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Everything posted by alexis

  1. same here, the most important of those reasons is that i am lazy, well and now i don`t have much time, but i didn`t do it when i ad plenty of it.
  2. well i mean sort of but a text one with just special roms like not supported or hacked versions and explanation on differences and stuff
  3. I ht ink that it would be a good idea to build a database about roms and inis, specially for the not supported games and hacked versions, i have many roms and many times i have to try whihc one belong to which dat file and sometimes don`t even remember what`s the difference between one rom and anothere, there are many rom hacks as well as romset with slight differences, i knew them perfectly when they were released but after as while you start having problem remembering anything. it would be nice if everyone collaborates a bit. I will start adding some stuff later.
  4. i was wondering if any of oyu guys know of sites containing savestates of combos for winkawaks or any other emus i have many good ones but still looking for more, it is very interesting and you can learn a lot more about them, the size is a fe kb and the quality much better than videos.
  5. then it was ebil but it wasn`t my fault
  6. i think that appart from the size limit there is also some time limit so if the mail doesn`t completely go out after a certain amount of time you will get an error, but i am just guessing that in a way
  7. why so much expectation for some web mail account, i could understand if it was an imap account,, i had a good free on eat fusemail but it stopped being free i could retireve mail from all my accounts and from yahho and hotmail too so i could checj everything in just one account
  8. sounds interesting no reallly it`s interesting i also have a gr8 ability to screw things up, maybe someone is interested on that service too heh
  9. ok, that`s it I am the only bastard that isn`t making any money gotta think of something.........
  10. yeah me too lol Seville, cool. I am looking forward to og to Spain for a while, just need to save some more money, i would like to visit the place where my grandfather was born but i think i would prefer the south for living, anyway since i don`t know much any place owul be cool
  11. LOL yeah, a friend at wrok was really depressed yesterday, he oculdn`t believe it, he was also angry because in the newspapers after the match they were stilll saying Spain had gr8 chances of being champion, btw which part of Spain are you from?
  12. that is not much likely to happen, the only waywould be to use a program to transform voice into text and then translate that text into english but even that way, with the errors in each step the final text will be near to senseless
  13. well a good way to commemorate would have been a badass dreammtatch wittl all chars redrawn from strach a la classic snk we all love, good artworks andf everything that made those games for neo geo having even beter gfx than other modern hard based ones, yesterday i played fatalfury 2 and kof 96 couldn`t help to think the quality of gfx fell a lot it also should have a single backroung for each team, i would pay anything for a game like that
  14. hehehe funny, someone changed mine too but that was as looong time ago and a different person, at least i think so
  15. i meant it couldn´t been the other way, that zato ichi emulates guilty gear
  16. Zato Ichi, the blind swordsman, trhe re is no way guilty gear could influence it since those movies are rather old. I could never ge tto see a complete one. I can`t remember that weel so i may be wrong but i think it was that guy that appeared on american ninja (first of the series, but not sure) he talked about when on the dojo learning they used to watch his movies and really enjoyed that. AS few times i got the chance to watch some scenes and they were very good.
  17. it is just to earn money damn, you aren´t always lucky to get a job you like
  18. oh come on, it is a gr8 step in emulation, some time ago if you asked about a dc emulator people first flamed you and then said forget about getting it started in less than 10 years. Then all of suden some guy comes with some emulator that rocks while others have been working a lot and didn´t released anything. What did you expect?
  19. Congratulations, I am really happy for you, a brilliant future awaits you and you have the potential. Keep it up and now that you have some free time relax and enjoy
  20. it is just that they are not coherent, well back to biz Tehre many annoying games, that i can remember, sonic adventure is annoying because of it´s camera, many games for their control, matrimelee is annoying because of sissy, i am ashamed i could never beat her the control in many other games. hmmmmmph gotta bo to be continued.....
  21. cool, this system could encourage berserker players
  22. Paul, hehe, nice to know your name, mine is Alexis O: btw i know what you say about the beer stuff lol
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