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Everything posted by alexis

  1. omg my typing sicks lol well back to the topic yeah i kinda agree with you seems like many of the guys that play it are nerds or some kinda freaks, but i know many guys that play it and are cool, i myself am getting addicted, i am even thinking of making some paints and submit a portfolio
  2. i don´t think so, there are zillions of strategies and it is very cool too bad i am loking for some cards and can´t find them on my country and buying them from usa is almost impossible for the shippiing prices and stuff
  3. hi guys i was wondering if someone here plays magic cards it is funny that you see people playing it and think these guys are freaks but once yo uplay it it is really addictive and can´t stopthinking about it lol
  4. here is the link for the frontend http://bytezero.mgbr.net/ it´s in portuguese but you can download a patch for having it in enlgish some some other languages using a gamepad http://www.planetmugen.tk/ tutorial http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA016823/jo...ey/english.html proggie goodsound under xp http://vdmsound.sourceforge.net/ for vdmsound or http://www.softsystem.co.uk/ for soundfx so here is all the info any other topic or post related to this will be deleted if any questions, advices, more info etc. post it HERE
  5. closed topic there are already posts about this check previous posts or the pinned one
  6. these are screenshots from some emu no doubt about it
  7. hmmmmmmph i believe i already covered this topics already, there are some proggies for good xp sound. using a gamepad etc. etc., just look at the previous pists lazy people
  8. mp4 huh i don´t know much about it, can you people tell me more about it?
  9. hehehe i am using xp and i am already using a dos sound emulator well about the volume problem i will increase the volume of all the mp3 i thought that was just a problem of myself but i see now it is a common problem, well thnx a lot dude
  10. thank you a lot guys yes it was that virus and i wouldn´t even imagined so again thnx a lot, i think i solved it i really aprreciatte you got so concerned about it
  11. yeah i posted the link in some previous posts, cool you are a mod at mugenguild, that´s freaking good maybe i myself could ask for your help i have a prob and the mp3 i use in my mugen sound very low
  12. i was wondering how do oyu encode your mp3,i personally use the lame encoder and use vbr and a biterate about 190 or 200 kbps, that´s because i really like them to osund good and if i burned them on a music cd i would like to sound like the original one, so what about you guys? if any
  13. if only it were that easy =(
  14. it is better to not say anything till we know it for sure, OK?
  15. castlevania symphoby of the night for psx, in fact i would like to review it by myself
  16. ahhhh the never ending problem emulation and money
  17. hehehe i was gonna say it doesn´t sound like teckel about enigma i don´t think it´s him, he left the army or so i was told
  18. hehehe what´s the deal here with teckel, mmmmmmmmm does it has to sth to do with the enigma incident
  19. yeah i know what you mean, some times you think it just happens in movies, but it happens, even when you hear of it it seems not real but it is real, never thought that would happen to me i mean to remember a guy and then realise he is dead
  20. about the game being emulated, you never know, it can get emulated emulated before you think, on www.kofzero.com there is a samll article of the supposed svc chaos rom
  21. i saw some pics and i thin kit looks pretty godd and for what i have heard it plays pretty good also, i wish to play it guess i am gonna wait a while since i haven{t seen it on arcades
  22. yeah from what i have seen the game will be gr8,ok and there also will be a new release of samurai shodown, cool now they just have to make sequels for fatal fury kizuna enounter ninja masters last blade and kof of course
  23. yeas they work on xp, just get the latest version, and if you want more info you can visit the mugen fughters guild forums or some other char creation related site
  24. i don´t think it is a virus but i am not sure what it is so it could be, i am not on my pc right now and i can´t not remember exactly what happened i think that it said some archive finished unexpetectedly or there was some error on an archive, i just can tell you it is extremely annoying
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