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Everything posted by O-Fear

  1. And u thought the KillZone2 trailer was CGI.. lol Watch this and be amazed by the power of the PS3!! MUAHAHAA!!..... http://www.ps3today.com/
  2. Click the link ONLY if u're bored!! (or a Star Wars nerd ) http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/slas
  3. Yea I know.. well that's what we gonna get from the X360 jk I'm not a Sony fanboy.. but I do own a PS... and a Mega-Drive II.. Anyway as I posted before this one is better looking http://img138.echo.cx/img138/2408/gearsofwar27jp.jpg
  4. Well, if and I say IF the KillZone2 trailer was real in-game graphics (I'm 99% sure that it was scripted) then the XBox360 is officially dead for me Here's another wp =) http://img132.echo.cx/img132/429/gearsofwar17cz.jpg
  5. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/starwars
  6. Here's a wallpaper I made for u 1024x768 users! http://img138.echo.cx/img138/2408/gearsofwar27jp.jpg
  7. DAMN!! so no DBZ Sagas on the XBox360?? lol jk
  8. I think Nintendo is hiding something... no controllers..(yet) I hope it's something big! =)
  9. Watch this: http://streamingmovies.ign.com/ps3/article...zone_wmvlow.wmv ...still laughing?
  10. Hey don't blame me! I'm just the informer
  11. According to GameSpot the game is SFA3: http://www.gamespot.com/psp/action/streetf...ew_6124834.html
  12. If u want to play SFA4 then buy a PSP "Capcom announced Street Fighter Alpha 4 for PlayStation Portable, the 4th installment of the Street Fighter Alpha series. The game will feature true to cartoon quality graphics and animation. Street Fighter Alpha 4 is scheduled to release in 2006." http://www.the-magicbox.com/gaming.htm EDIT: It seems that the new SFA for the PSP is actually SFA3.. not 4 :\ http://www.gamespot.com/psp/action/streetf...tml?tag=mp_2to9
  13. More news: "Capcom announced Street Fighter Alpha 4 for PlayStation Portable, the 4th installment of the Street Fighter Alpha series. The game will feature true to cartoon quality graphics and animation. Street Fighter Alpha 4 is scheduled to release in 2006." http://www.the-magicbox.com/gaming.htm EDIT: It seems that the new SFA for the PSP is actually SFA3.. not 4 :\ http://www.gamespot.com/psp/action/streetf...tml?tag=mp_2to9
  14. Hands-On with the Xbox 360 Gamepad: http://hardware.gamespot.com/Story-ST-x-1970-x-x-x
  15. So give me a good site that isn't "always a day behind the news"..
  16. More shots + info (and dont tell me that its old cuz its not!!): http://www.the-magicbox.com/0505/game050512h.shtml
  17. Every time I read your laugh it reminds me of Spongebob laughing jaajjaaajaa
  18. Hey I'm just tring to be polite anyway.. WTF?! Morrigain does looks FU**ED UP!!
  19. I'm trying to find the pic that shows Malcom's forms from UT, UT2004 and UT2007.. I think I saw it here in the forum.. Another preview: http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3140119
  20. Read GS's preview here: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/unrealto..._flashtop_story 1UP's preview: http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3140119 Why is it that they call the game 2007 if they're going to release it in 2006? :\ WOW! just WOW
  21. You do know those are the very same pictures that were talking about right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes I know.. but the Xbox 360 Windows Media Center Remote Control is new Edit: Oh, I was wrong.. someone has already posted it.. http://pictures.xbox-scene.com/4/xbox360/m...emote_360_s.jpg although mine looks better and biger
  22. http://www.the-magicbox.com/0505/game050508c.shtml
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