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Everything posted by Spiffy

  1. hehehe.. u guessed it, we got in common taste ei?
  2. he meant to extract the rom files in a specified folder... then u can rename it.
  3. i use ad-aware and it has its reference file update, dunno for the SSD..
  4. anyone here a bishoujo gamer?
  5. we can't help you out unless u give out ur pc's/motherboard specs.. the vcrd may not support your board.. anywy i use nvidia gforce mx 64mb vcard, too bad my pc is way too old..
  6. try at the 1st thread or so, or try at www.filemirrors.com
  7. i have the s1 rom fix its olny 610 kilobytes.. i use the 0.9c nrx vers.
  8. thx for info the bud, i haven't tested it got bz wid my mid exam here.
  9. mame -------> way to slow in old pc's, p4 recommendable.
  10. id go for key generator/keygen as well..
  11. 21 here.. my bday's last jan.25 from cebu, philippines.. i hope may kababayan ako d2?!
  12. kof2k3 p1 for kawaks in progress, check out this Link
  13. fixed unviewd games like mslug5, samsho5 etc.. just read the readme txt inside! enjoy!
  14. Chizuru: from Up rotate counter-clockwise to up-right, then clockwise to down-left, any button Kusanagi: from Down rotate clockwise to up-left, then counter-clockwise to up-right, any button PS. doesnt work wid a keyboard..
  15. ei? right click at desktop then properties then check settings (check wat vcards wat u hav, eg.. specs)
  16. d/l the hacked mslug5 p1 at www.neogamez.net, then use the neoragex egcg vers to play it...
  17. i can hack cmos, softwares wid trials, bywy im just a newbie/learner..
  18. try n d current affairs thread myth418...
  19. ei samsho5? i hate it, i guess every1 will vote for kof2k3!
  20. look in current affairs, there u'l find links..
  21. nop, u have to wait 4 the hack p1's...
  22. sorry for the late post, im in internet prepaid btw.. click here 4 d link.. Toinks!
  23. got same problem, try frameskipping+ bud
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