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Everything posted by shin_nihon_kikaku

  1. I didnt know divulging hardcore game knowledge was a good thing to do in this forum. I could have given you all some great videogame rare knowledge if I thought you wanted it. But it is a good find Fatal. Try and share some other rare Capcom or SNK facts and let's see if I already knew it... I'll just list a few here: 1. The Circo Porto sign from TMNT Tournament Fighters and Gokujyo Parodius is the name of Konami's amusement arcade centre. Much like Namco's Wonder Park. I once helped a coin collector by telling him that a Circo Porto token he had wasn't Italian like he thought, but Japanese. 2. Capcom's first ever game (arcade - 1984) was Vulgus, and it featured the "Yashichi" as an enemy - the symbol used in many future games to give you a huge points bonus, it was also one of the icons used to show which mode you were highlighting on SNES and MD Megadrive Street Fighter games (along with versions of the Side Arms sprites). 3. The yellow rabbit in Super Mario 64 who gives you 2 power stars is called MIPS. The same name as the Nintendo 64s CPU I can't think of anymore at the moment. It's very hard trying to think of rare facts while I'm sitting here typing, but there are lots of things that I am sure not many other people have noticed or thought about. The Street Smart thing was a great one, but Fatal beat me to it. Don't worry I'm not trying to show off. It's just that I've learned lots and lots about games over the years. Anybody else have some rare game knowledge? Type them in this topic and see if people know about it.
  2. Sorry but I already knew. He was called Mr.Karate in AOF1, and in this he was called "Karate Man" and he also had the Zanretsuken. He was later obviously Takuma. I was incredibly p!ssed when I found out (back in 2000) that Takuma's striker was not the other blonde guy (or Terry Rogers). BTW - In the Megadrive version Karate Man wore an orange Gi (later worn by his son Ryo and his other costume color in KOF95). And about Terry Rogers - It makes sense seeing as they later reused this character when SNK came to make a wrestling based game.
  3. I use ABC. My max download speed (on any site) is around 60kbps. ABC gives me a max of 30kbps (15kbps on average) which I am very satisfied with.
  4. What is this Azuuerus?! What does it do?
  5. Never mind, I found it. You have to click - Settings --> System and then there is a small tab in the upper left called "Video". The menus are terrible as half of the options are hidden. Anyway - close the topic if you want. I found the bastard.
  6. I would predict at least twice or three times the amount of characters already seen. I don't know where K'dash got the info about this being the final list, but I am sure he will be wrong. Let's see. If there are more characters anounced, K'dash owes me £10/$20. I'm obviously joking. It's a bet without a wager. Yeah Alexis - It's basically SNKvsSNK, featuring a line up of SNK allstars battling against each other. Remember what KOF94s original idea was (Fatal fury vs art of fighting vs New characters etc)? It's basically that all over again, but implemented better (hopefully).
  7. Yeah, he steals them from Capcom and SNK. I think that is more important than who converted the sprites into animated GIFs. The copyright of the developers is the only important thing.
  8. Does anyone know if it is possible to change the graphic options of the game? I have the game and there seems to be no options to change resolution or any other graphic options (texture quality, lighting etc etc). I also have NBA Live 2004 and there is a screen where you can change all graphic related stuff, but Madden 2004 seems to have none. Am I missing something or is it just not possible? The game's graphics look good but it is ruined by being only 800x600. Thanks
  9. I don't think Vega/Balrog is "ninja" enough to be in this poll. Spanish Bullfighters can never have the same "ninjaness" as someone like Hanzo or Guy. Anyway - you're 2nd and 3rd points are the same reason I thought this poll sucked.
  10. There is no way this can be the final list! I would highly doubt they would miss off Ryo and the gang.
  11. Didn't even realise I was typing that word again. A lot of things are daft though.
  12. I always had my PS2 vertical, so it could fit on the end of my desk (I have loads of consoles on my desk, so I need the room). Now I have it on the side as it is prone to crash when vertical. Now I only have 4 consoles always set up and ready to play (xbox, ps2 DC and GC) as I needed to make room for the unstable vertical b!tch.
  13. Good to hear. If I disagree with anyone, it's only in that particular argument. Unless they are continually being daft. Skythe for example.
