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Everything posted by Spiffy

  1. all i know is kawaks and nebulas' dat info are the same..
  2. ur using winxp ryt? did u d/L the mugenxp patch already? include also the vdmsound its helpfull...
  3. just downloaded the game at d mirc, half-circle button move does will give you a headache..
  4. here is my samsho5 dat info.. System: NEO RomName: samsho5 Game: Samurai Shodown 5 [Program] ssv_p1.rom,0,800000,8A86C728,0 [Text] ssv_s1.rom,0,20000,33227D62,0 [Z80] ssv_m1.rom,0,20000,18114FB1,0 [samples] ssv_v1.rom,0,400000,6849136C,0 ssv_v2.rom,400000,400000,222E1774,0 ssv_v3.rom,800000,400000,CD9E7ADC,0 ssv_v4.rom,C00000,400000,8B305CAC,0 [Graphics] ssv_c1.rom,0,800000,4E7BDEA1,0 ssv_c2.rom,1,800000,7B444985,0 ssv_c3.rom,1000000,800000,8C709A9B,0 ssv_c4.rom,1000001,800000,CFD53F5C,0 ssv_c5.rom,2000000,800000,C026D318,0 ssv_c6.rom,2000001,800000,B3D9D204,0 ssv_c7.rom,3000000,800000,FE03A025,0 ssv_c8.rom,3000001,800000,89DB2D34,0 [system] CartridgeID: 270 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0
  5. id vote for Neoragex, no more baby talk, no hassles! pentium1 133mhz compatible! (un mmx pc tested! works like a charm )
  6. got d great news, too bad it doesnt work in nrx nor kawaks..
  7. i had problem finding the link again, too bad i found it! 269p-p1.bin (CRC : e5794acc) 269-m1d.bin (CRC : 7f01dac5) i hope i was able to help? happy gaming m8!
  8. definitely pit fighter the best worst game ever i played, clayfighter as well..
  9. grrrrrrrrrrrr... the rom is fake !! nice news there neogamez..
  10. got the rom here too bad dis link is dead alreay.. you try this link Click Here
  11. cant find the rom in there..
  12. NeoRAGEx should play these games...But you need to rename all rom files to xxxxxx_xx.rom. NeoRAGEx plays only decrypted sets. Spiffy: Kawa-X is (if I'm not mistaken) a Kawaks emulator for the X-Box. But I think you already knew that. yeah i know dat m8, i just havent tried dat emu if it plays well at old pc's.. coz mame plays ok at my pc..
  13. i havent tried that emulator, why bothering using that emu, i suggests u use kawaks or neoragex...
  14. thnx 4 d info m8, il just dL the dreamcast version..
  15. i use the epic-center loader as well, works great no glitches, try this info out m8.. System: NEO RomName: cthd Game: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Parent: kof2001 [Program] 5003-p1.rom,0,100000,f75508d8,0 5003-p2.rom,100000,400000,eba65bda,0 [Text] 5003-s1.rom,0,20000,fc1f3809,0 [Z80] 5003-m1.rom,0,20000,526cccab,0 [samples] 5003-v1.rom,0,400000,83D49ECF,0 5003-v2.rom,400000,400000,3F1843,0 5003-v3.rom,800000,400000,2AE38DBE,0 5003-v4.rom,C00000,400000,26EC4DD9,0 [Graphics] 5003-c1.rom,0,800000,29fd9108,0 5003-c2.rom,1,800000,f58d4d3e,0 5003-c3.rom,1000000,800000,71b3172d,0 5003-c4.rom,1000001,800000,564c70c1,0 5003-c5.rom,2000000,800000,8ef8aef9,0 5003-c6.rom,2000001,800000,8a0fd440,0 5003-c7.rom,3000000,800000,6f1effab,0 5003-c8.rom,3000001,800000,39550d3a,0 [system] CartridgeID: 268 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0
  16. yeah, i hadnt noticed it too..
  17. yeah!! hehe, thnx m8..
  18. does any1 here played it in winxp? any links 4 d pc version? the site i have got dead already...
  19. works fine @ my kawaks/nebula loader (no crappy voice) System: NEO RomName: rotdd Game: Rage of the Dragons [Program] 264-p1.bin,0,400000,6ad1042f,0 264-p2.bin,400000,400000,2ab0625b,0 [Text] 264-s1.bin,0,20000,c155d4ff,0 [Z80] 264-m1.bin,0,8000,ebaec46f,0 [samples] 264-v1.bin,0,400000,5c77a3fe,0 264-v2.bin,400000,400000,a9b7af14,0 264-v3.bin,800000,400000,17aff92a,0 264-v4.bin,C00000,400000,bc6a091e,0 [Graphics] 264-c1.bin,0,800000,ec9d18c0,0 264-c2.bin,1,800000,b1069066,0 264-c3.bin,1000000,800000,7e636d49,0 264-c4.bin,1000001,800000,76892fda,0 264-c5.bin,2000000,800000,469061bc,0 264-c6.bin,2000001,800000,2200220a,0 264-c7.bin,3000000,800000,edda4baf,0 264-c8.bin,3000001,800000,82b1ba22,0 [system] CartridgeID: 264 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 1c
  20. have u try kawaks links just above this thread? i suggest u try nebula or mame...
  21. kof2k3 updates, try this link m8s... Click Me
  22. Kawaks ASR update! ASR.dat More Kawaks links here (dats inside) Click Here happy gaming everyone! /no1
  23. havent tried win2k os, does it have compatibility version when u rightt clicked the loader?
  24. and? just wonderin the rom was 090.rom and it played ok n egcg version.. want a link dude?
  25. there are patch already that fix those old neogeo roms to play it in the new nrx vers..
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