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Everything posted by alexis

  1. yeah i like it. You mean like captain Tsubasa, hehe, it is funny to see the concept of football by people that knows sh*t about it. And remember Argentina football owns
  2. I was looking to build an athlon 64 machine too but things prices went higher and higher and when i realised about that i was way far form the initial budget, i could buy it anyway but i just don`t wanna waste all my savings. So a barton 2600+ should do, i was thinking of a barton 3200+ or sth with 400 fsb but prices aren`t that gr8 and that thingie is very near to its performance edge. Besides i will never use that much power i guess. I think i will use a radeon 9700 pro also. Just curious how good are gecube and gigabyte gfx cards?
  3. how about the FSB? even the ones with 512k cache should have a speed equal to the core clock so if i have a 2 Ghz athlon 64 its FSb would be of 2Ghz i have seen some benchmarks in which the 3000+ outstands the 3.2 P4 adn i guess it was tedted on 32 bits so if used with 64 bits OS and applications the performance should be better
  4. ehemmmmmmm ehhhhhhhhhh can`t you be a little more verbose? =)
  5. thnx dude you rule =) i should explore it more to know how much shipping costs. excuse my ignorance, i have to select a shop and then buy it from it, so if i want to buy th ecpu mobo and memory i have to look for a shop with the 3 of em?
  6. NewEgg onlyu ships to Puerto Rico, if someone knows of any store wih international shipping please let me know.
  7. thnx, anyway i am looking to emulate pocket pc and other PDAs on a PC
  8. Hi guys i was wondering if there are any pocket pc emulators, i know for sure ther eis one form MS but how about others, any other PDA emu will be welcome too thnx in advance
  9. yeah it seems it does, thanx for the tip i will mail them
  10. i have been looking at ebay and i think if i can get ot buy the micro mobo and a few more things like memory and video and get it shipped to Argentina then i will be able to pay thins cheaper than they cost here and it will enable to buy a 64 bit micro without afecting my budget. I will also have to find out about custom taxes. but i do not think that will be much.
  11. the cheapest price i found for the athlon 2800+ 64 is $216 and xp 3000+ ranges from $250 to $309. The cheapest mother i found for it costs 130, then there is one at $160 and all the others cost above $200. Prices suck, mmph i am starting to think that buying in US and paying shippiong will cost cheaper.
  12. btw is sicket 754 a good choice or is it old
  13. well, basucally that, i am lookling for affordable 64 bit micros and if the difference in price is worth i mean if by paying the same money on a 32 bit processor isn`t better. I do not because it is difficult to keep up with names, i gues athlon 64 economic family is newcastle, how about the new socket 940, how do this "economic" micros benchmark, i am not really interested in overclocking, i dunno who knows sth about 64 bit processors? oh another quesiton, i sa an economic x300 pci exprress card, how does it nechmark too, is there any advantage besides being pci expres the new format?
  14. i couldn`t fouind anything at tomshardare eyt and i already read that articlet at neoseeker,m but there it says it is an improved version of 9600 se i also saw some benchmarks where the 9550xt got better performance than the 9800 so i was curious about the standard version because i couldn`t find any shops wiht the 9550xt where i live
  15. Hi guys, I was looking for a new gfx card, something not much expensive, i found out the radoen 9550 with a very interersting price, so i was wondering how good this card is, i was also wondering if such a card would be enough to play doom 3 at least at low res, it seems it is an improverd version of 9600 so i would also like to know to which previous model have similar becnhmark, i saw that the xt model has superior performance than the 9800 but couldn`t find about the standard version. thnx.
