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Everything posted by darkstalker

  1. well i dont see you contribute something ... you just like to flamed members arent you, dude you know what you wasting my damn time you freekin idiot you hit my last nerve and you gonna get it
  2. looks like someone on a train welcome dude Mod Edit: Do not quote long posts and add one comment at the end. Not only is this extremely tiresome for the reader, but it is also unnecessary.
  3. im 22 years old and i kick butt dude i take high risk to make my own fame and i know how to get life instead of you trying to be my teacher teaching me VB C++ why dont you buzz off and try to bug someone else try not waste my time and talking nonsense stuff over here
  4. omg .. i know the early batch file maker using visual basic you know stop being annoying man really you dont need to tell me everything you know you know why becauuse i dont give a S2@@ man who gives a F2@@ what you think thats me dude now get off my sight
  5. this is my early art .. lol
  6. you dont need to tell me man i learn the very basic tutorial before even run the game ...... or a software or game maker hey thats what i do man .. to keep my self bz i so i dont complain my life is boring thats the way of life i get man and because my post is low that doesnt mean that im a noob ...
  7. you dont need to tell me man i learn the very basic tutorial before even run the game ...... or a software or game maker hey thats what i do man .. to keep my self bz i so i dont complain my life is boring thats the way of life i get man
  8. ok so we reach final episode ok today i want to show you a spoiler that not many mugen makers know the method of hacking version ----------------------- note* i discover this myself when i downloaded galactus * ok go download galactus.rar alright from that .rar make a new folder on my documents ok if you have fighter factory go open it ok next step open your mugen win debug now the list should pop version and stuff right ---------------------- Name caharacter version date mugen version note to that option this are totally sensetive actually yes sensetive file is mostly most effective way to hack mugen version once you do this for example Name:Galactus character name:Galactus Version date:11/4/2002 mugen version: ????? ok in the fighter factory that should be it well focus on Version date <<<<<< mugen version <<<< go open mugen windebug press F1 it should pop up your mugen version so to do this you need to force the character in for example your mugen date is on 06.03.2003 so this date should be on mugen why the dots well this requires patient and skill replace the dots with "/" or "," on the version date and character date and then pack all your characters together and walla there he is on the roster easy to all solution download MWC tool
  9. to be the ultimate game maker ... and go to game company i want to work with this is all are my work my dream is to work with ubisoft and this is my goal to make that target successfuull i want to take tough challenge so nobody can step me as a noob i work with rpg maker, i work with adobe photoshop i work with flash 8 whats next i done it all dude trust me i event tested the hardest script i found but i admit defeat that script kills me making game i nearly this close to make online game
  10. ok for all your troubles solve i will go make SF 3rd strike mugen edition the screenpacks are the same but the game play is different....\ right now im currently on my project so be patient sometimes roms gives error people like me fix it lol Please don't offer advice that is completely unrelated and doesn't help. @pwr: Did you remove the semicolon from the first RomDir line in CPS3emulator.ini? What is the CRC of the 29f400.u2 file? X_X<<<dies sorry ..just trying to solve so this buggers ddont complain about the game though anyway if you guys want to stick out with the original game though....go search on google "rom emulator troubleshooting"
  11. this month of august will be a challenge to me i have big projects going on my head right now
  12. No, not really. Everything that the FPS Creator is capable of doing (even in experienced hands) doesn't come even close to a well-designed commercial product. ok right now im going to need a team which is for my fps game well i have 3 dang project going on here the august will be a very busy month for me i need 4 teams - script which for the game fps - voice actors i need two - tester - ok my game basiclly featured on my mugen its called ALLIANCE : THE GAME V1.0 ------------------ AT THIS STAGE I DONT HAVE ANY VOICE OR WHAT SO EVER SO HELP ME TO CONTRIBUTE MY GAME BE A MEMBER OF MY CLUB -----------------
  13. No, not really. Everything that the FPS Creator is capable of doing (even in experienced hands) doesn't come even close to a well-designed commercial product. ok right now im going to need a team which is for my fps game well i have 3 dang project going on here the august will be a very busy month for me i need 4 teams - script which for the game fps - voice actors i need two - tester -
  14. like i said dude hdtv doesnt support mugen mugen only support computer system ...X_X
  15. jesus christ its seems im a making addicting well i think im going to be explode with this new software this is the site make your own fps shooter game ok so far we have mugen making, rpg maker, game maker, comic book maker and now what wow its seems we have the complete set on this 1emulation forum wohoooo more contribution FPS CREATOR introducing maps - the maps are all basic you can actually create like this dangit interior design well its easy just go download the software and walla what more can we get sexy weapon more big guns cool stuff wanna beat this creatures enemy will be added on the software or create them on swift 3d ok i think will be the last day of buying games if this software continues poor distributer will have no more games to make its seems this forum has the complete set platform .. 100% mega contribution
  16. learn photoshop if you want to make it from a scratch
  17. ok for all your troubles solve i will go make SF 3rd strike mugen edition the screenpacks are the same but the game play is different....\ right now im currently on my project so be patient sometimes roms gives error people like me fix it lol
  18. Well it have good artwork (cool characters, bosses and stuff..) and simple gameplay (hack&slash gameplay) but the game is fun for about an hour or two.. tho I think if it had online play it would have been a better game (and would probably sell more) Edit: Here's some new shots from the game: http://www.neo-arcadia.com/News/voir_news.php?id_news=8 It looks very nice I must say i can make that game early before capcom did lol
  19. I think it says "Bloodrinker" ah darn is just missed it uhg never mind lol your avatar looks awosome well if you need to change it however makesure you put it out on the control panel
  20. ok my game will have its very own comic stories it has 20 episodes about all characters the main boss will be the creator it self lol i am the alliance i create them ..so beat me on the game ....
  21. Turn your digital pictures into an original comic book! Unleash your imagination with the simplest, most powerful PC-based self-publishing software ever! Whether you're making an original comic from scanned artwork, writing funny family photo comics, or writing a graphic novel based on your favorite DVD or online game, Comic Book Creator lets you make comic book pages in minutes! download the trial marvel comic book shoot this world publish good stuff lets create our own comic book lets see i did closed my game maker now moving into comic book era Game maker epic *failed* but i do move on to marvel comics to p ublish EA VS FA againts the alliance comics i'll post it here while y ou guys read my topics so you can better understand my game and my story comic soon on 1emulation --------------------------- the characters will be featured on my game ehehehe marvel edition
  22. omg i just discover another game maker its an action game maker this time holy @@@@@ this one is cool i think im going to move another level to be a master maker so far i have mugen i have rpg maker xp and game maker this is the site you gotta try this software GAMEMAKER this one is no joke its serious bussines im going to develop every single game and contribute to this commmunity keep my head bangin im going to make ghost rider game based on megaman ehehehehhe but the characters are different X_X i have two projects going on here so my thoughts 1emulation im going to make yet another mini game of my mugen alliance
  23. hey just to know that if we can make club or crew this is a great way to collect members and more members lol
  24. i think im going to collect roms and stuff to kill my boredom any cool discovery dude
  25. if you want rare characters lets trade screenpacks and characters only i can give you site via pm on this forum well those lazy mugen users need to find their own resources
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