as above.. eg. i am playing kof2001 and i want to off the game music so i can listen to my other mp3. but i want the fighting sound to be able to hear. any help?
i wonder does anyone have this problem, i find using keyboard to control kof2003 in winkawaks dev. doing a semi-circle is hell compare to nebula... talking about nebula.. i wonder does kof2003 support it.
is there any fix, patch, tweak guide or watever to make the guilty gear x keyboard control better? i have no problem doing QCF + HCB... but i really had problem doing the HCB + F move for all chars... please help..thankz.
i had d/l this Kawaks 1.48b dev + KOF2003 PCB [].rar from some torrent site... but i dun have the password to unlock it... i try to use the website as a password but no use....i visit the site and it give me some language i dun understand...can someone help me? thanks alot!
i had search the forum...i get broken links..they also said that got the rom...i d/l from there with the emulator...but it not working... EDIT: That's a great ROM site. What am I talking about? Oh, you don't know since I removed the link!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
i got the rom from.. but it only for mame? how to make it work at FBA? is there a hacked version or whatever? thanks alot! EDIT: ROM link exterminated.