  16. nice to hear that, i didn`t go to pick my dvd drive yet so my computer is down at the moment, form the distros i could use by now, i like slackware, i had great expectations towards red hat an dfedora but somehow ended up in an annoying experience, i may be wrong with it is too limited,ok it is easy but if i wanted sth easy i would have bought a mac
  17. oh well, i arrived a little late, and i am not reading the whole thread, ni my opinion kof 2k3 sux the only thing i liked was the ew team background, the bosses are a shame, i might be wrong, but the new game system sux 2, i am a gr8 fan i have followed the series since 96, and to tell you the truth i feel very dissapointed, perhaps the game isn´t that bad but i had great expectations forward it and playmore, the feeling is dissapointment
  18. the videocard, i have no idea what to do to configure it, i will try wha nezumi said, regarding soundcard, the alc ac 97 via 82xx is recognised by linux but it is turned off, it tells me to run a command, don´t remember now which to configure it, i could never test it but when i run this command i can edit the volumes of everything, but devices have the [off] message next to them, the command if i remember well was to configure the sound mixer. how about fsck when i am asked to run it manually i have no choice but to install the whole OS again since i duuno how to use it. I´ve installed fedroa again but i don´t really like it, it is easy but limited, like to add software, i can´t manually select what to install, i am given some cethegories an some soft on it and i have t o choose which i want and chich i don´t. I am still trying to install debian. I have tried slackware and i really like it, if i could configure my hard and install custom packages that would be perfect. If i just didn´t have so many problems copying files, i don´t care i bought a new dvd drive, i just have to go and pick it up, that has to fix it. BTW, Nezumi, i owe you a really big appologise, for asking such a stupid question about Slackware before (what is slackware? a piece of soft?) i should have read more before writing that. Anyway thnx guys.
  19. just get some aspi driver, go to download.com, i found aspi drivers there once, if not just use google to find them
  20. i could install slackware but i am having osme problems with my hard config, i need to ocniifuger my asus radeon 9200 se and my ac97 via 82xx chipset soundcard. I am also haivng some probs with paackages, though ii did the complete install, i had problems copying 3 files and don`t remember which of them but when i start the kpackage manager i only hhave one folder called other under the slackware folder and i can`t get to install anything else and i can`t get a complete list of what i have installed.
  21. well since errors differs form install and install, and the archives that were corrupt on one install were fine the next install i guess the cds are right and the error is due to hardware somehow
  22. copying errors, bad crc, the archive could not be found check or is corrupt it may be caused by bad media disc and that kinda stuuf. for example on fedora install, there was an error tryiung to copy gimp x.x.x. system will now boot try installing again on debian there was a problem copying gnome x.x.x. the file could not be copied this file may be needed by your system to run correctly. debian there was an error during install the folowing archives oculd not be copied, it can be due to bad media error or a bug sorry debian is not perfect bla bla bla oh well htis is not exactly what it appears on screen but sort of btw than k you so much ugenn you have been very helpful
  23. hmmmph i always get random errors installing from cds, i tried changing the cd drive but it still happens,i know for sure the cds are ok, any idea.
  24. hey guys i need some help installing linux systems i intsalled slackaware and everything went ok but when i start the machine linux loads it asks me to login and everything but it doesn´t start in graphical mode and i have no idea on how to get into the graphical mode (kde specially) regarding debian i choose verything expect the languages pack and when installing i got a message saying there wee some errors copying an archive which is always the same, it says i should try installing again or maybe it is a bug i am using 3.0 r2 so i was wonderingt is the cd screwed or is it just a bug how do i solve itwhat should i install. i feel kinda lost in the command line how, in general, can i get to the graphical interface, till i get used. I also installed fedora and the thingie is ok but i always get some kind of error when selecting install everything. but then a common install has many software missing, i couldn´t even watch aa divx movie. some other thing that called my atention is that it doesn´t install my modem, but on one of the cases i chose the full install and it got screwed and when i restarted te os sarted not in graphical mode and some red hat utility detected my modem andconfigured it while it was initializing, you know, when oyu get all those ok messages. Thanks in advance.
  25. i got fedora, debian 3 rl2 and slackware 10.0 (the first two cds) i wanted to get freebsd and freesbie (a live cd of freebsd) but couldn´t yet. i don´t know much about them exept that they are made from unix
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