Well, as some of you may know I've been on the hunt for a decent laptop to replace my crappy six year IBM desktop. I've narrowed my choices down to three laptops (really just the $1051 and $1208). I will post a link below that shows a side by side comparison of the complete specs for the laptops. The two I'm really looking at ($1051 and $1208) are very similar. I've talked it over with Garageink at the 1emu IRC channel, and he thinks I should get the $1051, on account that it has a mobile ATI Radeon 9700. Aside from that, and that the $1051 is.2mhz slower. The $1208 has as DVD writer, which I want, but we figured I could use the $200 I save on the $1051 for a DVD burner and ram. Another friend of mine has also greenlighted the $1051 laptop. But I want to hear other people's opinions. Finally, thanks again for the advice Garageink. Here's the link for the side by side comparison. Side by Side Comparison