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Everything posted by Nusumenai

  1. Any chance you can post the link? I checked around Zophar's translation section, but didn't see it. ;. ;
  2. I wish there was a translation project for Mother 1. =(
  3. Sure looks interesting though. If it gets ported to PS2 or something I might buy it. No real arcades around my house... cept the ones at the laundry. MVC though. =(
  4. Indeed, what is the hell is up with KOF. They add incredibly detailed characters, but they still have Kyo using his '94 walking animation.
  5. Nerd. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I sure you have the complete set yourself... Don't ask me how I know, I just do! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually I don't. I only own 4 thru 6 on VHS. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Haven't broken down and bought the remastered DVDs? Or are you a starwars purist and insist that Luke have a blue lightsaber?
  6. Nerd. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I sure you have the complete set yourself... Don't ask me how I know, I just do!
  7. I agree, it seemed like the best of the bunch. I'm waiting for them to release some sort of Trilogy pack though, since I don't have EpI/II yet.
  8. I just finished playing it. It's really quiet interesting. Throught the level there are comments on how they got the certain effects to work. Some of the effects are really amazing. I really enjoyed the sun glare... You step out into the sunlight after being in a dark hallway, you will feel the need to turn around... But gradually, your eyes adjust to the light. It's really great.
  9. Yeah, I actually do that. Except I don't go on that day, because I hate the mall when it's packed.
  10. I'm not really shy... But I really hate most people in my age group. I'm never really interested in the things a typical 19 year old is. Example - "Yo dude, let's go out and party!" "No thanks. I'm just about to finish this book you see." "..."
  11. This guy has the right idea.
  12. Is it good? Is it bad? Who knows. However, it's pretty clear that Nintendo has once again alienated itself.
  13. I usually leave the default settings, or sharpen them a bit. I run it of TV-OUT most of the time, because consoles game don't look too pretty running of a monitor.
  14. Hehe, well you can take a point by yourself, but hold it? One person VS 34 people, driving in tanks, aircrafts and spamming nades and rockets in your direction? I don't think so. Lol server I play on, there are a few players who we refer to as "Instant stackers." =X
  15. Okay, I should have articulated myself better. I only wanted to use the controls as an example on how most FPS could broken down, and be the exact same thing. What I mean by "different" is: Take Battle Field 2 for example. Controls are basicly the same as any FPS. Yet, the game does not play like other FPS. Compare that to a game like Counter Strike Source. Both share almost identical controls, but they play completely different. In CSS you could be a one man army. Bust out the Awp & Deagle (for those wacky headshots) and you could easily take down a team of 10 if you were good enough. Lets call CSS, your standard FPS. Take BF2 for example now. Judging purely on controls and movement, the game is pretty much the same. However, toss gameplay into the mix and now we see how the game is truely different. Your place is a lot more iinsignificant in this game. You need to rely more on others support in order to be able to play well. Dynamics are completely different. I just wanted to say (originaly) that all these games play the same and I would love to see something play completely different... For example, a game dedicated to being realistic. You get shot in the leg, you start to limp and walk slower. They shoot one of your eyes, you lost part of you vision... Just something different... Anything! Yeah, it certainly wasn't crappy. It was decent with some fun scary things tossed in.
  16. Dude, do you always base your taste in games on generalizations? Hell, most console RPGs *in general are too similar*, yet most of my PS2 games are RPGs, and yet I don't question what's the point of having so many. Same with fighting games, same with FPSes, etc. etc. ... But yeah, that was just you speaking. ... It's those little things that make games worth having. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's just... When is the last time anyone made a FPS that actually played differently? You can break them down to the basic same controls... Aim with mouse, fire with right click, crouch to reduce recoil, etc, etc... Sure, fighting zombies in one game, and soldiers in the other keeps things moderately interesting... But in the end, more or less the same in terms of gameplay. But, I'm not much a FPS person. I don't really pay attention to those subtle differences. I don't see any difference between CS 1.6 and CSS for example. Also... Sure, RPGs might all be similar system wise, but RPGs are not gameplay driven... and if they are, that's pretty sad.
  17. They don't look as good though... Well and I guess this only me speaking, but FPS in general are too similar, whats the point in having so many? Anyways, I expect FPS to have top notch graphics, because thats pretty much the only reason I buy them.
  18. Doom 3 for Xbox isn't bad, but... Atleast for me... After playing it on my rig, the xbox version looks really bad... I suppose if you've never seen the PC one, the xbox version might not look so bad.
  19. I... can understand the MK movies a bit... But the Street Fighter movie? Come'n. ><
  20. And sony loves the half-assed crap that comes out every month on the PS2 and deny us all the awesome, albit not the best looking games, not to come out on PS2 at all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats just one persons opinion. The fact that Sony still holds the market, even with inferior hardware says a lot. The thing is, if you want something... you will probably find it on PS2 (hell, even the Xbox has a nice variety these days).
  21. I think the main problem with the GC is that fact that it just didn't have enough for everyone.. I personaly play a lot of RPGs, Fighting games and multiplayer shooters... GC has almost none of those.
  22. Guild Wars isn't an MMO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not to mention... boring as hell. I suppose the mindless action of guns is better?
  23. This isn't really a shock, but it is a shame indeed. I thought this GC would at least do as good as the N64. I wish Nintendo would move into pure game development... Would be nice to play Metriod and Zelda games again.
  24. History tells out how this movie wil turn out...
  25. I'm gonna get it afters the bugs are worked out... Have hear some awful things about FPS (20 or something on X850X with no aa/af... o.O).
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