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Everything posted by sdefedder

  1. Just wondering if there have been any horror characters been created like Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Leatherface etc....
  2. ok thanks
  3. How do i get the original color version of say the hulk. like if i have a 1 on 1 battle he'll be orange... but i know theres a green hulk cos i had 2 on 2 and it showed him in there. how do i get green version as number 1 if possible
  4. can some1 send me a link as well
  5. i went here www.unofficial-winmugen.jpn.org dloaded mugen, it worked fine i added a character that worked i added a 2nd character and now when i play it, i open mugen the start menu appears but when i click an option it just says error any ideas on what the problem is thanks guys.
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