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Everything posted by Nusumenai

  1. I apologize... I started the thread and I derailed it... I'll get it back on track!
  2. Just because it wasn't as complex as MGS2, that does not mean it wasn't good. There was a lot of emotion attached to MGS3. I felt extremely sad after finishing the game. ... and graphics were pretty until the FPS hit the single digits.
  3. Yeah you can keep saying that, but the facts are that MGS3 used the same effective gameplay as MGS2, which was built aroud the idea that you could see where others were AND where they were looking. Realism is all good but it comes second to gameplay and I think they could have kept it intact without this kind of careless design. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You could see around corners with right analogue and you had so many radars to choose from. You could see enemies all around if you knew how to use them. I don't see your point really.
  4. MS is atleast advertising the Xbox 360 as a gaming machine. Equiped with hardware that the gaming machine should have. Though I like Sony better, the hole Cell processor thing is still confusing me as is the lack of any kind of news on the PS3... No new PS3 info at CES 2006 aparently as well, are they really gonna wait until E3 and still release the PS3 by the Spring? I wonder... >.>
  5. By the way, with all this talk of MGS3 I'll remind you it was made in 2004. And it probably would have been the best of the series if it were not for the glaring flaw of altering the rader without adjusting the camera. The challenge was fine if you ask me but the actual balance was shot right out of the gate. But I understand they're going to change that whole dynamic for Subsistance. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't consider them flaws at all. There were plenty of radars and ways to see your enemies without actually running up to them. It added to the challenge... and console games are dumbed down enough these days.
  6. You know, I've been really excited about the PS3 so far. But the more Sony talks and the more I listen... It doesn't seem like they are making a dedicated game machine. I don't like this idea, it's like a full-size version of the PSP.
  7. Pfft, MGS3 had the best story of the 3 and the best gameplay... If it had been a bit more challenging, it would have been my favorite.
  8. Doesn't matter if it is. Just look at the way you hold a PS2 controller... It will be the same.
  9. Geeze, so much love for shooters this year... Considering they all seemed like clones of each other, I really didn't expect it.
  10. What do you know? It's the perfect controller. ... aesthetics are completely loss, but that shouldn't matter... right?
  11. I'm gonna sleep through it. I've been drinking far too much during this holiday season... Time for a break.
  12. All right. I thought this would be another fun thread idea. What are your top three titles of 2005? Don't just list them, but give a brief discription as to why you think they merit the title, "Best of 05!" 3) Battlefield 2 (PC) - Yes, I know. The bugs, the glitches, the horrible tech support. The endless patches that seem to create as many errors as they fix. Worse of all, the horrible, horrible community. Despite all that, I found this game quiet interesting. Once you find a good server, with good people all those things don't matter anymore. It's pretty damn to play a FPS were you don't have to be a good shooter to be a good player. 2) Resident Evil 4 (PS2) - I felt bad not having this game. Simply because I own every RE (in the numbered series) that's been released, including two version of part two. I was initially a bit worried about how much they changed the gameplay. I didn't want something more action involved. I wanted my good old classic puzzle solving, zombie shooting RE damn it! But I was shocked. Despite all the changes it worked, quiet well to. 1) SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2 (PS2) - Man, I had mixed feelings about the first. Once I finished, I realized DDS1 had maybe 2 hours worth of story. Those other 20 hours were spent dungeon crawling and fighting. I hate RPGs like that. Truly I do. Yet, I felt compelled to buy the second in the series because the echo of the first story was still in my head. Though it did not have a lot, it made me want to learn more. When I started playing the second, I got myself ready for another dungeon crawler, random encounter fest. Though the game kept the dungeon layouts much the same, and the encounter rate was as high as ever. The extra tid-bits of story they added into each dungeon, the short dialogues, really made the experience feel rewarding. The story was very well done. Joyful at some moments and incredibly sad at others. Some of the scenes were down right heartbreaking since the characters had developed such a personally, I actually felt that I knew them. Everything comes together perfectly. It's the only RPG i've felt that was truly finished this year.
  13. It honestly depends on the character. Seriously. Some characters are done at a higher resolution then others. Hell some characters have sprites that change from low to high res. The newer characters tend to look more fluid and less pixelated.
  14. Pfft, nope. What the hell was Sega thinking? The world wasn't ready for multi-threating yet!
  15. That's the reason I like torrents and HUBs better. You only get to download if you are willing to share... Which you should. People spend time seeding so you can get what you need, shouldn't the person who downloaded said object do the same?
  16. I'm thinking of downloading it. I heard it's only about 10mins and the story has the depth of a shallow puddle though...
  17. Didn't all this kind of P2P applications get the beat down already? I thought everyone had moved on to HUBs and Torrent already...
  18. It's a Wonderful Life just aired earlier today, like it has for god knows how many years. Is there a reason why you don't particularly like it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I do not know. I've never been able to finish the movie for some reason. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I could never watch that movie from start to finish. I've watched it all... But spread out over 5 or so years.
  19. Nice one.
  20. Just a GB of ram for me, a couple of books, maybe a PS2 or a PC game (can't seem to find anything that seems interesting though).
  21. A pretty low supply. Microsoft made a bonehead move to launch in Japan instead of Australia or divert those back to the US. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't forget about the hype-machine. Amazing how the new shipment of Xbox 360s arrives on the 22nd.
  22. The thing about the PSP is that... If you want to play the latest games, you have to give up the use of emulation... Which is it's only good quality at the moment... Will we ever be able to emulate using something higher then 1.5 firmware.
  23. nVidia 6600 GT is a very decent card. I dout your system would limit it much (that is assuming you have 1.0GB of ram). nVidia 6800/GT or ATI x800xl could work well too.
  24. Harry potter > everything else <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL, yeah right.
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