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  1. Does anybody know what MAME ROM packs or MAME release version packs MAMEOX is compatible with (o.e which MAME ROMS are going to work on MAMEOX)? I would rather know in advance which game packs are worth downloading and if they will work before starting any mamoth downlod sessions!!! Also do I need any extra BIOS.ZIP files to make any of the ROMS or ROM packs work? Cheers in advance.
  2. WOOHOOO!!! Just deleted that pesky 0000fa7e folder and everything is back to normal now. No idea how you managed to work that one out VAGABOND... that would have been WAAAAAY down on my list of places to look!!! Big thanks for that one though...you might have stopped a young man going prematurely bald through the joys of ripping his own hair out here Just gotta find me a copy of mslug5 for the new SE edition now and I can sit back n relax again!
  3. Hmmm - yeah, just checked my clock and the time and date setiings are all present and correct. Weird?!?!?!?!??!?!
  4. yeah - thats the strange thing everything works perfectly but this. It's even stranger because I've been playing all the NEO-GEO stuff perfectly for the last week or so and haven't added or removed any programs or anything since getting KAWA-X up n running.
  5. ...I've just noticed that when I load a NEO-GEO game up... then go back to the menu, load a CPS1 or CPS2 game up (which do work AND I can see them perfectly) the title screen or the NEO-GEO loading screen or whatever the game was on when I quit back to the menu, briefly flashes up before the game loads. This is presumably because the frame is still in memory, but is confusing me EVEN MORE because if it'll show me them in CPS1 or CPS2 "mode", why not in NEO-GEO "mode"?!?!?!?!? I've tried all the video modes from the NEO-GEO menu aswell but none of them make a difference.
  6. right - well I've just downloaded KAWA-X SE and put it in a new folder to see if it would work before getting rid of KAWA-X PLUS...but I'm still getting exactly the same thing...the NEO GEO games run but the screen is entirely black?!?!?!?!!?!? Can anybody help me out 'cos I REALLY need a fix of some NEO-GEO biznizz now and this is leading to some premature hairloss at the minute!!!
  7. ahah - cheers... I'll give this new version a go and see if it'll sort out my problems...fingers crossed!!!
  8. yeah - I thought something might have got corrupted - but even when I re-copied the KAWA-X PLUS folder across, which has the NEOGEO.ZIP file in it - I'm still getting the same problems...VERY STRANGE and confusing!!! I'll try and hunt down KAWA-X SE and see if that works OK... any ideas where I might find a copy????
  9. Right - I've had KAWA-X PLUS working fine for a couple of weeks now...no problems with any of the modes - CPS1, CPS2 or NEO-GEO. But, today, when I went to load up a NEO-GEO game, all I got was a black screen. The games work fine - I can hear the appropriate sound effects going on in the background when I insert a credit - start the game etc. - but I just cant see whats going on!!!! The CPS1 and CPS2 gfames work fine - and I can see everything fine...so Im at a loss to what has happened. I've not installed any new software or put any new games on - infact I hadnt even touched KAWA-X PLUS for a couple of days until I went back to it today and found this. I tried copying it across again from my PC but to no avail. Any help out there as this one is REALLY bugging me...I just can't work out what has gone wrong here!!!
  10. Ahah - found what the problem was...a dodgy copy of KAWA-X!!! I checked some of the source files like NEOGEO.ZIP and alot of them were 0KB... probably why it all downlaoded so fast!!! I have just got a full version of KAWA-X PLUS which works and even comes with a nice little selection of ROMS!!! WOOHOOO!!! At least now I know I'm not as dumb as I thought - LOL. So it turns out that I had been doing everything right - but the package of KAWA-X I got was incomplete or something...ah well... alot of stress over nothing!!! One more question though -... still KAWA-X but the CPS2 bit this time... I can load CPS1 and NEO-GEO games fine...but when I try and load a CPS2 game - I keep getting errors like: ERROR: Cant load vh2j.03 (1a5feb13) not sure what this means??? Could it be something to do with the CPS2 BIOS??? Anyone know what files should be in the CPS2 BIOS.ZIP file or where to download a working version??? Thanks ALOT for the help so far...and thanks in advance for this question!!!!!!!
  11. This might come across as sounding totally newbish - but Im desperate for some help on this one...anyone got any answers? I've FINALLY got a version of KAWA-X running on my XBOX...but still cant get any games to run. I've got a copy of NEO-GEO.ZIP - the NEO-GEO BIOS set and all the files seem to be there... ... zipped all the.BIN files for each game up into their.ZIP files and transferred them into the ROMS directory of KAWA-X... but STILL no games are showing up on the load game screen of KAWA-X.. I just left all the settings at default for the.ZIP files I created if that makes any difference??? I've got a copy of neogeo.zip and put this in the KAWA-X folder aswell...am I missing something REALLY obvious here? GAAAAH!!!!!
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