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Everything posted by darkstalker

  1. please people all i do is want to have small respect thats all...
  2. i think im going to chase time with capcom before they release the game so its free to play it on your pc
  3. let me see the first anime i was watching was shulato the best classic even better then saint seiya Mod Edit: I'd wish you'd stop quoting posts that have nothing to with your own.
  4. once again moving eye made me addictive to make this character
  5. the word is cheese behind my name ehahhahaha i guess when i am bored ideas come and flow inside my head
  6. He's most likely not American. hey ahmad i dont know you , but if you call me stupid somehow look at your self first before calling a person stupid hey i admit i i act like a noob sometimes at least i contribute something on this forum oh btw im not american
  7. i had that. i would stay up until at least 2 am every night. I would lay in bed ofr 4 hours with no sleep oh really no wai try me i havent sleep 14 hours ago ... now im thinking i want to go to bed but i cant freakin brain is active
  8. My mice always die after about two years. the one i have now is starting to flip out a bit. ok this mouse is going to meet its final breath die!
  9. i had that. i would stay up until at least 2 am every night. I would lay in bed ofr 4 hours with no sleep oh really
  10. see no hard to say right .. keep it minimum lol
  11. nah i just use voilence againts my optical mouse lol and make it work .... Why don't you hit it with your keyboard as hard as you can? You'll fix more problems than you know...... lol dometimes my mouse pissed me off ... i just knock the mouse .....
  12. once again your avatar sucks you didnt know how to make signature at least if my color didnt blend or whatever i still have a decent graphics in it, dont act like a noob at least GoRDoOnE make a sense in comment my Graphic do you? First off, not all members choose to make a signature. It is not required, and some people just find them useless. Second, "decent graphics" is an opinion. Not everyone likes the stuff in your sig (myself included). Third, you are really not one to accuse others of not making sense. I can't understand a word in more than half of your posts. ok i just need a cool off my graphics not to flame my design and i just want to know whats left to be done in my gfx and that means what did i forget to put in thats what i mean in the first place but seriously though i want to improve my designs
  13. nah i just use voilence againts my optical mouse lol and make it work ....
  14. anyway i got this EZ mouse, when i plug in the usb cord it works fine unit you move the mouse the cursor move by itself.... wierd
  15. once again your avatar sucks you didnt know how to make signature at least if my color didnt blend or whatever i still have a decent graphics in it, dont act like a noob at least GoRDoOnE make a sense in comment my Graphic do you?
  16. look at yourself first before calling a person an idiot i dont know actually either insomania is a "dissease" p/s : i dont give a damn actually what you say
  17. actually i like this kinda dissease it keeps my brain active and thats how i got the idea how to make stuff all at once you think im crazy but yeah
  18. there is a horror mugen character and its tough to find trust me only two person on this 1emulation has the site ... who know where to get it
  19. dont worry bro i'll help ya out man ...
  20. hate it like it you dicide <<< avatar V V V Vsignature
  21. Your Sig looks "cool" but your name looks "darkstalker", in ur Sig :"darks_alker - t Anyway GJ just upadated my signature....im addicted to pop up design
  22. ok then i just pack up something off on the tutorial making my sig badass...brb
  23. ok im trying to try this challenge to make a character then im going to post download for this forum if can heres the pic \ he will be on mugen soon
  24. insomania is not dissease but pretty addictive in awake probably if you busy all day your brain is hyperactive insonmania can cause you not to sleep during night thats what i think
  25. The signature I made is new. wow..ehehahahaha *sorry i dont know w hat to say*
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