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Everything posted by shin_nihon_kikaku

  1. Good idea. He could be like a fitness instructor who helps you work on your buns.
  2. Dude Vanessa is the worst representation of vale tudo/MMA in a video game that I have ever seen. She barely has any moves that resemble a Vale Tudo stylist, believe me I should know, I train, spar and fight in this style and many others. Vanessa fights more like a TKD and basic self defense stylist than anything else. Craig is a much better representation of Vale Tudo than Vanessa is. Even though he is a pretty crappy representation himself, and btw Craig is a Bill Goldberg wanna be not a Bob Sapp wannabe. After reading your quote and from what I remember form the Paul Judo thread you seem to know absolutely nothing about martial arts and fighting so please just stop while you are ahead. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My brother posted this, anyway. We know quite a bit about martial arts, but In Vanessa's case he only assumed she was an accurate representation of the style based on no more evidence than the fact that VF has a far higher level of realism than Tekken. He didn't know she wasn't that much like the actual thing. Also you probably think she's a worse representation of Vale Tudo than Marduk is primarily because she had around half a moves list that represented this style and more than half of her moves list was Muay Thai, which they changed to something less defined in Evo due to the crap charcater Brad Burns being introduced. If it bothers you that much, I retract it. But still, to say she "is the worst representation of vale tudo/MMA in a video game that I have ever seen." is stupid. There have only been two characters in the grand history of gaming who have even attempted to fit this style. And in the case of Marduk, I don't give a sh!t who he looks like on his rendered player select image (Goldberg). He IS based on Sapp. His in-game representation looks almost exactly like Bob Sapp (for a start his body shape is incredibly similar and he's black), he acts more like him and he shares many moves with him. Moves Goldberg has never done in his life. (such as the takedown from the ready position into the mounted punch into triple headbutt, which is a trademark of Sapp) Sapp fights in a Vale Tudo style, Goldberg doesn't.
  3. I don't know why I feel a need to justify my opinions to some random person on a forum, but still, you asked, so yer gonna get. I know for a fact that you won't agree with anything I have to say on this matter but I'm strangely compelled to hear what you think about it all.
  4. I'm not really disagreeing with what you said but King IS original in the games field (you even said yourself that you didn't know of King's true inspiration, so to you he should have been considered mighty original). The problem is, after King, it's already been done, so you have to assume SNK got it from a rival game. King is a widely recognized character from an extremely popular, mainstream series. Garou is far more 'underground', why wouldn't SNK feel the need to copy some of the successful elements? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But I DID know of King's true inspiriation: the "the whole phenomenon of ‘masked wrestlers'." I didn't know which specific one he was based on, but that character was only one of many. King was obviously borrowed from the large, relatively well known group of actual masked wrestlers. He owes his character design entirely to the actual masked wrestlers. Tizoc, aside from being a "masked wrestler," bears entirely no resemblance to King. The mask is dramatically different and done in a different style, his body and movements are much more exaggerated, and his background is that of the mexican masked wrestler El Santo, rather than King's tekken-intwined plot. Seeing as the "masked wrestler" schtick is the only real similarity, and SNKs designers were likely exposed to that long before King, the credit for Tizoc most obviously goes to the actual masked wrestlers. Also consider Ramon, borrowed from the same scene that produced El Santo. When something appears in a video game, it doesn't separate it from the rest of the entertainment world. Just because Namco put a masked wrestler in a game doesn't mean that all future masked wrestlers are based on that one. We don't attribute every video game barbarian or wizard to Gauntlet or some other old title. When an image is well established outside of the video game medium, people can draw from those other sources independently of each other. As long as the resulting images are not overly similar, as clearly King and Tizoc are not, there's no reason to assume the latter one is based on the former, when a much larger body of inspiration exists outside of the video game world. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He isn't just a masked wrestler. Stinger and Astro from Slam Masters were not progenitors of King. The idea of having a mask that looked exactly like a real animal's face, as opposed to being an otherwise boring/characterless/generic mask was created by an outside party and then brought to the game scene via Namco's tribute. There are no other wrestlers who wear animal based masks, anywhere. Then Tizoc shows up. More than just a coincidence. Of course there's the possibility that he could have been influenced by something other than a game, something neither of us has seen, but it's also equally possible that he was developed in the simplest, most obvious way. All pretty irrelevant anyway, neither of us knows for sure.
