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Everything posted by O-Fear

  1. 10x! Probably the next tune will be Captain America Theme.
  2. Hey, I'm back! Hope you'll like my new tune
  3. Thanks! I'll be making some more soon
  4. About the Luminous Engine and the video itself, here's a new article from IGN where they talk about seeing the demo in motion! http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/06/15/paving-the-way-for-the-next-generation-of-final-fantasy
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVX0OUO9ptU&feature=player_embedded Source: http://totalgamingne...into-the-Future
  6. ^^ Dude, those are 11-13 years old kids. that's their thing. I remember, back in 2000, me and my friend used to argue which system is better- the PS2 or the DC. lol. I guess if we had facebook back then I would have written on his wall "DC>>PS2" Yeah.. but still, it's dumb. I only did this because it's actually made him mad xD
  7. *CAUTION* Intense violence *CAUTION* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mtEYi41p_0
  8. ^You mean- you and your wallet are sold
  9. Well, if you'll ask SCET's new spokeswoman she'll say- Super Mario Bros. "During a PS Vita Press Conference on Friday, Sony Computer Entertainment Taiwan announced the PS Vita will launch in Taiwan on December 23, at the conference SCET's new spokeswoman Rainie Yang, a well known celebrity in Taiwan, came out and spoke to the media. At the stage when asked about her favorite PlayStation game, Rainie claimed that her favorite is Nintendo's "Super Mario Bros" - a game that never appeared on PS platforms. Her answer wowed the crowd at the press confernece, aware that something went wrong, she started posing to the media to divert the attention. However when she started holding the PS Vita on her hand, she held it upside down, and of course she wowed the media again with her reckless behavior! It seems she is either clueless on video games, or she hates Sony." Source: http://www.the-magicbox.com/1110/game111029b.shtml
  10. The thing I didn't like about this game is that it seems every character plays the same. I mean, it looks like almost everyone got the same moves but in different color/splash. Look at Nova and Iron Man for example: Just by looking at their moves you can see that they have the same moves/combos of some other characters (Spider-Man, Captain-America etc). I wish Capcom would learn from this great game for example on how to make each character unique, not just his look- but also his moves!
  11. Phoenix Wright is like Norimaro from MSHVSF
  12. Well.. it's not a new Darkstalkers game but this is some news concerning this two characters: They're gonna be a selectable characters in the new Monster Hunter game. Stilll.. it's something... SOURCE: http://www.capcom-unity.com/snow_infernus/...hunter_frontier
  13. ^Only the first three were good games. And about Power Stone- yea, no thank you Capcom!
  14. Star Gladiator (Plasma Sword) vs Darkstalkers
  15. Was this all they showeD? If you can translate.. but I think it says the same http://www.neo-arcadia.com/2011/07/22/dark...etour/#comments
  16. And probably SFA as well http://shoryuken.com/2011/07/21/darkstalke...game-announced/
  17. FREE TO PLAY! get it here absolutely for free! FOREVER http://www.teamfortress.com/freetoplay/
  18. I recommend Emulation64.com It's now back from the dead and it updates frequently.
  19. True Ogre ingame
  20. What to expect from TTT2? well that's what you need to know:
  21. Here's a good match
  22. WTF she's got sideburns
  23. A new combo vid by Desk. really awesome!
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