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Everything posted by zero129

  1. Can some mod please move this topic to current affairs secton.
  2. I dont know where i should post this so ill just post it here, does anyone know where i can find all the cheat files for all the king of fighter games for winkawaks?, and also how do i use them??. i know i name them the same as the rom so would the file name be something like this kof2k2nd.dat??. ***EDITED*** Oh yeah btw if ye don't know where i can get them all even atleast some of them.
  3. I remember the used to be a site that had the jap comics of kof99 in english online, they might have the comics for 2k, 2k1 and 2k2 now, does anyone know if that site is still up?, and if the is a link to it?, and btw is the any site that i can go to to find out the charector storys for kof2k3?. and maybe some background info on them?. and how come it looks like the guys and girls in kof2k3 never get any older, i thought they where meant to be set in 2002 and 2003 etc, so how come they still look the same as they did in 94 .
  4. Well heres more working games. Last list of working games 1080 Snowboarding (JU) [!] Banjo-Kazooie (U) [!] Banjo-Tooie (U) [!] Beetle Adventure Racing! (U) [!] Cruis'n USA (U) (V1.0) [!] Cruis'n World (U) [!] Cruis'n Exotica (U) [!] <---works but has some really messed up gfx. Doom 64 (U) [!] <----Works but all textures are messed up and alot are missing. Donkey Kong 64 (U) [!] F-Zero X (U) [!] Goldeneye 007 (u) [o1] Mission Impossible (U) [!] Mario Party (E) [!] Mario Party 2 (U) [!] Mario Party 3 (U) [!] Mario Golf (U) [!] Mario Tennis (J) [!] New Tetris The (U) [!] Paper Mario (U) [!] Rayman 2 - The Great Escape (E) [!] RR64 - Ridge Racer 64 (U) [!] Road Rash 64 (U) [!] Spider-Man (U) [!] Star Fox 64 (U) [f1] Super Mario 64 (U) [!] War Gods (U) [!] Added list of working games Automobili Lamborghini (U) [!].zip Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. (U) [!].zip <---Text is all messed up, and some gfx errors. Diddy Kong Racing (U) (V1.0) [!].zip Dual Heroes (U) [!].zip Gauntlet Legends (U) [!].zip Harvest Moon 64 (U) [!].zip I hope to add more to this list later.
  5. When hex editing the crcs in FBAX do you have to remove another game to make the one your putting in playable??, ie the same thing you have to do with Kawa-x, and when hex editing the roms in kawa-x how do you get it to keep the original file name on the menu select??. ie how do you make say metal slug 5 show up as metal slug 5?.
  6. Yeah i downloaded the arcade version of killer instinct 1 and 2 about 5 days ago, works great .
  7. You have to change the rompath in the ini back to D:\roms, and then put the ini back on your hdd writing over the old one and it will work perfect, cos the ini is not really used it will find the rom as long as they are in the kawa x/roms folder.
  8. ok cloud im sorry for callin you a lier, its just the way your first post sounded thats all, anyway, the best n64 emu out right now is project 64, i think you should try it, its not being worked on anymore, well not offically anyways, but i think its open source so that means the could also be a few un-offical releases of it that fixes some of the problems from the offical release, but even so the last release still runs better then the newer 1964 imo, and if i remember it does play ki gold, im not sure if it plays it at full speed, but it could be worth checking out anyways.
  9. Anyone notice that he has still not replied back to any of our posts??, maybe its cos he knew he was gought out by saying 1964 is only new? , or maybe its cos he was cought out about saying he was running them on a big fast high end pc when really he was proberly only running them on a p2 with a 16mb gfx card, and then he thought thats the way it was gonna run even on a high end system with gfx missing etc so ill just say my pc is dead powerfull , or maybe it was cos he had a bad dump of the rom and found a good one and found out that its really working ok, and that his whole post was just dumb?, or maybe its all of the above , i mean he says the games are not going, but on my 1964 running on an athlon 1800+ with 384mbs ram, and a geforce 4 ti 4200 gfx card they run perfect, and then he is trying to say the roms are missing textures and everything on his run?, so its ether he was lying about his pc or else he must have a bad dump of each one of them roms.
  10. Well i just found out the hard way that i do need visual studio 6, Damn the sdk for saying i only needed visual c++ 6.0, and the service pack 4, and the processer pack 4, and them the guide i was reading for telling me the same thing , anway, everything else installs ok, but when i go to install the processer pack for visual c++, i get a dumb error, "processer pack for visual ++ can only be installed if you have visual studio etc," it says processer pack for visual ++ NOT visual studio , Well that was good time of mine wasted, but anyway thats enough of that rant, time to move on, im downloading visual studio 6.0 now, so since my connection is only slow (56k line) its gonna take me 1 day and 4 hours , oh well it will be worth it in the end .
  11. Well it is facts and thats why its been said, it doesn't say anywhere that playable =perfect. it means that the games works, plus i also know for a fact that 1080 does "WORK" on 1964, so ether he has a bad rom, or else his comp isen't what his making it out to be.
