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Everything posted by 69ers

  1. also...Neo Geo what do you guys use? like i need a older/newer one just in case one doesn't work. Thanks (also i don't mind ur rule about no telling of no sites where to download roms it's great ! )
  2. neo geo rom file not found 000.lo.lo file not found Stfx.sfx not found WARNING some files are missing or different Continue? ANd that is what it says.
  3. Okay i got them to work...But there's One thing Samurai Shodown/Metal Slug Are "supposely" missing files. So everytime i try to run them they say you are missing files . COntinue? and i say yes and then they just show a blue screen....Is there like a program i can use to check if the roms have full files? or no? Also If ur wondering I'm 8 and i don't mind talking to you ...as long it doesn't include come to my house and I'll make some chocolate cake for you! rofl WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS, YOU CLONE THOSE LEMONS AND MAKE SUPER LEMONS - Suddworth from clone high!
  4. So...I put the Neo geo Bios into the rom folder right? and it should work? Well it ain't working, i had the Emulator Find the Right Rom Directoriy and it still won't find Metal slug?...sigh...Please help me... ALso i have always wondered is it possible to emulate the Naomi system? Cause i really Like Marvel Versus Capcom + My brother broke my DREAMCAST!!! I cried alot that day...Well need some help plz!
  5. kk I'm using Nebula because i got a Virus from using neo rage for some reason...? Also if ur wondering HOW a 8 year old is into Emulation, I live 3 blocks away from a arcade and i went there and played street fighter/CVS/Metal Slug/Dimahoo/Time Crisis Etc. So please help me !!! (if ur wondering the arcade closed due to dirty conditions
  6. sorry...I'm only 8...Don't be mad at me I'm sorry, But Does the Bios Have to be Unzipped? or no?
  7. I don't understand the readme so i asked for help here. I have Roms (metal slug and what is rom sets . Where do i pit the bios and so forth.
  8. Okay i need a Good Neo Geo Emulator But there's one thing i don't know how to make it work. I got Roms and everything but i don't know what to do . If u can help me that will be greatly Appreciated
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