he was in WCW. people loved Booker back then.
  14. I concur also. Why do you think it's clever to like Halo? I'd class Halo fans as the opposite of clever.
  15. Thanks for the info, I'll look into that one. Anyone else know anything about music creators?
  16. I don't think it could EVER happen. Anyway, some mates at University created a site about time travel, I've never checked it out but if you are interested, here it is. Their Website
  17. /me raises hand I remember all that Halo could have been but never was. Watching that first MacWorld (or was it E3?) video was spectacular. Then the news came that it was going to be an FPS and then that it would be an XBOX exclusive. And I am a Marathon fan. One of my friend's had a Mac so that was awesome. First picture of Halo ever from 1999: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *sniff* I would say "Ah, the beginnings of a great series..." but it's really more like the beginnings of an overrated and mediocre FPS that isn't much fun...I'd rather play Postal 2, for instance, any day of the week. I wish there was an early playable build of Halo out there somewhere, I'd be all over it like Elaine on an opportunity to dance...with the little kicks and the thumbs and everything. I should fire Marathon up again... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There was NEVER anything at all revolutionary about Halo, in the beginning or the final release. But I like your "overrated and mediocre FPS that isn't much fun" sentence. That pretty much sums up how bland Halo is.
  18. Muahaha! The day before I am legally able to drink alcohol! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Being 21 before it's legal to drink is crazy. We are all drunk by 18 in England.
  19. Torrie in the ring? Go on then...
  20. I was just wondering which the best music maker for the PC is as I am thinking of getting one. I only really know about Ejay, but I want to know which is the best one. I would like one that is quite easy to do the basics (similar to Music for the PlayStation, Ejay or MTV music Generator). One with lots of riffs/sounds is very important to me because lots of tracks I created in Music for the PS sounded alike as they used the same riffs. I wouldn't mind it being a little complex with a lot of features, but I don't really want one that professionals use. I decided to put this topic in current affairs because people who don't only know technical PC stuff might know. Thanks
  21. Thanks Gryph, good links. The only font that was useable for my current project was Arkanoid. Good work though.
  22. I bet it could. I wouldn't be suprised if the N64 could handle it. There is nothing special about it.
  23. Ignore the TrueType on the topic title. Just post your fonts or font links. I put True Type by mistake (maybe Gryph or Agozer can edit the title to just say fonts). Doesn't True Type just mean that it works on a PC (rather than Mac, Linux etc)?
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