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Everything posted by Spiffy

  1. looks sweet. i missed playing NeoGeo games, been very busy. nice to see some old familiar peeps here, anywys im just droppin by.
  2. samurai shodown 2 and lastblade 2.. hands down.
  3. try diff kind/brand of cd.
  4. gimme gimme the hack.
  5. lol.. that looks very funny.
  6. DrumMania 10th Remix ( Arcade ) this rockz \m/
  7. neoragex 4 eva.
  8. press TAB for configs
  9. i think u cant unless u can hack d admin pass.
  10. sorry but you cant have the roms u ask, the board doesnt permits it unlike b4 BOARD RULES: 1. DO NOT ask where to download WAREZ, ROMs, ISOs or BIOSes 2. DO NOT provide direct links to WAREZ, ROMs, ISOs or BIOSes. 3. DO NOT provide links to websites that link to WAREZ, ROMs, ISOs or BIOSes.
  11. thnx GC.
  12. owned by agozer.
  13. u dont have to answer such words if ur not helping.
  14. then theres no other option.
  15. hmmm hentai.
  16. hs is the best year eva.
  17. think u have installed progs that resulted to it, reinstall windows thats ur last option.
  18. yeah. that would b suck.
  19. i tot of another priest. u shud be more specific w/ the topic title.
  20. lol i cant.
  21. another hack game in the lists
  22. a nice 7/10 game for me.
  23. working pochi n nyaa in nebula dat info. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% System: NEO RomName: pnyaa Game: Pochi and Nyaa (Original set) [Program] 267-p1.bin,0,100000,112FE2C0,0 [Text] [Z80] 267-m1.bin,0,80000,C7853CCD,0 267-m1_decrypted.bin,0,80000,D58EAA8E,0 [samples] 267-v1.bin,0,400000,e2e8e917,0 267-v1d.bin,0,400000,1AC7DB71,0 [Graphics] 267-c1.bin,0,800000,2E20617A,0 267-c2.bin,1,800000,4EDFA720,0 [system] CartridgeID: 267 GfxCrypt: 2 GfxKey: 2E ButLayout: 9 Fix: C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% System: NEO RomName: pnyaan Game: Pochi and Nyaa (Decrypted C/V) Parent: pnyaa [Program] 267-p1.bin,0,100000,112FE2C0,0 [Text] pnyaa_s1.rom,0,20000,88FFBB15,0 [Z80] 267-m1.bin,0,80000,C7853CCD,0 267-m1_decrypted.bin,0,80000,D58EAA8E,0 [samples] 267-v1.bin,0,400000,e2e8e917,0 267-v1d.bin,0,400000,1AC7DB71,0 [Graphics] pnyaa_c1.rom,0,800000,2BD02A33,0 pnyaa_c2.rom,1,800000,8FB27B0B,0 [system] CartridgeID: 267 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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