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Everything posted by O-Fear

  1. 10x!!! nice idea but can i change the DATs thats in FBA?? cuz i got different CRC
  2. I recommend u to use FBA, its fast and easy to use
  3. the rom is in the ROMS folder...
  4. U WELCOME!!! Heres another link for SS5 : http://fuego.red32.net/~mature/moregames/v...topic.php?t=414 NOTE!!! the password to the files is : epic-center PS : the right P1 for SS5 shold be 8A86C728 NOT 611A6687!!!
  5. if u got eMule then go to my post (the link below) and use the link i gave to download SS5+Nebula+Loader+Dat from eMule : http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...indpost&p=19856 BTW, SS5 is not that good... its fun though but still Last Blade 2 is better!!!
  6. I added the password to my post : http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...indpost&p=19856
  7. u can download the rom from eMule 2 : ed2k://|file|samurai_shodown_5_+_nebula_by_lyon.rar|42837209|E28F945C0690DF480666FD7C35 878CA8|/ heres a link to WinKawaks+Hack+Dat for SSV : http://www.neogamez.net/downloads/emulador...Kawaks_Hack.zip and heres a link to NeorageX H1 version : http://www.neogamez.net/downloads/emulador...es/neoragex.zip NOTE!!! the password to access NeorageX H1 is : Name= HappyASR Key = A220-CC87-5884-0F96
  8. thats y i'm using FBA
  9. YES!!!! THE ROM IS HERE!!!!!!!!!! http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/ngtool...ols/release.php
  10. the link u gave is WRONG!!! (press on it and u'll see) thats y i didnt posted it 2... u need to go first to this link!!! : http://dechiko-zenhan.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ht...html/movie.html ( dont forget : to access the movies press the button at the lowest left corner!!! )
  11. not true.. if u dont got the loader then Nebula will show only a black screen with a message : "this game is locked"
  12. HERES THE LINK!!! http://dechiko-zenhan.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ht...html/movie.html NOTE : to access the movies press the button at the lowest left corner!!! ENJOY!!!
  13. NeoGeo/CPS2 > FinalBurnAlpha NeoGeo(SVC,KOF2002,PIM,ROTD) > Nebula+Loader BTW, if someone wants my logo for the FBA here it is
  14. I dont like MAME... with FBA everything is working F-A-S-T ! ! ! and with FBA I can use the 2xSaI option to SMOOTH the picture...
  15. SO??? did someone has managed to load SVC,KOF2002,PIM,MSLUG4 or ROTD on this version of FBA??? I want to play SVC on FBA!!!!
  16. Talking about Saddam I think u need to see this funny FLASH movie ;p http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/bomb.php
  17. Just keep an eye on this site http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/ngtool.../php/roms_3.php
  18. I've got a version of FBA that can load SVC,PIM,ROTD,KOF2002 and MSULG4 (see the link below) but i didnt managed to load them... maybe its something with my CRCs... so if someone has managed to load those ROMs in this version of FBA plz tell me!! http://svcplus.web1000.com/neogeo/fba_0.2.94.97.zip
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