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Darken last won the day on August 9 2017

Darken had the most liked content!

About Darken

  • Birthday 06/10/1984

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    Anime !!

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  1. This ganna be tough , since Camera will follow the Player 1 Mario XD but still fun to own some mobs with 2 Marios xD
  2. Saints Row 3 , this game is a WIN !
  3. Online Game called Eden Eternal , very Good Cartooniesh style online game , where u can use all Jobs in one character .
  4. thats not big issue , use one and make it decent
  5. still on Cloudnine mode >.<
  6. I know , but the way he say it is the one make me rofl , I mean look at em sooooooo serious about the spamming xD like the one next to him never heard of block or jump XD
  7. *sigh* Kof used to have good story before "playmore" butt in . but what I wonder about is , why 2 games ? why not one game and all developers try their best to be a master piece ?
  8. OK guys along story here xD I brought this X-box 360 "YAY" or should I say "bleh" , anyway , I got some games like SSFIV , Rumble Rose and Dead Or Alive , I check the net and find out that I need to get online to download latest update of those game and to unlock some stuffs . I connect the X-box and nothing happen , it refuse to go online T.T Some Says My region is not supported yet , "Am in UAE right now" so my questions is: is this region thing is real ? and if its real , can I get those update through over method ? Peace ~
  9. Ok Ryu's last combo was cool ^^ , the others are old and real old
  10. Is this for real ?!
  11. Dead or alive , then all characters will be the grape type , or should I say , we will get an army of zangief XD
  12. I really wonder how this will work ... i can smell an epic fail in the near future
  13. The referee's wife tell the News , He can't handle the boys at home , you expect him to handle a world cup final XD such a week personality
  14. Hell Yah , The referee is a weak one , a girly girl , if another referee , he would send 2 from each side with red card from first half ~
  15. was out at work , Temperature is 62 degree Celsius , so what you think I smell Yup . SH!T !
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