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Everything posted by alexis

  1. well, i will tell you on 2005 if there is a cicil war, then you know what will happen on 2015.
  2. my parents didn´t realise when i drank the champagne bottles, ok they were much cheaper than a Dom Perignon bottle, besides they didn´t bought me a ps2, in fact when i did that ps2 didn´t existed.
  3. yeah i know dude =) i just wanted to be sure she was suggesting that
  4. thnx i thought she was saying that it is just that i am not used to talk about certain things in english
  5. excuse me to ask this stupid question with i wanna make sure it does really mean what i think it means i mean what do you think if a girl tells you she wanna hang around with you?
  6. Not really, it is for both sex, remember ALexis Sebastian from Maxwell Smart?
  7. how about re inserting bootdisc and then the 2nd disc of the game'
  8. if i am not wrong you got to use a boot cd to play non self boot games the one i have says utopia, you just use that cd and once it loads you replace it with the game you want
  9. I've nothing and that's the two game I really want, where do you find it or is it bought? You can find those two on DC++. Hell, if I'm on there ([ERH]GryphonKlaw) message me and I'll grant you a slot. But a lot of people have those two games. I'm still trying to get Sonic Adventure 1... i do have it but i have a crappy 56k connection
  10. Hell yes, i do it always i can (if near to the backyard and no in the front on the house). It is sth special can´t describe it, it it relaxes me Glad we are on the same page man. It is so relaxing. She's a girl! LOL! No it's a guy. Whoa. wtf? why did you thought i was a girl
  11. Hell yes, i do it always i can (if near to the backyard and no in the front on the house). It is sth special can´t describe it, it it relaxes me
  12. i am not talking about f*cking videogames i am just saying that talking about money is not as simple as some people may think. It is about people talking about millions as if cookies while thousands die due to hunger. About videogames they don´t lose money because people either they can´t afford it or don´t want to wont buy original games cuz they are expensive as simple as that.
  13. has to do with feeling pleasure by anal retention when being a baby
  14. cool thnx man, nice to see your posts around again
  15. Collectors are ruthless. wanna know what Freud tought about collectors? heh
  16. i admit i used to have a cool life but lately i am feeling like i am fading away
  17. well it is not much like that dude, here universities are free and so are hospitals, for example so even if you are poor you can manage your way and end up being an accountant, engineer or whatever, of course it costs a lot, and electronic stuff costs a lot but many other things don´t and even a poor person had their own land and do not live on a trailer like in USA, btw America is the whole continent so i am american too, but i don´t wanna start a catfight here
  18. well, it is not an excuse, but yes, random guy is true, i have here it many times before, everyone that owns a non origianl copy does it because they can´t afford to pay for them and if they wouldn´t buy it neither would they buy the original one. Talking about that much money is a very complex thing. 10% of the world population holds 90 % of the richness and the other 90 % if the people have the 10 %, the difference is huge. then you got a guy that makes a stupid but pop song or sth which becomes the furor for the next weeks and the guy wins more money than he can spend on his whole life. on the other hand there is a baby born form a poor family that can´t earn enough money to feed him, so he dies. So tell me is it fair?
  19. 50 dollars is almost one third of my salary, but then because they are imported stuff it costs about U$s which is more than half my salary
  20. to make a movie about that? well i heard once they were going to make a pac man movie so i guess you can actually make a movie of anything. I also read some news recently about bbc having a program or sth for the pets. Oh my god if they take money of that i would feel even more misserable than now, how is it that everyone makes money but myself
  21. i am just asking but isn´t there any way to get linux to run directx games in other way than using wine, i know it isn´t easy but couldn´t it be developed a set of llibraries that did the work on linux? i know you would still have to emulate the game under wine but it may be a gr8 help for making games for linux
  22. if i were you i would buy an athlon barton xp 2500+ or a faster one if oyu can, try to avoid low range micros sonce mhz isn´t all that matters, you have to take into account cache and bus and other stuff it is preferable to buy an athlon or p4 at lower speeds than a celeron or duron, if you choose to do so you would also have to change your motherboard, asus and msi are good ones, there are some motherboards that have and radeon 9100 integrated i dunno if they are good or not, but considering you are buying a mobo you can find out and maybe take advantage of it if you have an old gfx. Anway i guess that all the hardware available nowadays is cool so whatever is your choice you will have more than enough power for most of the tasks
  23. thanks man, forgive my ignorance but this new set of isos you talk about are they apps or just applications?
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