  5. It hurts my eyes too. It's not reading the text itself, it's finding the text in all the clutter, that's the problem - quotes are much harder to distinguish from replies for starters. If it used Dark Text boxes but then had more colour/shade differentation between each box and the BG, fine, but to my eyes it looks very untidy. Also, people's animated GIFs are looking crap... Bottom..... left......c........ahhhhhh, much better!
  6. First of all, I don't lash out for no reason. I 'lash out' when I have something to say or to try to correct somebody if they are 'misguided' or if someone is spouting BS without really knowing the facts. And only on a few topics that particularly niggle me, I don't go in that many threads and definitely not just looking for someone to disagree with. In reality, most of the people on this forum only reply to a post to disagree. I hardly ever see anyone posting something that is in agreement with a previous post. It's just the nature of forums. I try to look for instances where I feel somebody has said something worthwhile and try to post back in agreement. ( In the wrestlers poll I made, I admitted I was wrong about not including Tizoc, when previously I had snapped at someone who said Alex should have been in, I said someone had a good idea when they said about putting Andy, Mai and Hokutumaru together as a team in the next KOF, anyway, just some examples) This doesn't happen that often but as I said I don't really see many other people doing it. I do play the "I'm a designer" card a bit much, but not really in an attempt to boast, only when I'm goaded into doing so - as in the case of K'Dash saying "Do better yourself then, Seriously, do something, all you do is whine about...." etcetera etcetera. Also, people aren't automatically wrong because I go to University studying games design. I have a place on this course because I already have a vast knowledge of games and design. Going to University is a consequence of that, not the other way around. Anyway on the VF thing, your thinking, about why I believe 3 to be far superior to even Evolution, is wrong. I'll come back with my thoughts on this when I can be bothered to type it. As is the tradition with me, it'll be another long one I'm afraid....
  7. It DOES serve them right. Scumbags. They (Sony) are trying to put the nail in 2D games' coffin and they've been trying since the flamin' PS took off. There will be no market left for these types of game if this damn thing flies off shelves (which it will). Nintendo still support 2D games, whereas as Sony have categorically admitted they only want games that push their machine (PSP) and would frown upon 2D. Absolute bastards. So Nintendo are forced into releasing a 3D handheld early, thus ending the GBA's life. Thus ending 2D games. The GBA was the LAST bastion of 2D games. Sony should be frickin' proud of themselves. Sony still know F-all about video games and are just a grabbing electronics company. Obviously, Nintendo know what they're doing. There was a reason they waited an age before releasing a COLOR gameboy, there was a reason that their 32-bit handheld (GBA) was 2D oriented, there is a reason the handheld they are releasing now that their hand has been forced (DS) is only really equal to N64 power. It's because battery technology as of this moment (rechargable or otherwise) simply CANNOT support powerful systems with a reasonable battery life. Of course, the ineptitude of Sony say's "more power, more power" and goes the whole hog with something almost equal to the specs this generation of consoles have. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. I hope they never get this thing off the ground. Or they do and everybody says "half-an-hour maximum battery life?! Are they out of their mind?!!" and labels them with an even higher level of stupidity than that which got Sega and Atari creamed in their foolish attempt on the Gameboy's dominance. You're damn right it serves them right.
