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Everything posted by Spiffy

  1. ei, is there any version of the kof2k3 romset? i heard the 1 that is now dumped is a bootleg vers?
  2. GBA: Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire CPS2: Dungeons & Dragons series, NEOGEO: Metalslug, Neobomberman, wakuwaku 7 enjoy!
  3. any1 having problems in half-circle motions? they are difficult to execute wen ur using keyboard..
  4. go to www.filemirrors.com put kof2k3 keyword in the search panel, there you can dL it!
  5. guess il wait for hacked p1's, nywy im doin gr8 playin it in mame console mode , u may try this guyz.. Kusanagi Highlight ! and press R, L, R, L, U, D, D, U Chizuru Highlight ! and press L, R, L, R, D, U, U, D
  6. does any1 here played kof2k3 in kawaks? need some asr.dat tweaky here?
  7. i always play it in fullscreen mode..
  8. i just love waku waku 7..
  9. KOF 2001/2002, id go 4 gameplay not graphics!
  10. just pm me, il give you the site, nywy its neoragex rom and its decrypted!
  11. some sort of ips patching? im not sure about this..
  12. try at -Link removed. Read board rules.- they have the hacked p1's
  13. so its fake, i tot its already emulated.. this sites' suck http://cps2emu.emuhelp.com/home.php
  14. i just love the guy with the phrase "im so potent potent blah blah"
  15. i never noticed it, nywy we ol this to GameCop 4 makin such good emulation site!
  16. yeah ur ryt! i 4got they made my fave rpg games, as well breath of fire series..
  17. that would be a horror, im not supporting crack sites or some warez stuff.. P.S sowee norton.. /gg
  18. parental guidance, not suitable for minors..
  19. thnx 4 d info, it works great nw in my egcg nrx, guess im too outdated nw..
  20. soundcard prob dat is, check if u have conflict problems...
  21. no comment.. newbie c++ me..
  22. use pete's d3d plug-ins it works great at my pc vcard!
  23. norton antivirus 2004 Serial: VCT3 - 63XD - 6BBD - 2BBM - GBGJ - WDXD Activation: 52E5-FBB3-E45B-E71D-8A5D-C6E6-542D-E30C-4E nywy i just d/L my softwares...
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