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Everything posted by Apster

  1. all the games were great except that one game that is like Dragon Ball Z Sagas
  2. so true
  3. well I dont really understand what you mean but if you are realeasing this full game then you got a problem because if you are using other ppls chars you are stealing and that is really looked down on in the Mugen community
  4. wel like ppl said Ex3 was cool but not the best game made by capcom
  5. oh I see man was I stupid beliving all those dumb butts that told me otherwise
  6. Flouresent Adalecent-Artic Monkeys
  7. well I like Bleach(not so much the show but the games are awsome
  8. I mean man you dont have to be so harsh.Its the effort that counts
  9. But man think about the good flash movies made.Tails Gba,Naruto Parody,Son Of A Peach,ect. And The good flash games...............uhmmm........nevermind there are only good fash movies
  10. This game looks awsome for a 3D versions of the old fighting games.In my opionion the only game that did bad in 3D was Street Fighter Ex.
  11. I think someone made A freddy Kruger and another charcater that scares me.(*whispers in ear*Sponge Bob*Whisper in ear*) lol
  12. It also depends who the character is because like Hurricane Polymar dosent work either.
  13. I have question and I hope its not a dumb one but is it still ilegal if you own a legit copy of the game like I own Pokemon Daimond but I was thinking of gettin the rom so I can take it on trips without plaing my DS.I was just wondering???
  14. Well im not exactlly sure but I think its because you are either entering a messed up code.Or you are enteing into another type of codes.(gameshark,codebreaker,ect.)Hope i helped
  15. oh sorry I didnt know.but yeah thanks for the tip.but cant you close it youre a mod arent you
  16. Hello I am new here and lovin this forum.I wanted to ask where to get the NDS Bios for NO$GBA?? I hope I don't sound like a leacher or desperate.
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