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    Dirty Souf

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  1. cool...thanks...
  2. ok i got 2 questions for y'all... which plug-ins (video, audio) do y'all think is the best.... and which emulator is the best...
  3. anyone got it and playing it??? i got it...and im usin pj64...but it won't load, it says "verify rom and rom setting"... holla back with some answers or somethin...thanks...
  4. i didn't mean to offend nobody... this dude just got off the wrong foot... but whatever...i don't want no beef....so im cool witchu cinder...sorry if my "fag" comment offend you... later...
  5. yo can i get on this???....
  6. nah it ain't that good.... but it's kinda cool to shoot stuff.... so Area 51 does a good job of serving up some shootin action... but as for wastin 515mb on this game!!!!???? hell naw...lol...
  7. can anyone tell me what the best emulator(s) for capcom ZN-1, ZN-2, and namco system 11 games is??? im on xp with a pretty good computer...
  8. thanks...i guess i'll wait...cuz i downloaded a 675kb file and it didn't work... i dunno...
  9. anyone know where i can get it at...
  10. damn... where's your sense of humor... i didn't mean to say that in a way to offend u.... it's what i say to my friends an ppl i chat with...ain't nothin bad that im tryin ta get across... but whatever you lil sensitive.... OMG look at what i just called you...are you gon cry for that too??? so whatever witchu...takin somethin for what it wasn't....
  11. thanks....
  12. cinder, where u at???
  13. anyone on here know how to set up an ftp server to where you can make files available for download via website... cuz im creating my own web page and i wanted to put my games and mp3s up... frankly, im tired of all this broken link bullshit... anyone out there know how and could be so kind as to explain and help me with it... thanks...
  14. wtf are you talking about dude...you never sent me anything, and how am i "prying" and a "annoying prick"... what's wrong with you man...damn...
  15. man...planetemu ain't got crap on 32x...i click on the roms section and all that come out is "goodgen"...da flock....
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