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Everything posted by alexis

  1. there is no problem in eating the cow brain the problem is feeding the cow with cow brain
  2. i know we have enough sections but one about gameplay would be cool, i mean general gameplay so people can post about of games they like to play for every system, combos, cheats, help or whatever. I think that would be gr8, it could be in thesame section as game reviews.
  3. just keep it cool, in the future x box will surely have it´s own forum eventually, in the present it isn´t probable, btw kawax is not an xbox emulator, it is a neo geo emulator for xbox ergo it belongs to nep gep section and not to an xbox section just be cool and patient
  4. whtat´s the deal with the moons moons everywhere...... yagamimania
  5. i played with a few of it chars and they rock, so i guess the game also does, will dl it when i can
  6. not only their meat but their brains, that´s what causes the diesease
  7. i wish tehre was a translation for far east of eden zero
  8. find the translation and gfx packs at dejap
  9. this is a gr8 char, its voices are in spanish but it is a must he is very funny and he has a sort of berserker mode called trehouse of horror mode, give it a look you won´t regret it
  10. i have been readong about this product originally made by connectix that lets you run any OS inside your own, so, for example you can run linux from xp, has anyone tried it or know about how good/bad is it?
  11. i wold recommend a radeon product from ati, they are gr8 besides i read that geforce fx cards are havingn problems with directx on the other hand they have a gr8 tv out quality because they made the tv out parts by themselves unlike other companies.
  12. that´s what you get when you feed cows with crap
  13. Since i never used vdm sound i can{t help you much, how about trying another DOS emulator.
  14. yeah, don´t worry, it is a common problem and it happens always, just configure mugen to start in another resolution like 800x600x16 so it will say mugen couldn´t start in that resolution so it will satrt in 640x480 and voilà
  15. well i guess it could be unanimated after all it is sprite editing and not animation, i should post a pic of yuyu hakusho =P btw very godd animation of morrigan and the dan is not bad, the one that kills me i have seen it in a brazillian forum, ralf throws chang up in the air and instead of catching him chang falls overs him the shingo comes and robs boths on the gorund, hilarious
  16. YakouchuuII-SatsujunKouru(JP) i posted this question before, but now maybe there is someone who actually knows a thing about it
  17. what i mean is anyone into 3d modelling like 3d studio, maya or the like
  18. i know magic engine is supposed to be the best, in my opinion that emu sucks, it looks and operates like a pre ww2 emu, maybe it has the best compatibility and stuff but is far away from being as gr8 as they say, gonna try others emu to see how they work, besides charging price for tat emu is insane
  19. although i have learnt a lot the past days about editing all by myself i was wandering if you knew were i could get more info about srpite editing as well as music ripping
  20. sorry aboyt my reply a bit drunken right now
  21. sorry know about spanish and some portuguese and french
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