  12. Im getting the xdk dash and the bios now this is the guide i got from xbox scene for what im gonna do to get it on my xbox . It will save me alot of time once i get into compiling stuff . right now i have 2 downloads going on, MS Visual C++ 6.0 (you only need V++ not the whole VS6), and the xdk debug dashboard, then like i said im gonna use that guide i posted above and mess around with it, i might even try and see if i can compile a few emus, hmmm, i wonder if i got the mameox source for xbox if i could enable virtual memory?, maybe if i took a look at the source for FBAX i could find out what way it works in that and maybe try getting it to work in Mame, be pretty cool if it did .
  13. Yeah, im gonna work on the 1964 emu first, then project64, then ultrahle .
  14. im pretty sure that you use ms visual c++ along with the sdk for the programming and compiling, i know when i had visual studio installed with the sdk it had a compile option, and the xbox sdk tells it that its an xbe file that your making and all that, atleast im pretty sure thats how it works. **EDIT** Yep it seems i was right, the sdk can compile. http://www.xbox-scene.com/xdk.php
  15. Anyway to add to my last list of working games heres some more all tested with 1964 in surreal once again. Last list of working games 1080 Snowboarding (JU) [!] Banjo-Kazooie (U) [!] Banjo-Tooie (U) [!] Beetle Adventure Racing! (U) [!] Donkey Kong 64 (U) [!] Goldeneye 007 (u) [o1] Mario Party (E) [!] Mario Party 2 (U) [!] Mario Party 3 (U) [!] Paper Mario (U) [!] Rayman 2 - The Great Escape (E) [!] RR64 - Ridge Racer 64 (U) [!] Super Mario 64 (U) [!] Added list of working games Cruis'n USA (U) (V1.0) [!] Cruis'n World (U) [!] Cruis'n World (U) [!] <---works but has some really messed up gfx. Doom 64 (U) [!] <----Works but all textures are messed up and alot are missing. F-Zero X (U) [!] Mario Golf (U) [!] Mario Tennis (J) [!]
  16. Dude, i have a feeling your not telling the truth here, or else something is messed up with your emulater, or else your really only testing them games on a low end pc with around a 16mb gfx card, cos 1080 plays perfect on my 1964 emu and alot of other games you said too. so something is going wrong here, and anyway imo the best n64 emu out atm is project 64, it runs alot of n64 games really good, and like what was already said, you have no rights to complain, the guys that made 1964 are doing it in there own free time and for "FREE", so if you think you could do better go and try it.
  17. WOW that game looks good, i just can't believe its on the ps2, with this game and GT4 looking the way they do, my thoughts of the ps2s gfx power seem to be getting higher . but id say with gt4 and this game it will of reached its peak.
  18. I would, only i didn't make this topic .
  19. I have the offical xbox sdk, sure i have not used it yet, (i cant cos i have to download visual studio 6( or something like that), before i can run it, i can get VS6 easy, if it wouldn't be too hard to write a driver for them games i could try and compile FBAX to run them, im not saying id be able but still shouldn't be too hard, if anyone could point me to where i can find out how to write drivers for FBA i would give it a shot.
  20. Games that are working. i tested them using 1964 emu in surreal. 1080 Snowboarding (JU) [!] Banjo-Kazooie (U) [!] Banjo-Tooie (U) [!] Beetle Adventure Racing! (U) [!] Donkey Kong 64 (U) [!] Goldeneye 007 (u) [o1] Mario Party (E) [!] Mario Party 2 (U) [!] Mario Party 3 (U) [!] Paper Mario (U) [!] Rayman 2 - The Great Escape (E) [!] RR64 - Ridge Racer 64 (U) [!] Super Mario 64 (U) [!] Well thats all i had time to get around to testing they where all tested on the offical release of surreal, i might have more up later on or else tomorrow.
  21. Id say that why we are not seeing much in the way of Atomiswave emulation is cos atm the is not much on it, but once SNK/Playmore move over their games to the Atomiswave and starts developing for it, we will see a few emus pop up, even if the emus are Naomi, it still shouldn't be too hard for them to add Atomiswave emulation to it, cos Atomiswave is just pretty much a custom Naomi board anyways. Me i can't wait for the emulation of sega model 3/ Naomi / Atomiswave / CPS3, emulation to take off, id say in about 2 or 3 years is when we will be seeing them emus out in fully playable form or atleast some of them.
  22. Well, i new Final Fantasy game doesn't get Announced, a few months after one has already been released, same with just about every other game, most companys dont really announce anything until they have something to show, plus the sagas still are not finished, so far we only have the freeza saga, and the cell saga, maybe the next one might not come to gba, no one knows what it could come out on, but the will be a part 3 over how well the other ones sold, and plus cos they still have some sagas left to finish, but id say they will get the buu saga out on gba, and then maybe move onto another console/handheld with the DBGT sagas.
  23. Yep out of all the games you listed garou wins hands down.
  24. no i know about kawa-x se, i have it and have been using it, what i mean is i want to lget metal slug 5 working on it myself, its just something i wanna try out, be nice to know .
  25. Can anyone answere my question about how to hack kawa-x So it keeps the original names of the banned roms?, i wanna try and do this myself but i don't have a clue on where to start, maybe a quick mini guide on what i should be looking for etc, and if someone could also tell me how i can make a driver for FBAX or point me to a place where i can find out how to do it would also be great .
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