  8. It took me a long time to reply to this, I've been wanting to reply but I just couldn’t be bothered to type it up. Anyway, the whole history of this is rather convoluted but the fact remains, Tizoc is nothing BUT a copy of King. Namco based the King character on a few things, most obviously on the legendary Japanese wrestler, Satoru Sayama, whose character was called 'Tiger Mask'. King is a straight up reference to this wrestler. Sayama, in turn, had based his wrestling creation on a Japanese wrestling themed cartoon by Ikki Kajiwara titled (appropriately enough) Tiger Mask. The character created for this cartoon was Kajiwara’s (genius) take on the whole phenomenon of ‘masked wrestlers’. Although I think there’s a Japanese legend/myth accountable somewhere along the way. Believe it or not, Capcom’s original character design concept for Blanka was a muscular shirtless man with a Tiger’s face. I believe this was based on the same Japanese legend (of a half man/half tiger) that spawned the garbage MK character Kintaro. Tizoc looks more like the stylised cartoon creation in Tiger Mask (with the massive muscles and flowing feathers (in the cartoon’s case, a cape). Whereas King looks more like Sayama’s version. (as he would, being in a semi realistic game and as Sayama’s wrestler was the sole inspiration for King, not the cartoon) Tizoc might look cool, compared to the vaguely humorous looking King (what with the choice of animal for the mask he wears being better overall) but it still doesn’t change the fact that he's a poorly disguised rip-off and that you can’t get much more of an idea than King, whether he himself was blatantly influenced by something else or not. King was still the ‘inspiration’ for the ‘not very inspired’ Tizoc. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You realize you just totally backed me up, right? My whole point was that King was not original enough to get credit for Tizoc's design. What you've said illustrates this perfectly: King was based very heavily on an existing character. Since the "masked wrestler" existed before King, in the form of "Tiger Mask" and "the whole phenomenon of ‘masked wrestlers’," Tizoc's design should rightfully be attributed to THEM, the original Masked Wrestlers. NOT to King, who was just borrowed from those earlier designs. BTW, out of curiosity, who do you work for as a designer? And what schooling/experience helped you land the job? I'm working towards that myself and am interested in how others broke into the rather difficult field.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not really disagreeing with what you said but King IS original in the games field (you even said yourself that you didn't know of King's true inspiration, so to you he should have been considered mighty original). The problem is, after King, it's already been done, so you have to assume SNK got it from a rival game. King is a widely recognized character from an extremely popular, mainstream series. Garou is far more 'underground', why wouldn't SNK feel the need to copy some of the successful elements?
  9. It took me a long time to reply to this, I've been wanting to reply but I just couldn’t be bothered to type it up. Anyway, the whole history of this is rather convoluted but the fact remains, Tizoc is nothing BUT a copy of King. Namco based the King character on a few things, most obviously on the legendary Japanese wrestler, Satoru Sayama, whose character was called 'Tiger Mask'. King is a straight up reference to this wrestler. Sayama, in turn, had based his wrestling creation on a Japanese wrestling themed cartoon by Ikki Kajiwara titled (appropriately enough) Tiger Mask. The character created for this cartoon was Kajiwara’s (genius) take on the whole phenomenon of ‘masked wrestlers’. Although I think there’s a Japanese legend/myth accountable somewhere along the way. Believe it or not, Capcom’s original character design concept for Blanka was a muscular shirtless man with a Tiger’s face. I believe this was based on the same Japanese legend (of a half man/half tiger) that spawned the garbage MK character Kintaro. Tizoc looks more like the stylised cartoon creation in Tiger Mask (with the massive muscles and flowing feathers (in the cartoon’s case, a cape). Whereas King looks more like Sayama’s version. (as he would, being in a semi realistic game and as Sayama’s wrestler was the sole inspiration for King, not the cartoon) Tizoc might look cool, compared to the vaguely humorous looking King (what with the choice of animal for the mask he wears being better overall) but it still doesn’t change the fact that he's a poorly disguised rip-off and that you can’t get much more of an idea than King, whether he himself was blatantly influenced by something else or not. King was still the ‘inspiration’ for the ‘not very inspired’ Tizoc.
  10. It posted the same thing twice. Huh?
  11. I AM doing better myself, that's the whole frickin' point. Do you not remember I'm a designer myself? That's why I get p!ssed and point out stuff like this.
