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Everything posted by zero129

  1. no 04 as in 2004, i don't know maybe they are going to do it every year like with the kof games??, anyway like i already said i hope he is telling the truth, cos if his not, and if i hear nothing of any of them games by the end of the year, this guy is going to get a good beating .
  2. As far as i know xbox live only scans your C and maybe your E drive, so just put evox etc in your F drive or something, and turn of your chip when you go to use live, problem fixed??.
  3. No matter, your crown will be mine, someday, just you wait and see, i will own you .
  4. Ok, a friend of mine (well his only been a friend for the past week cos thats when he moved here), told me his dad works for snk in japan (his dad is not leaving with them atm), he said his dad is some type of beta tester, or debuger or something like that anyways, he said his dad was telling him about some new snk games thats coming out in the next year or so, and this is what he said to me. KOF04 <--- running on atomisware (meant to be out by xmas this year or the start of next year). Samsho 6<---running on atomisware (meant to be out early next year). Metal Slug 6 <----running on atomisware ( out sometime next year no real date set). Gal Fighters 04 <---- Running on MVS (meant to be out this year). kof 3 <---Running on gba (also meant to be out this year). KOFU (ultra) <--- Running on the psp (meant to be just a port of KOF3 gba game) Anyway, thats what he said to me, if its true or not i do not know, like i said this guy has only been living here for about 1 week, i only started hanging around with him about 3 or 4 days ago, so he could be speaking out of his ass, but if his not we can be looking at 1 more NEOGEO game, Gal Fighters 04 would be sweet .
  5. Ok then, ryu changed a lot in the sf2 games (not the svc or cvs games) here 'ill start with sf1, then sf2, and he looks better in ssf2t too then what he used too, then in sfa, then in mvc2, then in street fighter 3 (and every capcom characters had makeovers in them games, you don't believe me??, load up the arcade version of each of them games (i know you cant use mvc2 or sf3 but that doesn't really matter), then capter an image of the characters from all them games i just said, anyone you want you can use, then post back your results, i done this with kof games ages ago, and and i can tell you, since kof 94, the snk charecters have not really changed at all, and some of them never changed at all. but thats not really snk's fault imo, its just the hardware they had to work with, they out done them selfs too soon and left them self's with no room to expend, once they move onto the atomiswave they will then have much more room for updates, but like you already said, lets hope they don't over do it again, and once again leave them selfs without much room to expend. But other then that, if sammy is doing sammy vs capcom, it will give capcom characters a good kick up the ass, and show them what they should of, and could of been doing all this time, but even if capcom are doing it i'd say they will give the characters higher res gfx anyways to match up with the sammy ones.
  6. And um would you care to point out all them updates snk have done??, cos imo just about all the characters looks the same today as they did back in the 94 edition.
  7. Umm, that is 100% wrong, unless you maen in gameplay, but in gfx, all you need to do is look at each street fighter game to know that they have updated the characters, but maybe thats cos capcom have not stuck with the same system for around 14 years??.
  8. im sure that if a Naomi emulater came out it wouldn't be to hard for the programmers to also make it run Atomisware games, as the Atomisware is pretty much just a Naomi board only cut down a bit, but anyways you will be waiting atleast anohter 2 or 3 years before you see any of them emus come out, well cps3 could come out before that, but the other 2 well don't get your hopes up for a long time yet.
  9. I never did see the point in having more then 1 bios??, anyone care to explane??, anyway, with the PBL you can have as many bios's as you want on your xbox hdd.
  10. does anyone know where i can get cheat dats for neogeo games for winkawaks??.
  11. AIM Name: zero22982 I play on mame or kawaks, and i'll play just about any game on any of them 2 emulaters (if i have the game that is ). Anyway come on someone play a game with me, anyone up for a game of SFA3??. or SSF2T??, or some other game??.
  12. Damn i had a feeling it was gonna be that anyways, i dont know what them people get from putting fake files up .
  13. If it was in 2 parts it would have a file name something like "kof2k3.r01 <--First part" kof2k3.r02 <-- 2nd part" it would be something like that anyways or else kof2k3.part 1 etc, if it just says kof2k3.zip or kof2k3.rar then its only 1 file, or else the guy could of split the roms himself (highly unlikely) eg put so many of the c roms and the v roms in 1 rar/zip and so many in the other zip, but it would be better and easier for them to do it the way i said it the first time, anyway let us know what you find .
  14. Yeah, i wanted to play this game BAD!!, but since its in jap i think i'll pass on it now, unless some translation group does a translation that is, oh well..
  15. his saying he brought a new pc thats what his topic is about
  16. Yeah, id love to build my own arcade cabinate too, its not that i dont have the room, i just don't know where to start or what i'd need, i main, i know i'd have my other pc inside of it, with that arcade font end that boots up as soon as you turn it on and gives you a list of games to play and then when you pick the game it loads the emulater you set for that game, but i don't know how i'd go about building the joysticks, or where i'd get all the parts from or what type of screen to use and all stuff like that.
  17. Thanks for letting me know that DugFreez
  18. I use an xbox controller (not the s controller i dont like that one), and a sidewinder, both connected by usb.
  19. Dude they are pretty cool programs, thanks for the links .
  20. Well i have a matrix no solder mod-chip, got it about a year ago, was easy to put in and get working, a great chip imo even if other people (who most likely have not even tested it) might say. and my xbox has fell, been smacked, stud on, kicked, and my chip has not come out of place once. PROS: Easy to install. Works with everything i put in it. Easy to flash the bios from evo-x. Has an on and off switch. CONS: The off switch is inside the case so the xbox needs to be opened when you wanna turn it off. Can only hold a 256k bios (but thanks to PBL you don't need to worry about this no more cos you have over 8 gb bios space thanks to that . Well thats all i can think of.
  21. Yeah me too, i'd really like the 2 xbes, my e-mail is zero123456@eircom.net. Oh and btw, do i only need these two emus?, or do i need kawa-x11 too?, cos i wouldn't be using any of the prototype games, and thats all thats removed right??.
  22. thanks for the help .
  23. Madness i say i say Madness!!!, but then everyone does have their own opinions
  24. Ummm Yeah!!, well everyone does have their own opinion and mine is the resident evil games have a better story, cant wait to find out what happens in the next resi game .
  25. I think your reading into my post all wrong, that or im reading into yours wrong , anyway i never said the was anything wrong with garou's graphics, they are great, and i also wouldn't buy a game on looks alone too (if that was the case i wouldn't be even playing neogeo games or here on an emulation board), i just think it will be sad to see no more games on the neogeo, but it will also be a good thing for snk to move on to more powerfull hardware, you cant stick with the same old thing forever, and i never played any of snk's other 3d games so i wouldn't know how bad or good they where, now i do like higher res gfx, and i think snk's 2d games will look great with a higher res, but thats just my opinion.
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