  14. Tell me if you found it hard...
  15. Surely the sitcom isn't that bad? Yes, I don't watch it, but Seinfeld does have a few good characters. Opinions, opinions... OMG. Shut the hell up. Don't like the show, don't waste our time by posting in this thread then. What the hell did you come looking in this topic for? Have I ever looked inside the Naruto thread? No. Have I been in to post how sh!t I think it is? No. Sorry I quoted you Agozer, obviously this is aimed at Skythe. IT'S MOOPS!!!!!......MOOPS!
  16. Oh yeah, great argument against me. You f*cking loser. You can't think of any replies so you just start being personal, admitting to all and sundry that you were wrong. Resorting to meaningless insults just proves that you have no argument against my points. If you had any brains whatsoever you could try and defend your point and keep from using the crazy attacks against someone you know absolutely nothing about. If you are older than 9 I'd be very surprised. All of your posts that I have read thus far, are absolutely terrible, sporting the worst, most childish 'opinions' ever. 3D versions, yeah that makes them count as 3D fighters. If any proof was needed that this poll was a 2D only, look at your Ryu Hayabusa post. You only like the 2D version? What's the friggin difference you idiot. If you think these are OTT personal insults, you're right, close the cretins sh!t poll. Plus in terms that the immature bastard will understand "he started it". What a flamin' loser. Get back to watching Naruto/south park and stop sullying this forum with your pointless, worthless ramblings. Aren't you suppose to ban (or at least warn) immature pr!cks who start being personal?
  17. I would say Hadoken, because it's the only real special one. It has their hands inside it for christs sake. Not just a ball of power. Bit of a daft poll though. No offense
  18. You need a godzilla type boss? you better be talking about Geon.
  19. I don't think that makes him viable for a fighting game based poll. He's not from a fighting game and certainly not one available when this poll was made. Plus he sucks anyway, a "no design" dull ninja that folds invisible origami is sh!t. Anyway, Strider could have been on there. I wouldn't vote for him, but he is a fan favourite.
  20. I wasn't exactly racking my brains trying to figure out who you would choose Gryph. But good to hear you also like George. He does own.
  21. I think Rugal, Geese and Amakusa would make great end bosses. Although Geese is already confirmed as a playable normal character. I think...
  22. So who is your favourite? Mine is most definitely George - Including all his forms - Coffee George, Liar George, Bawdy George, Independent George and Relationship George. Although Kramer is obviously hilarious.
  23. He prefers big hairy men with disproportional bodies. Hey everyone, tally up another childish "gay" joke for ugenn. What are you? 14?
  24. Yoshimitsu IS a ninja even though he does look more samurai influenced. He's referred to as a "space ninja". Whatever the hell that means. Yoshimitsu has always been the Namco version of Kage as the ninja of the series. I'm not going to get into some Paul = judo/not judo thing but... Namco themselves have said that they see Yoshimitsu as a 'weird' user of ninja arts and that they wanted a cooler more up-to-date ninja. Tekken 5's Raven being their answer and more of an equal to Kage. Although he looks more of an equal to Wesley Snipes to me.
  25. Jeez! I'm sick to death how everyone on this forum only likes 2D fighting games and completely disregards 3D fighters. Where the hell is Kage (possibly the main ninja in any fighting game)? Where's Ryu Hayabusa, Hayate, Kasumi etc from DOA? Yoshimitsu? It seems like the most opinionated poll ever, only putting in a 3D character if YOU like them (as in the case of Taki's inclusion). I know you can only choose 10 ninjas (9 if you think other is valid), but you have obviously gone out of your way to have only 2D ninjas. Kage is essential in this poll, just as King is essential in a "favourite wrestler" poll. It should be a definitive poll and thus you're supposed to think of the prime candidates, not use it as an excercise in trying to show off with obscurities. I chose Guy instead of "other" because this choice is meaningless and I don't believe in it. But I would have voted for Kage. 10 essential for a poll imo are: Kage, Hayabusa, Yoshimitsu, Kasumi, Mai, Hanzo, Ibuki, Chipp, Taki, and Guy. Hatake Kakashi?! Makuro? Sub Zero?! I'm sure these are going to walk away with all the votes (!). Since when in blue hell has Naruto been a fighting game? EDIT: I would have let you off if you called the poll - "fave ninja in a 2D fighting game", well, until I saw that Naruto d!ckhead. What? did you see your avatar and think about putting him in for no real reason? If I did the same, George Costanza would be in my "best wrestler" poll just because he has been described as being "so powerful" and once lifted a hundred pounds right up over his head.
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