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Everything posted by alexis

  1. you are not getting the point, you are probably right, US might be better than many other countries to live in, I live in South America, Argentina to be more specific and to tell you the truth the matter about where you live better could be for a long discussion.Anyway I am not talking about that. Maybe i expressed myself a little bit wrong. USA international policies and how they interact with other countries suck, and on other countries they think USA sucks. Forgive me if this annoy anyone, i mean if someone talked about my country like that i would get angry too.The thing is this whole anti terrorism war is bullshit and when i think about the consequences it really angers myself.
  2. i think the alpha series suck in general, i really hate the gfx looking like cartoons, so you could say i prety hate much the latest games gfx
  3. i don`t know, maybe it`s me getting old but i am getting sick and tired of all those VS dreammatch kinda titles I WANT FRESH MEAT some new title or sth, lately there aren`t much titles and there aren`t decent titles it sucks.
  4. i guess i will have to catch up with the forums, i`m kinda lost here heh, well, when violence had his black and white pic i could swear he was a girl, btw nice pics except the last one but that`s just me. Talking about pics i wonder who is that girl in seraph`s signature. i mean saraph sorry, got drunken last night.
  5. first of all, nice drawing random guy, btw is thew guy using an apple? On the other hand, US image is very negative everywhere i know, it is not like everyone is watching everything Us does to critizice it, it is more like watching the news and saying these guys suck. Of course that because there are some idiots it doesn`t mean everyone in the US is like that. It is the country policy what peple hates i mean you are considered pirates, robbers, assasins, etc. etc., the givernment always did and does lame things and then when something happens like the 11/09 you talk about justice and mora, and that annoys people. Of course it is nothing personal and that doesn`t mean people from US are hated but as a country you suck.
  6. plane shifting is interesting but not in a kof game i guess, i don`t know characters are well modeled but i would have expected more from a kof 3d game, i have the impresion tha movements animation sucks i am not too convinced but hey i liked fatal fury wild ambiiton heh
  7. i never used vdm sound so i can´t give you much help, o to vdmsound homepage and red the FAQ and the troubleshooting guide.
  8. mmmmphhhhh i know how you felt atpeople not replying, it sucks, but i think your attitude is WAY WRONG, you would be doing the same that you hate now Well the thing goes like this, you gotta get an updated driver for your gfx card, just type your card model and the "driver2 word on a sarch engine and download the latest one you find your gfx card is way old but oyu should find a suitable driver anyway, the reason why it works on DOS is because it doesn´t need such a driver
  9. dunno, it looks like to much trouble, using a tv out and a nes emu should do.
  10. yeah, agozer is right, anyway it´s a very cool avatar =)
  11. on one hand it sounds funny on the other sounds interesting not because it´s weird but because it is about and intelligent way to integrate devices, a sewing machine taking advantage of a low cost powerful piece of hardware, it much more things could be integrated that way.........
  12. go to http://mgbr.net (link fixed: GameCop)
  13. yeah i know but i think their translation is halted, they mention another translation team that started working on it, it will take about one year to see some progress though
  14. you have to change the video settings, i can´t exactly tell you which one since i am not at home right now, just try the different settings, it should be triple bufffering or something similar
  15. First of all i would like tho thank Emsley for his support, i also believe i should apologise myself too, i was really enraged, i want to know about more about programming and the net, i aslways believed that hacking and cracking was the best way to learn since what they do is absolutely based on knowledge and not in some title or something. Of course there are no hard feelings dude , thnx for your advice i will take it into account.
  16. huh, wtf,i said html and stuff just to give an idea of what i was talking about, hmpph about everything else, sorry Sherlock, everything you worte is wrong, i am not a kiddie, not a wannabe and i don`t mess with my registry, etc, etc, i just wanna learn, if you want to help you are welcome if you don`t then get lost
  17. i dunno, i expected it to be much more, i still haven´t played it much though, just a few mins, enough to test the gameplay, i noticed that some chars became slower and that there are very fast ones. i couldn´t get to test if the differences in speed are balanced with power. Regarding the game system i couldn´t test it yet. i don´t like the artwork, ithey are not bad but i prefer the old ones, kof 97/97 ones
  18. i felt very comfortable with that emu, i think it is very good
  19. use devc++ it is free and for what i have read it is highly recommended, it is for windows
  20. they will, read the posts about sammy new board
  21. when i find something worth it i´ll tel you
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