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  1. Just wondering if there have been any horror characters been created like Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Leatherface etc....
  2. ok thanks
  3. How do i get the original color version of say the hulk. like if i have a 1 on 1 battle he'll be orange... but i know theres a green hulk cos i had 2 on 2 and it showed him in there. how do i get green version as number 1 if possible
  4. can some1 send me a link as well
  5. i went here www.unofficial-winmugen.jpn.org dloaded mugen, it worked fine i added a character that worked i added a 2nd character and now when i play it, i open mugen the start menu appears but when i click an option it just says error any ideas on what the problem is thanks guys.
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