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Everything posted by alexis

  1. yeah, that´s what i heard, i will have to give it a try
  2. well how about comin up off that link through a pm James. I promise not to share it WTF
  3. depending on the game you also have also spanish versions
  4. in my opinion that´s very hard to happen but who knows, anyway if it happens it will be a few years from now because apart from being posible it has to be a certain market available, it isn´t worth to sell those gloves if just 5 persons worldwide would buy it
  5. to figure out how to play is not always the problem but to don´t even know the sotryline
  6. ok thanks, i never payed much attention to linux mugen but now that i have installed a linux os i may give it a try, anyway thnx for the info.
  7. i was browsing the web and i found this site http://www.menta.net/personales/alexperez/...en_knoppix.html on this page you will find information on how to get the linux version of mugen running without having linux installed on your pc i didn´t try it so i dunno if it´s true so i would appreciate if someone tries it to write a feedback about it so in case it works i will make it sticky
  8. read that same link and also read the topics about mugen and xp
  9. it should start wait for a few moments, if not try gettinganother copy of mugen or see one of the topics about mugen and xp
  10. i want to play it too, but there is no way i am playing it in japanese, hope someone translates it i remember playing boy soccer team 2 on the nes, it was japanese and i finished it but it was in japanese, so i couldn´t understand a thing don´t wanna go through the same anymore
  11. i just installed vmware, i tried it a little and i think it is gr8 i have some questions though, when i install another Os in a virtal guest machine do i have to install the drivers for that OS Can i use vmware workstation to install Win 98 or linux but to use it as a normal Os not a guest virtaul machine as i am using xp I get a message that i need to install a toolspack to run my guest Os at resolutions of 640x 480 or higher
  12. a company is preapring a port of the original river city ransom for the nes, it seems it will lbe exactly as the origianl one but with
  13. well it may be, there is an astroboy game for gba but dunno if it is even released
  14. doh i thought ASCII files where created by people and not by soft in fact some time ago i tarted making one ASCII experimental image
  15. yes and no, i suppose these are preliminar demos and that the game will be much better
  16. hmmmmmph well thnx god that´s not much info, please don´t say anymore...... one thing i was wondering, Shingo is supposed to get the flames, so i think the storyline there might get interesting
  17. yeah, i wanted to do the same but i couldn´t find the prts i needed, but i agree that building it for yourself is the best idea, i was also thinking, if you make it to play on your desktop, what´s the best way to make it have an excellent grip?
  18. cool hehe macross games should be easier to get since there are many roms, the one for n64 doesn´t look good though take it easy dude it is not that you must find every single game, othe rposters could contribute too, i will, as soon as i have some time
  19. i don´t wanna get technical or anything but with d pad you are using your fingers and with the joystick you are using your wrist, you the first one should have more precision, and i guess that the second choice gives you faster moves
  20. there is a file i downloaded form emuhelp which is called ng.exe and gicves you no problem on xp
  21. yeah good idea, there is some soft gc is working on, having access to a dat database from it would a a gr8 idea also, well at least it sounds gr8, i am not the programmer
  22. thanks dude i alreay have the roms =) btw u am saying names of anime games so anyone here will be able to know and find them, with your help of course btw how about the evangelion and macross series
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