  12. Seriously, do some research on the chracaters insted of b!tching how "bad" they're designed in your view. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What does this prove? We all know what was being aimed for. Only some of us see how pathetically it was executed in the finished product. Do some research? Is that advice for SNK's designers in future?
  13. I already know how it is. SNK don't. Nothing you can say can convince me that they didn't completely miss-hit with this character. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> COUNTER-RETORT Yes, SNK does know. The character designer for him was a big Lucha Libre wrestling fan and he was specifically made for the 2nd most popular Neo-Geo spot (South America). I'm not convincing you, even though you are wrong. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So the character designer is a fan of three of the moves commonly performed by these types of wrestlers.... In fact you should make that less, because dropkicks are performed by all, a cross body press is nothing special, a somersault is just grasping at straws, a back-off move (cyclone kick and punch) is a daft and pointless inclusion. I bet Tekken's King has far more Lucha Libre in him than this so-called effort.
  14. Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha...noWatch some real Lucha. I already know how it is. SNK don't. Nothing you can say can convince me that they didn't completely miss-hit with this character.
  15. Ramon is a rubbish character and a complete waste of a good idea. Which was supposed to be "Lucha Libre" but isn't anything like. His design isn't what gets my goat, he looks more like Justin Timberlake than a wrestler, BUT it's the fact that he has no moves whatsoever and is poorly researched. His "moves" - A 'back-off' move (god knows what that's for), A back-off into dropkick, a badly animated grab (his nowhere near good enough version of a 360), a sobat back-kick and a somersault that also does nothing. His supers are both acceptable but who cares? He sticks to hardly any of the ideas or concepts that he was supposed to and is "just another fighter" and one with NO MOVES at that.... He was a cool concept that was thrown out the window by SNK's stupidity/laziness.
  16. All SNK games before the Neo Geo were coin-ops on SNK made hardware. Some have been converted for home computers and consoles but these were usually done by other companies (Ocean etcetera) (in the Neo-Geo days, Takara). Just get MAME. I recommend Lasso, Beast Busters (and Mechanized Attack), Athena, Joyful Road and Psycho Soldier. Also, it's from 'Japan Capsule Computers' in the case of Capcom and it doesn't really have anything to do with NASA...
  17. I just noticed the improper grammar there. Makes it sound like a game wants us to review something. The most popular video games shop in the UK is called "Game". It looks as if it's telling us what the shop (game) would want 1emulation to review. If you get me. It doesn't make sense anyway.
  18. Cool Avatar! That's a great game.
  19. I'm listening to a lot of A-Ha.
  20. The file must be converted into a PNG file and then called the exact same as the 8 letter rom name. So for example - if you have a flyer for Chase H.Q. you want to put in - make sure it's a PNG (if it's a jpeg or whatever convert it in Photoshop or some paint program), and then rename the file to chasehq (the rom name is under the directory tab in the Mame emulator). Hope that helped you.
  21. C'mon George! He needs more votes. Maybe I should have put George's dad in the poll as he is hilarious.
  22. You'll have to finish it. If only to see the badly implemented last boss. He's a regular fat guy but he takes a rocket in the face then a full clip of M16. Crazy! Anyway, I'm not excited about this trash.
  23. 1. Yeah, I know 2. Yeah, Shin Nihon Kikaku (where have I heard that before?) , although Shin translates closer to 'Real' or 'True'. 3. I don't understand what you mean... 4. Yeah, the NiGHTS "analogue" controller. They are very similar. (both sh!t for fighting games) Thanks for sharing though. I enjoy reading rare stuff. I knew yours too Gryph (good one though).
  24. And why would J.Max be so essential? Just because you liked him? If that's what you mean, then I am outraged that Muscle Power and Erick aren't in it. I don't call choosing Kyo, Iori Terry and K' a lottery, but I would call choosing random idiots like J.Max one (BTW - I do like J.Max, but there is still no need for him).
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