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Everything posted by Spiffy

  1. Thousand Arms... just love the dating and Q & A's.. LOL
  2. the game is good though its in japanese.. bum.
  3. just watched it in a moviehaus recently, im not convinced with the ending though..
  4. it's rainy season here ! and hot chix all around!
  5. it's rainy season here ! and hot chix all around!
  6. i know its old ( samsho iv ) but i prefer its gameplay.. nah i still owned playing it in arcade mall ! Hanzo rule fyi...
  7. i have the nrx v4.ab games such kof2k3, svc:chaos, ss5sp works flawlessly thou i recommend nebula
  8. My Most Abused NeoGeo Games ! 1. Samurai Shodown 4 ( i hate to say this but all newer samsho sux ) 2. Metal Slug 3 3. King Of Fighters 2001 4. Super Dodge Ball 5. Neo Driftout / Overtop
  9. Starcraft: Broodwar
  10. is there any patch to censored this game? ( im serious )
  11. Black Eyed Peas - Apl Song (made in phil)
  12. woah asuka kazama is a bomb! cant wait 4 dis game at d arcade.. better stick to tekken tag 4 now..
  13. i prefer stephen carpenters..
  14. worth if you go for 3.0ghz, thou its better than nothing! i uggest for a vcard & scard upgrade, dont 4get d dvd/ cd writer as well..
  15. am glad dey got d new album out, too bad i hate lameass stereo typ guyz.. peace out dude!
  16. Thursday - Understanding ( in a car crash )
  17. i dL my naruto manga @ narutofan.com, anywy just add this site up.. www.narutocentral.com.. naruto rocks!
  18. thousand arms music diablo ost/music
  19. ur just one bud am lookin er! il drink to ya..
  20. its all about the he said she said b*#%sh!?
  21. i agree to you dude! i got bum wid d first ep's too, twas so boring , but i got hook up wid d itachi uchiha guy..
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