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Everything posted by Shishan77

  1. post the link to the site you're talking about, I wanna see the pics
  2. There are a few things I've noticed missing, flameshot and firebomb (although I did see a screen of the firebomb). The big laser you're talking about is only that way when you're fat (or "big"). Only two alternate routes too
  3. Can you turn on scanlines with this mame version?
  4. http://kazuyauk.proboards16.com/index.cgi?...371635&start=30 K, what does this mean, the encrypted.bin files and the decrypted.rom files, I've seen this post on 2 websites within the past couple of minutes.
  5. Apparently someone has figured out this Metal Slug 5 puzzle......Can you make any sense of it!? http://www.speksnk.metropoliglobal.com/php...pic.php?t=14133 (last post by cyberwillis)
  6. Just tried that, filling in the missing roms with mslug4 roms, it didn't work. NeoRage suprisingly had it listed though! When I tried to load it a message display no matching gfx (graphics) roms found.........Oh well
  7. Hey guys, here is a link for the P and C roms for Metal Slug 5, I don't know what you can actually do with them at the moment, but they're one piece of the puzzle. I'll keep looking for more, you guys do the same! Link not allowed - Diso
  8. sign on to AIM (AOL instant messenger) or MSN IM and I'll send you each one of the roms! Might take a while, I got a DSL though. I don't know what else to say, if I had a webpage I'd post it. My AOL screen name is Vortec350 lemme know if you have MSN I just realize I'd have to give out my email
  9. Emsley, just make a copy (or serveral copies) of your rom, stick them in new folders and just try the rom name changes I posted. I don't know why it works on only the NeoRage Final (or whatever it was that came from www.neogamez.net) because it doesn't work on any of the other NeoRages I D/L. The rom file is ShaSho5.zip and NeoRage picks it up as SAMURAISHODOWN(?). Don't worry about messing the roms up, I was really apprehensive about it too but soon realized it's kinda tough to completely screw these roms up! I also know that this version of NeoRage will play SVC Chaos, but for some reason there is no sound effects whatsoever when I do run it (though it plays fine). P.S. I'm getting all my info. from just searching the web, mainly forums which unfortunatly are in spanish half the time! I live in Texas, you figure I could speak spanish better!
  10. Being a NeoRage fan I know where you're comin' from.....As far as SamSho5 goes, I've got it working perfectly on NeoRage. Well, I had to D/L a different NeoRage, but it works flawlessly so far. I too goT the "Bank Error" response and was pissed that I had to use Nebula, then I added a patch and I didn't get the "Bank Error" but some screwed up graphics! Finally I found a website that mentioned the rom names for the "c roms" needs to be changed. Here is what you need to change them to. ssv_c1.rom to (same) ssv_c2.rom to ssv_c3.rom ssv_c3.rom to ssv_c5.rom ssv_c4.rom to ssv_c7.rom ssv_c5.rom to ssv_c2.rom ssv_c6.rom to ssv_c4.rom ssv_c7.rom to ssv_c6.rom ssv_c8.rom to (same) use the NeoRage emulator from www.neogamez.net and I think also the p1 patch which can be found at http://daiya.paginafacil.com/main.html THAT should work, I'm a real beginner to this emulation stuff in fact I think this is my 4th or 5th post! Hopefully it'll be of some help........ ANYONE WITH METAL SLUG 5 NEWS......POST IT!
  11. I tried the p1 patch and it didn't work, trying to find at least the kawaks version. I also tried the.dat file supposedly for kawaks, didn't work for me. But yeah, I'm completely grateful this rom is out and I have it!
  12. Has anyone figured out how to get SS5 to work on Neoragex? I've seen some patches but everytime I load it I get a "bank error" screen. Although it looks like it's gonna load, I get the first couple screens then the error.....
  13. Yes, it's the real deal, I've played it already and it works fine on an included Nebula emulator. Enjoy! Hope that link comes out, if not, just go directly to http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com And big props to SVC Dump Team that released this! You guys kick ass!
  14. Yes if is out for NeoRage and works perfectly ftp://bushidov.homelinux.com/pub/roms/neogeo/ Scroll towards the bottem, you should see it
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